
rhetorical question造句

rhetorical question造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:26:24


rhetorical question造句

  • 1、A strong ending with arhetorical question.(一個有力的反問結(jié)局。)
  • 2、That's not arhetorical question.(這并不是一個諷刺的問題。)
  • 3、Granted, there might be an exception for a clearrhetorical question, but that's not this case.(假如其是一個清楚的反問句則是例外,但那已經(jīng)不是本案了。)
  • 4、I don't care what the difference is "is the meaning of therhetorical question."(我不管區(qū)別在哪“,是這個修辭的問句的意思?!? haO86.com
  • 5、In semantic content, therhetorical question focuses on manners and conditions rather than declarative themes.(在語義上,該類句子反詰的側(cè)重點在于方式、條件,而非陳述之主體。)
  • 6、The paper discusses the two types of therhetorical question: explicit question with ambiguous answer and question without answer.(本文討論設(shè)問的兩種特殊類型:實問虛答與只問不答。)
  • 7、To explain why, let me answer arhetorical question posed by Professor John Taylor of Stanford University in a recent op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal.(為了解釋其中的理由,我先回答斯坦福大學(xué)教授約翰·泰勒最近在《華爾街日報》發(fā)表的一篇文章中提出的一個反問。)
  • 8、To placate Kostya, Emil posed arhetorical question: If Bomka has forgotten about us, why are we still getting monthly checks?(為了安撫克斯特亞,埃米爾反問他:如果博卡真的把我們給忘了的話,為什么我們每月仍然能收到他的支票?)
  • 9、This is a bit of arhetorical question.(這是一個帶點修辭意味的問題。)
  • 10、Can you turn the declarative sentence into arhetorical question?(你能把這個陳述句改成反問句嗎?)
  • 11、The answer to therhetorical question is that we can't tell the difference between the dancer and the dance.(這個問句的答案是,我們無法辨別舞者和舞蹈。)
  • 12、I'm sorry, I didn't reply because I thought it was arhetorical question!(對不起,當(dāng)時我沒有回答,因為我認為這是個無需回答的問題!)
  • 13、That's arhetorical question, of course you should.(這是一個修辭性問題,你當(dāng)然應(yīng)該。)
  • 14、Though this is arhetorical question and I do not care much about a specific case which was mentioned in docs.(雖然這是一個反問句,我不在乎一個具體案例中提到的文件。)
  • 15、Archie, of course, can't stand this because for him it's perfectly clear that arhetorical question is arhetorical question.(阿齊當(dāng)然無法忍受,因為對他來說,很明顯修辭問句就是修辭問句。)
  • 16、As arhetorical question, we ask ourselves: do we design them to be slightly weaker knowing they will get better and better over time?(我們也在反問自己“你是不是把DK設(shè)計成開始很弱越來越強的角色?”)
  • 17、Do you doubt that you will be paid? seems to pose arhetorical question (.(你懷疑人家會賴帳嗎?似乎就成了一個反問句(。你當(dāng)然相信人家不會賴帳了。)
  • 18、'Don't you care what I do?' he asked, but it was arhetorical question.(“我做什么,難道你不關(guān)心嗎?”他問道,可那是個反問。)
  • 19、He said, 'Where's Daddy gone? On holiday?' It was arhetorical question and it broke my heart.(“他說,我爸爸去哪里了,度假去了嗎?”那是個難以解答的令我心碎的問題。)
  • 20、That's not arhetorical question. It's a genuine puzzle that societies will find themselves confronting in coming decades.(這可不是一個反問,而是在未來幾十年里社會要面臨的真正的難題。)
  • 21、He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to hisrhetorical question.(他稍稍做了個苦相,顯然并不指望對他的修辭性設(shè)問有所回答。)
  • 22、If you were yelling out loud to your screen, it was really more of arhetorical question.(如果你對著顯示器大喊大叫,那就有問題了。)

rhetorical question基本釋義

rhetorical question

英 [r??t?:r?k?l ?kwest??n] 美 [r??t?r?k?l ?kw?st??n] 
