
send an e-mail造句

send an e-mail造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:25:00


send an e-mail造句

  • 1、The main program is nothing more than a loop to get the current stock price, check to see if it's in band, and, if not,send an e-mail alert to the user.(主程序只是一個循環(huán),用來獲得股票的當(dāng)前價格,檢查價格是否在所限定的范圍內(nèi),如果不在就發(fā)送e-mail警告來提醒用戶。) hAo86.com
  • 2、When the user clicks on the customer E-mail address, a compose page is shown, allowing the user tosend an e-mail to this customer.(當(dāng)用戶單擊客戶電子郵件地址時,系統(tǒng)會顯示一個撰寫郵件頁,用戶可以通過該頁面將電子郵件發(fā)送給客戶。)
  • 3、Modifications can be made easily tosend an e-mail, flash the "ThinkLight," or play a sound file based on the user's manipulation of the ThinkPad.(根據(jù)用戶對ThinkPad的操作發(fā)送一封電子郵件、閃爍“ThinkLight”或播放一個聲音文件,這些都可以輕松地完成。)
  • 4、Don't justsend an e-mail, be seen.(不要只發(fā)送電子郵件待觀察。)
  • 5、This compensation service is programmed tosend an e-mail to the manufacturing plant administrator to inform him or her to void the previous order.(這個補(bǔ)償服務(wù)被安排向制造廠的管理者發(fā)送電子郵件來通知他或她取消前面的訂單。)
  • 6、Not having received a reply, the anxious mother decided tosend an e-mail to her daughter abroad again.(由于沒有收到回信,這位焦急的母親決定再給她在國外的女兒發(fā)一封電子郵件。)
  • 7、When you use the Web orsend an e-mail message, you use a domain name to do it.(當(dāng)你使用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)或發(fā)送電子郵件時,用的是域名。)
  • 8、You cansend an e-mail, a letter through snail mail, or heck, just call them.(你可以發(fā)送封電子郵件,一封平郵信件,或是打電話給他們。)
  • 9、Write about your fears on your blog,send an e-mail to a friend or family member or chat with them.(把你的恐懼寫在你的博客上,寫封電郵給朋友或家庭成員或者與他們聊天。)
  • 10、Do they click a Contact link and thensend an e-mail?(他們是否會單擊一個“聯(lián)系人”鏈接,然后發(fā)送電子郵件?)
  • 11、If you ever publicly challenge me again, I'll do more thansend an e-mail.(如果你再次公開挑戰(zhàn)我,我就不只是發(fā)郵件了。)
  • 12、I need tosend an e-mail. Can I use your computer, Miss?(我要發(fā)個電子郵件,小姐,我可以用一下你的電腦嗎?)
  • 13、You shouldsend an e-mail only, make clear the picture that wants plate making or unvarnished requirement, we will offer the sample of high quality for you.(你只要發(fā)個e-MAIL,注明所需制版的圖片或原樣的要求,我們將為您提供高質(zhì)量的樣品。)
  • 14、They are abroad in a world where they can watch the Super Bowl live from a Moscow sports bar orsend an e-mail from an Internet café in Prague.(他們在國外,在莫斯科酒館里看超級碗直播,在布拉格的網(wǎng)吧里發(fā)郵件。)
  • 15、5To find out more about exploratory testing and TMap,send an e-mail to tmapadmin@sogeti.nl and request the paper by T. Koomen, Exploratory testing and TMap.(5要找更多的有關(guān)探索測試和TMap的內(nèi)容,請發(fā)送郵件到tmapadmin@sogeti.nl,索要T.Koomen,ExploratorytestingandTMap論文。)
  • 16、Think twice: When the time come to resign, "do notsend an e-mail or a letter without letting it sit on your desk for 24 hours," says Polachi.(再次考慮:當(dāng)你要辭職的時候,“不要急著發(fā)送電子郵件或是信件,如果它們沒在你的辦公桌上呆上24個小時的話”,Polachi說。)
  • 17、An attacker cansend an e-mail about a banking Web site to a user.(攻擊者可以將有關(guān)網(wǎng)銀站點(diǎn)的電子郵件發(fā)給用戶。)
  • 18、To add a Business Data List Web Part to your site andsend an e-mail message.(在網(wǎng)站中添加業(yè)務(wù)數(shù)據(jù)列表部件來發(fā)送一條Email信息。)
  • 19、Do you oftensend an e-mail to your friends?(你經(jīng)常給朋友發(fā)電子郵件嗎?)
  • 20、Isend an e-mail to him yesterday.(昨天我跟他發(fā)了一個郵件。)
  • 21、Do you want tosend an e-mail?(你想發(fā)一封電子郵件嗎?)
  • 22、For example, say you want tosend an e-mail of an ASCII text file to another user.(例如,假設(shè)希望把一個包含ASCII文本文件的電子郵件發(fā)送給另一個用戶。)
  • 23、To complete the book order, you need tosend an e-mail confirmation as part of the order process.(要完成圖書的訂單,您需要將電子郵件形式的確認(rèn)函作為訂單處理的一部分發(fā)送。)
  • 24、You can post a link to Twitter or Facebook, orsend an e-mail link to friends.(你可以向Twitter或Facebook發(fā)布一個鏈接,或者向朋友們發(fā)送一個電子郵件鏈接。)
  • 25、Users fill out the form and click Submit, which instructs the mail server tosend an e-mail message to a designated E-mail account.(用戶將填寫表單,并單擊Submit,此操作將告知郵件服務(wù)器向指定的電子郵件帳戶發(fā)送電子郵件。)
  • 26、You want tosend an e-mail alert to the instance owner to inform them of the outcome of the flow and the name of the new instance.(您可能想向?qū)嵗龘碛姓甙l(fā)送一封提醒電子郵件,通知他們流結(jié)果和新實(shí)例的名稱。)
  • 27、When yousend an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a sound or whatever.(當(dāng)發(fā)送電子郵件時,你還可以把一份文件作為附件發(fā)送,該文件可以是圖片、程序、或聲音文件等。)
  • 28、You cansend an e-mail to the mailing list.(你可以給我們的郵件列表發(fā)郵件。)

send an e-mail基本釋義
