scale up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:38


scale up造句

  • 1、The Iranians say their next aim is toscale up to 54,000 centrifuges.(伊朗人說(shuō)他們下個(gè)目標(biāo)是把規(guī)模擴(kuò)大到5.4萬(wàn)臺(tái)。)
  • 2、They fly down from the sky orscale up the building and linger there.(他們從天空中飛下,或者,攀登上建筑物,在那里留戀徜徉。)
  • 3、Well, here's an intriguing solution – vertical gardens thatscale up buildings.(嗯,這兒有一個(gè)有趣的解決方案——沿著大廈向上擴(kuò)展的空中花園。)
  • 4、The challenge is to scale these efforts up.(挑戰(zhàn)是要去擴(kuò)展這些努力。)
  • 5、So next year don't pick up the scale.(明年我不會(huì)再帶天平來(lái)了。)
  • 6、We need toscale up two-way trade.(我們要擴(kuò)大雙向貿(mào)易規(guī)模。)
  • 7、Which provides basis for future reaction scale-up.(為未來(lái)的反應(yīng)放大提供了依據(jù)。)
  • 8、The ITF should include the ability toscale up the number of parallel requests.(ITF應(yīng)當(dāng)具備按比例增加并行請(qǐng)求數(shù)量的能力。)
  • 9、Once youscale up to the organization level, there are additional challenges.(當(dāng)你提升了組織的級(jí)別,另外一些挑戰(zhàn)又出現(xiàn)了。)
  • 10、Stay at the lower end of the scale (11-13) and build up over several weeks.(保持在評(píng)測(cè)表較低的水平(11-13),幾周后再逐步提升。)
  • 11、For now, stick with 1 - you can alwaysscale up later.(目前,保持1即可—以后隨時(shí)可以擴(kuò)展。)
  • 12、In numerous countries,scale up companies are replacing people with computers.(在許多國(guó)家有越來(lái)越多的公司使用電子計(jì)算機(jī)來(lái)代替人。)
  • 13、Melodies that are just running up and down a scale — neighboring tones.(級(jí)進(jìn)旋律是指在整個(gè)音階的,相鄰音符上跑動(dòng)的旋律。)
  • 14、Sure, you can scale out orscale up, but you can also choose to program better.(當(dāng)然你可以擴(kuò)展或擴(kuò)大,但是你也可以選擇更好的編程。)
  • 15、But the scale of the losses has crept up again in recent years (see chart).(但是,虧損的規(guī)模近年來(lái)再次逐步攀升(見(jiàn)圖表)。)
  • 16、The incidence rate of Asthma has been going up on a global scale.(全球的哮喘發(fā)病率在上升。)
  • 17、Yeah, remember we had — he was coming up a minor scale.(好吧,記得我們?cè)?jīng),他首先來(lái)了段小調(diào)音階。)
  • 18、The solar power willscale up to produce all the energy of earth's people.(該太陽(yáng)能發(fā)電站將最高可擴(kuò)充到生產(chǎn)出所有的能量地球的人。)
  • 19、And the further up the income scale you went, the better the rich did.(而且,人民的所得等級(jí)越往上,有錢(qián)人越是不成比例地越富裕。)
  • 20、The goal of the mini iteration is to quicklyscale up the team's competency.(微小迭代的目標(biāo)是快速地按比例增加團(tuán)隊(duì)的能力。)
  • 21、This process is easy toscale up with lower material cost, simple and convenient operation.(該工藝具有生產(chǎn)成本低、操作簡(jiǎn)便和易于工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)等特點(diǎn)。)
  • 22、[Management needs to observe what works and then scale it up].([管理層應(yīng)當(dāng)觀(guān)察哪些是管用的,并讓它向上伸縮]。)
  • 23、It's easy to go up to a third scale, but difficult to a seventh.(音階上升三度容易,上升七度就難了。)
  • 24、And what we find is that these resultsscale up.(和我們發(fā)現(xiàn)的是,這些結(jié)果擴(kuò)大。)
  • 25、It is therefore necessary toscale up the results of model tests.(因而,需要放大模型試驗(yàn)的結(jié)果。)
  • 26、With cloud computing, companies canscale up to massive capacities in an instant.(通過(guò)云計(jì)算,企業(yè)也可以在瞬間大規(guī)模的擴(kuò)充容量。)
  • 27、You must have the ability toscale up as subscriptions grow.(必須能夠隨著訂閱的增長(zhǎng)進(jìn)行擴(kuò)展。)

scale up基本釋義

scale up

英 [skeil ?p] 美 [skel ?p] 

按比例增加[提高]; 按某種比例增加