
send away造句

send away造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:00


send away造句

  • 1、In the west people oftensend away for goods, while can save their a lot of times.(在西方,人們通常郵購商品,因?yàn)檫@樣可以節(jié)省很多的時(shí)間。)
  • 2、According to tradition, families usuallysend away the Ghost of Poverty on this day.(各家各戶在初六有送“窮鬼”的傳統(tǒng)。)
  • 3、He wants tosend away for some books.(他想寫信去要一些書。)
  • 4、You must, you mustsend away this friend of yours.(你必須,你必須把你的朋友送走。)
  • 5、And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he maysend away your other brother, and Benjamin.(但愿全能的神使你們?cè)谀侨嗣媲懊蓱z憫,釋放你們的那弟兄和便雅憫回來。)
  • 6、Command the Israelites tosend away from the camp anyone who has an infectious skin disease or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body.(你吩咐以色列人,使一切長大麻瘋的,患漏癥的,并因死尸不潔凈的,都出營外去。)
  • 7、In the west, people oftensend away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time.(在西方,人們常常郵購商品,這可以節(jié)省許多時(shí)間。)
  • 8、Will: Did you buy all these books retail. or do yousend away for-like a "shrink kit. " that comes with all these volumes included?(威爾:你這些書是一本一本零買的,還是有“精神病醫(yī)生叢書”那樣成套的可以訂購的?。)
  • 9、New Year's day dawn, people put some money tucked into the New Year's eve plunge in advance, throw down good scarecrow crossroads and said,send away the evil meet lucky star.(元旦黎明,人們把一些鈔票塞進(jìn)了除夕預(yù)先扎好的稻草人中,扔到十字路口,表示送走邪惡,迎接吉祥福星。)
  • 10、BEAR: Hey! I know how you cansend away for the submarine right away and keep your train set.(小熊:嗨!我知道怎么才能立刻去郵購這艘潛水艇,還能保留你的玩具火車。)
  • 11、send away male and female alike; send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them.(無論男女,都要使他們出到營外,免得污穢他們的營。這營是我住的。)
  • 12、According gto tradition, families usuallysend away the Ghost of Poverty on this day.(各家各戶在初六有送膻“窮鬼”的傳統(tǒng)。)
  • 13、His eyes were filled with warmth and compassion and love for the child he had tosend away, like Moses, in a small basket drifting across a long, seemingly endless sea to another place, another world.(他的眼睛充滿溫暖和同情和對(duì)他必須放棄對(duì)孩子的愛,象摩西一樣,在漂流過一個(gè)長,好象無限的海洋到另一個(gè)地方,另一個(gè)世界的一個(gè)小籃里。) Hao86.com
  • 14、But the Mermaid shook her head. 'thou hast a human soul,' she answered. 'If only thou would 'stsend away thy soul, then could I love thee.'(但是美人魚卻搖了搖頭。“你有人類的靈魂,”她答道,“除非你送走你的靈魂,我才能愛你。”)
  • 15、This kind of bomb is actually send out from unknown address, great amount, huge capacity, full of chaos codes and nonsense mails. Most of the timesend away same mail repeatedly.(這類炸彈實(shí)質(zhì)上是發(fā)送地址不詳、數(shù)量巨、容量龐大、充滿亂碼或沒有意義的垃圾郵件,大多數(shù)時(shí)候通過大量重復(fù)發(fā)送信件來實(shí)現(xiàn)。)
  • 16、By doing this Chinese people wish tosend away poverty and welcome the beautiful days and good luck in the New Year.(這個(gè)習(xí)俗寓意趕走貧窮,新的一年迎來好日子和好運(yùn)氣。)
  • 17、Betty would rather that her husband didn'tsend away the cleaning lady, but he will anyway.(貝蒂寧愿她丈夫不把清潔女工打發(fā)走,但他無論如何都會(huì)的。)
  • 18、I want tosend away for some books I need.(我想發(fā)函購買我需要的一些書籍。)
  • 19、In the West, people oftensend away for goods, which can save them a lot of time.(在西方,人們常常郵購商品,這可節(jié)省許多時(shí)間。)
  • 20、We had tosend away to the factory for spare parts.(我們只得向工廠函購零件。)
  • 21、We cansend away some of the lunch and a great deal of the dinner.(我們可以送走一些午餐和大部分晚餐。)
  • 22、Do you remember where tosend away for the replacements?(你記得向哪里去函購替換件嗎?)
  • 23、In the west, people oftensend away for goods, which can save them a lot of time.(在西方,人們常常郵購商品,這樣可以節(jié)省很多時(shí)間。)
  • 24、When we lived in the countryside, we had tosend away for many things we needed.(我們住在鄉(xiāng)下時(shí),許多東西都得匯錢到外地函購。)

send away基本釋義

send away

英 [send ??wei] 美 [s?nd ??we] 
派遣; 發(fā)送; 攆走; 解雇