
role model造句

role model造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:26:12


role model造句

  • 1、An envious friend will want what you have, but will look at you as her inspiration or arole model, and compete with you to get in the lead.(一個羨慕你的朋友想要你所擁有的,但會把你作為對她的激勵或是一個榜樣,然后與你競爭來超越你。)
  • 2、We are still facing some challengesto becoming arole model...(要成為典范,我們?nèi)孕杳鎸Σ簧偬魬?zhàn)……)
  • 3、When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as arole model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative.(但是,當涉及實際目標時,本杰明·富蘭克林可能會被視為這方面的榜樣,而向人們征求意見通常被證明是最佳選擇。)
  • 4、I think that he is an incrediblerole model.(我覺得他是一個不可思議的楷模。)
  • 5、This represents arole model for cleaner slaughterhouse operations.(這代表著更清潔的屠宰操作的模式。)
  • 6、Bogota, its capital, has emerged as arole model of urban reinvention.(首都波哥大已然成為城市改造的樣板。)
  • 7、Just what sort ofrole model are you for children?(僅僅是你在為孩子扮演何種角色?)
  • 8、You are a good manager and make a wonderfulrole model to motivate others.(是很好的管理者,并樹立了一個很好的激發(fā)他人的榜樣。)
  • 9、You’re a greatrole model, Dad.(你是一個偉大的模范,爸爸)
  • 10、This is the benefit of having a strongrole model.(這就是擁有一個好模范的益處。)
  • 11、"A father is a child'srole model, " she says.(她說:“父親是孩子的榜樣?!?
  • 12、By setting up arole model.(設立模范。)
  • 13、Germany did not become arole model by being hard-headed.(在頭腦冷靜方面,德國不是一個好的榜樣。)
  • 14、Be a positiverole model.(起到一個積極的示范作用。)
  • 15、The child's same-sex parent acts as arole model.(孩子的同性家長是孩子效仿的榜樣。)
  • 16、What betterrole model could you ask for than this?(你還能期待比這更好的榜樣嗎?)
  • 17、And I hope I'm being arole model for my children.(我希望為孩子們做了榜樣。)
  • 18、Not exactly therole model for longevity.(不完全起到長命百歲的作用。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、Maybe he's expressing his rightful position as eldest child androle model.(也許他是在表達自己作為長子和榜樣應有的地位。)
  • 20、Perhaps the Swedish chef from the muppets is yourrole model instead?(也許你提線木偶里的瑞典廚師是你的榜樣?)
  • 21、A long-forgotten story might serve as arole model for Greece.(一則被遺忘已久的故事或許可以為希臘樹立一個榜樣。)
  • 22、More than that, he is arole model: he excels in "managing serendipity".(更有甚者,他還是一個“善于把握大運”的榜樣呢。)
  • 23、Secondly, by being a positiverole model for their children, parents can shape their characters to a great extent.(其次,通過成為孩子的積極榜樣,父母可以在很大程度上塑造他們的性格。)
  • 24、Be a goodrole model.(成為一個好的榜樣。)
  • 25、Are you arole model for children?(你是孩子們的榜樣嗎?)
  • 26、Do you have arole model?(你有自己的榜樣嗎?)

role model基本釋義

role model

英 [r?ul ?m?d?l] 美 [rol ?mɑdl] 
第三人稱復數(shù):role models
