
run a race造句

run a race造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:26:02


run a race造句

  • 1、A healthy amount of fear can actually be beneficial because it helps you stay motivated to continue with your training and run a smart race.(適量的擔(dān)心是有益的,因?yàn)樗苤惚3謩?dòng)力來繼續(xù)訓(xùn)練并且在比賽中讓你跑的漂亮。)
  • 2、For example, if you can race a 5-K at 7:40 per mile, you should run your max VO2 workouts at 7:20 to 7:30 pace.(比如,如果你的5千米比賽配速是7分40秒/英里,那么你就可以用7分20秒到7分30秒的配速進(jìn)行你的訓(xùn)練。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、Plant a tree or garden, or memorialize the person in some fitting way, such as running in a charity run or walk (a breast cancer race, for example) in honor of the lost loved one.(栽一棵樹或者種些花,或者再找一些其它合適的方式來紀(jì)念死者,如參加一些慈善活動(dòng)(如為乳腺癌籌集善款的慈善賽跑)來紀(jì)念生之所愛。)
  • 4、For recovery after a long run, tough workout or race, nothing beats an ice bath.(長跑、高強(qiáng)度鍛煉或跑步比賽之后,要想身體快速地恢復(fù),冰浴是再好不過的選擇。)
  • 5、But today, relations among states are discussed very much like a competition or race, and few have run it as well as China in the modern era.(但今天,我們談?wù)摰膰谊P(guān)系很像是一場(chǎng)競賽或是賽跑,在現(xiàn)在這個(gè)時(shí)代沒有幾個(gè)國家跑得像中國這樣好。)
  • 6、The average man may run a 100-meter race faster than the average woman and lift heavier weights.(一般男性可能在百米賽跑中比一般女性速度更快,也可以舉起更重的重量。)
  • 7、Let'srun a race.(讓我們賽跑吧。)
  • 8、run a race against yourself and make progress everyday.(每天進(jìn)步一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),學(xué)會(huì)跟自己比賽!)
  • 9、If you're doing a long run or race (such as a marathon), you can do a "salt shot" before you start running, to get some extra salt.(如果是為了長跑或者參加競賽(如馬拉松),你還可以在起跑前做一點(diǎn)“補(bǔ)鹽”活動(dòng),以攝取更多的鹽分。)
  • 10、Shortly after that race I got it in my head that I could run a marathon.(在這次比賽后不久,我腦海中有了一個(gè)念頭:我也許可以跑馬拉松。)
  • 11、I accepted his challenge torun a race.(我接受了和他賽跑的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 12、This is a great song to get you pumped up for a big run or race.(這是一首非常好的歌曲,它能讓你對(duì)大型的比賽或跑步振奮起來。)
  • 13、If you want to gorun a race, for example, you train beforehand.(就像你要想賽跑事先需要練習(xí)一樣。)
  • 14、When you run your own tests with these Web servers, you'll have the feeling that you showed up at a race track with a go-kart.(當(dāng)使用這些Web服務(wù)器運(yùn)行測(cè)試時(shí),您會(huì)感覺好像是在賽道上駕駛一輛微型賽車。)
  • 15、If you dorun a race without training, you might simply run out of breath and have to walk. You might even have to stop altogether, or worse yet, you might get injured.(如果你不練習(xí)就去參加比賽,你會(huì)很快上氣不接下氣而不得不停下來走,或者更嚴(yán)重的你也許為受傷。)
  • 16、Training for a race is a great way to stay motivated to run.(訓(xùn)練比賽是保持跑步動(dòng)力的好辦法。)
  • 17、In such a close-run race as this election, the campaign becomes all important.(在這場(chǎng)難分伯仲的競選中,參選活動(dòng)就愈發(fā)關(guān)鍵。)
  • 18、Then run 800 meters at moderate intensity (a little slower than your 10-k race pace), and do two to four 100-meter strides.(然后以中等強(qiáng)度跑800米(比10000米比賽的速度要慢),做2到8個(gè)跨欄跑。)
  • 19、He sent a challenge torun a race.(他發(fā)出了賽跑比賽的挑戰(zhàn)書。)
  • 20、Here are three ways to choose a realistic marathon time goal, which will help you decide how fast to train and how fast to run on race day.(下面有三種決定現(xiàn)實(shí)的馬拉松的時(shí)間目標(biāo)的方法,這將幫助你決定你在鍛煉時(shí)跑多快,正式比賽那天又是多快。)
  • 21、Let'srun a race and I bet that I will win.(我們賽跑吧,我打賭肯定是我贏。)
  • 22、run a race in the sun.(在太陽底下跑步。)
  • 23、I'm going torun a race.(我將要參加賽跑。)
  • 24、In three easy-to-read stories, readers follow Raymond on a typical super-fast day, see him make a new friend, andrun a race!(書中講述了三個(gè)有關(guān)雷蒙德的小故事,語言簡單明了,通俗易懂。小朋友們趕快跟隨雷蒙德,看看他交朋友和跑步的速度有多么快吧!)
  • 25、He should be asking you questions about what type of running you do, how often you run, where you typically run, if you're training for a race, and what type of surfaces you run on.(他應(yīng)該問你一些問題關(guān)于你做什么類型的跑步,多久跑一次,一般在哪兒跑,和你在什么類型的表面上跑。)

run a race基本釋義

run a race

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