sell well造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:01


sell well造句

  • 1、This company's productssell well at home.(這家公司的產(chǎn)品在國(guó)內(nèi)銷售得很好。)
  • 2、These new drugssell well.(這些新藥銷路很好。)
  • 3、Problems: Not all websitessell well.(問(wèn)題:不是所有的網(wǎng)站都暢銷。)
  • 4、These goods didn'tsell well merely because of the poor packing.(這些產(chǎn)品由于包裝不好影響了銷售。)
  • 5、Although the computers were generally acclaimed, they did notsell well.(盡管這款計(jì)算機(jī)得到普遍的認(rèn)可,銷量卻不如人意。)
  • 6、The orangessell well.(這些橘子很暢銷。)
  • 7、You mainly make beauty products whichsell well.(你們主要生產(chǎn)美容品,產(chǎn)品很暢銷。)
  • 8、Our product rs sure tosell well at such prices.(我們的產(chǎn)品以這個(gè)價(jià)錢(qián)出售一定會(huì)很好賣。)
  • 9、These applessell well.(這些蘋(píng)果很好賣。)
  • 10、The iPhone 4 continues tosell well, but in the past six months, other companies have released several devices that expand beyond the iPhone's features.(iPhone4仍然暢銷,但在過(guò)去的6個(gè)月中,其他公司發(fā)布的手機(jī)在一些功能上超越了iPhone。)
  • 11、Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products thatsell well and have overstocks of others.(那些必須在銷售季節(jié)之前就確定新產(chǎn)品要生產(chǎn)多少的公司,往往會(huì)生產(chǎn)出銷量好的產(chǎn)品,而其他產(chǎn)品則庫(kù)存過(guò)剩。)
  • 12、Published to mark the 70th anniversary of the battle of Britain, this book shouldsell well.(因該書(shū)出版恰好標(biāo)志著紀(jì)念不列顛之戰(zhàn)70周年,所以應(yīng)該很暢銷。)
  • 13、We didn''t choose them. It was the people selling the book who chose the title, because it wouldsell well.(題目并不是我們選的,是那些賣書(shū)的人選了這個(gè)名字,因?yàn)檫@樣會(huì)好賣些。)
  • 14、Yet hit albums can stillsell well.(然而打擊下的專輯仍然賣的不錯(cuò)。)
  • 15、At present, Christmas presentssell well in every shop.(目前,圣誕禮物在各家商店都很熱銷。)
  • 16、The coatssell well.(這些外套銷路很好。)
  • 17、Not surprisingly, it didn'tsell well.(毫不意外的是,它的銷售狀況并不好。)
  • 18、Our productssell well in the international market especially in Europe and America.(我們的產(chǎn)品銷售,以及在國(guó)際市場(chǎng)上特別是在歐洲和美洲。)
  • 19、The latest model carssell well.(這種最新型的汽車賣得很好。)
  • 20、Our dictionariessell well.(我們的字典很暢銷。)
  • 21、How-to books on gardeningsell well in this bookstore.(園藝入門(mén)的書(shū)在這家書(shū)店很暢銷。)
  • 22、Why does this booksell well?(那本書(shū)為什么這么暢銷?)
  • 23、The company believes the products willsell well in the run-up to Christmas.(該公司相信這些產(chǎn)品在圣誕節(jié)前夕將會(huì)銷得很好。)
  • 24、While each shipment replenishes items thatsell well, each also includes new items.(每次運(yùn)貨都會(huì)去補(bǔ)足那些暢銷品同時(shí)也會(huì)上新品。)

sell well基本釋義

sell well

英 [sel wel] 美 [s?l w?l] 

暢銷; 易于銷售,行銷; 俏銷; 俏