
rocking chair造句

rocking chair造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:26:13


rocking chair造句

  • 1、He rocked back and forth in hisrocking chair.(他坐在搖椅里前后搖晃著。)
  • 2、Jamie sat in therocking chair.(杰米坐上了搖椅。)
  • 3、But the Devil is awfully strong, stronger than any oldrocking chair, and pretty soon therocking chair flew apart.(可是魔鬼特別結(jié)實(shí),任何一把搖椅也奈何不了他,不一會(huì)兒,搖椅就散架了。)
  • 4、There was a rusty lawnmower, a broken wicker laundry basket, a blue china saucer with a crack in the house, and a canerocking chair with a hole in the seat.(屋子里有一臺(tái)生了銹的割草機(jī)、一個(gè)破了的柳條編成的洗衣籃、一只藍(lán)色的缺了口的陶瓷碟子,還有一把座位上破了個(gè)洞的藤制搖椅。)
  • 5、The lawyer was sitting in arocking chair beside the coffin, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.(律師坐在靈柩邊的一把搖椅里,仰著頭,閉著眼。)
  • 6、She placed a circle of carpet swatches on the tile floor and put a small woodenrocking chair at the front.(然后用碎地毯片片鋪在地上,圍成一圈,放把搖椅在圈子中間。)
  • 7、The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in arocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers.(埃爾潘最接近休息的時(shí)候是坐在搖椅上看半打報(bào)紙的時(shí)光。)
  • 8、There's arocking chair in my bedroom.(在我的臥室里有一把搖椅。)
  • 9、The old rotten porch slanted forward to the ground, among vines, with a nice oldrocking chair that I sat in every morning to read my Diamond Sutra.(古老風(fēng)化了的門廊向前方地面傾斜,在葡萄藤中間,伴隨一張我每天早上都喜歡坐在上面閱讀《金剛經(jīng)》的精細(xì)陳舊搖椅。)
  • 10、Our main products are baby bath chair, babyrocking chair, crib.(我司主營產(chǎn)品有嬰兒洗澡椅,嬰兒搖椅,嬰兒床。)
  • 11、B. But I liked you oldrocking chair. It was comfortable.(但是我喜歡你的舊搖椅。它很舒服。)
  • 12、The findings may explain why parents instinctively rock babies to sleep, and why we find it so easy to nod off when slumped in arocking chair, they add.(他們還說,這項(xiàng)發(fā)現(xiàn)或許可以解釋父母本能的搖晃嬰兒睡覺的原因,也可以解釋為何我們一躺在搖椅上就會(huì)打盹。)
  • 13、As they thickened, he leaned his head back against therocking chair.(隨著云彩慢慢變厚,他將頭又靠向了搖椅。)
  • 14、This to-and-fro approach is called a "rocking chair" design.(這種往回式方法稱為“搖椅(rockingchair)”式設(shè)計(jì)。)
  • 15、You can find more info about thisrocking chair from PID.(您可以找到有關(guān)這個(gè)從PID搖椅更多信息。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 16、Why did the man put wheels on hisrocking chair?(為什么這個(gè)男的把車輪放在他的搖椅上?)
  • 17、The old man just sits on hisrocking chair on the porch from day to day.(這老人只是一天天地坐在玄關(guān)處的石椅上。)
  • 18、A. I think you'll like my newrocking chair.(我想你會(huì)喜歡我的新?lián)u椅。)
  • 19、Judith was sitting in arocking chair by the window.(朱迪絲坐在窗邊的搖椅上。)
  • 20、Worrying is like arocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.(憂慮就像坐在搖椅上,只會(huì)原地?fù)u,哪里也到不了。)
  • 21、She was in the metalrocking chair she'd had since before I was born, olive-green seat cushions and floral ironwork along the arms.(她坐的那個(gè)金屬搖椅,是在生我之前就有了的,鋪著橄欖綠的坐墊,還有帶花紋的鑄鐵扶手。)
  • 22、Fear and worry is kind of like arocking chair: it keeps you going, but you don't get anywhere!(擔(dān)憂和恐懼就象一把搖椅:它讓你擺動(dòng),但卻去不了任何地方。)
  • 23、It was a little after seven when he stopped and settled back into hisrocking chair.(七點(diǎn)多時(shí),他停了下來,坐回了搖椅。)
  • 24、I retired to the back porch with my two brothers and brother-in-law, and sat down in arocking chair with a sigh.(我和我的兩個(gè)兄弟和連襟一起到后長廊去,坐在搖椅里閑談。)
  • 25、You were always nursing a child while rocking him/her in arocking chair.(而你總是在搖著搖椅照看一個(gè)孩子。)
  • 26、No one wants to be sitting in arocking chair at age 80, wishing that they had taken that trip when they had the chance.(沒有人想在80歲的時(shí)候坐著搖椅,感嘆要是還有機(jī)會(huì),一定去旅行。)

rocking chair基本釋義

rocking chair

英 [?r?ki? t???] 美 [?rɑk?? t??r] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):rocking chairs
