ride a bike造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:26:21


ride a bike造句

  • 1、Iride a bike. How about you?(我騎自行車,你呢?)
  • 2、When youride a bike, you exercise all of the leg muscles.(騎自行車時(shí),你可以鍛煉腿部的全部肌肉。)
  • 3、He's going toride a bike home.(他將要騎自行車回家。)
  • 4、I am not a learner as such – I used toride a bike years ago.(我不是個(gè)準(zhǔn)確意義上的初學(xué)者–我多年前常常騎自行車。)
  • 5、Do you need toride a bike to school?(你需要騎車上學(xué)嗎?)
  • 6、I usuallyride a bike.(我通常騎自行車。)
  • 7、You need strong nerves toride a bike in London.(在倫敦騎自行車,你可得有膽量。)
  • 8、How often do youride a bike?(你多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間騎一次自行車?)
  • 9、Shall we walk orride a bike?(我們是步行還是騎車?)
  • 10、Sometimes I have toride a bike.(有時(shí)候我還得騎自行車。)
  • 11、You can take your family toride a bike.(你可以帶家人一起騎自行車。)
  • 12、But remember be careful when youride a bike.(但是請(qǐng)記住,騎車的時(shí)候要小心。)
  • 13、It's hard for me toride a bike.(對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)騎自行車很難。)
  • 14、I think I canride a bike.(我想我能騎自行車。)
  • 15、orride a bike to work.(或是騎自行車去上班。)
  • 16、A robot learned toride a bike.(一個(gè)機(jī)器人學(xué)會(huì)了騎自行車。)
  • 17、Let'sride a bike to the park.(讓我們騎自行車去公園吧。)
  • 18、Whyride a bike When You Can Ride a Horse Bike?(為何當(dāng)你可以騎“馬自行車”時(shí),還騎自行車?)
  • 19、He started toride a bike again.(他又重新開(kāi)始騎自行車。)
  • 20、Robots canride a bike.(機(jī)器人會(huì)騎自行車。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 21、Instead, you have to go for a walk,ride a bike, or swim at least an hour.(相反,你必須至少花一個(gè)小時(shí)走路,騎車或者游泳。)
  • 22、B. Do you oftenride a bike to school?(你經(jīng)常騎自行車上學(xué)嗎?)
  • 23、Teach your child how toride a bike.(教孩子騎自行車。)
  • 24、Besides cutting hair, he has learned toride a bike, a motorbike and even to drive a car.(除了剪頭發(fā),他還學(xué)會(huì)了騎自行車、摩托車,甚至開(kāi)車。)
  • 25、May weride a bike?(我們?nèi)ヲT自行車好嗎?)
  • 26、Take a hike (orride a bike).(6?徒步(或騎自行車)。)
  • 27、My father taught me how toride a bike.(我父親教會(huì)了我騎自行車。)
  • 28、Yes, it canride a bike.(是的,它會(huì)騎自行車。)

ride a bike基本釋義
