send up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:59


send up造句

  • 1、I'llsend up a toothbrush right away.(我想要一支牙刷和一支刮胡刀。)
  • 2、The administrator has the ability tosend up to three autoreminders per reservation.(管理員最多可為每個預(yù)訂發(fā)送三個自動提醒。)
  • 3、As is reported, China willsend up another man-made satellite.(據(jù)報道中國將再發(fā)射一顆人造衛(wèi)星。)
  • 4、It is said that China is going tosend up a spaceship.(據(jù)說中國打算發(fā)射宇宙飛船。)
  • 5、Something bad or unexpected can happen when peoplesend up a self-controlled flying machine like a drone without knowing how to really control it.(當人們在不知道如何真正控制它的情況下發(fā)射一個像無人機一樣的自我控制飛行機器時,可能會發(fā)生一些糟糕或意想不到的事情。)
  • 6、'I hope, my dear, ' said Mr Bennet to his wife at breakfast the next morning, 'that you have told the cook tosend up a good dinner today, as I am expecting a visitor.'(“親愛的,我希望你已經(jīng)通知過廚師今天送上一份像樣的晚飯,我有客人來?!钡诙煸顼埡蟀嗉{特先生對妻子說。)
  • 7、Engineers with aerospace giant Lockheed Martin want tosend up astronauts into stationary orbit above Earth's best-known natural satellite to study it further.(而來自航空業(yè)巨頭洛克希德馬丁公司的工程師們則想把宇航員送到地球上空的最有名的天然衛(wèi)星靜止軌道再做深入的研究。)
  • 8、On a test run the prior month, they found that they couldsend up to 7,000 texts on some days, which prompted their record-breaking attempt the following month.(在測試進行的前一個月,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)在某些日子里,他們每天可以發(fā)送高達7000條短信。這推動了他們在緊接下來的一個月里打破記錄的企圖。)
  • 9、I'llsend up your breakfast in a while.(我一會兒派人把你的早飯送來。)
  • 10、This is room 303. Would yousend up a bucket of ice and some ginger ale, please?(這是303房,請你送一桶冰塊和一些姜汁飲料來好嗎?)
  • 11、Others fell on a rock but they did not root in the soil and did notsend up ears.(有落在石頭里的,既不能在地里扎根,也不能向天長出穗來。)
  • 12、When Rico makes an Ajax request to the backend it mightsend up to four parameters as a query string in the URL.(當Rico向后端發(fā)出一個Ajax請求時,它可能會以URL中的查詢字符串的形式發(fā)送4個參數(shù)。)
  • 13、Pleasesend up a boy to help me with my luggage.(請派一位服務(wù)員上來幫我拿行李。)
  • 14、In a few seconds she will be screeching around vicious corners at speeds thatsend up smoke from the tires, performing “doughnut” spins and hand-brake turns.(幾秒鐘之內(nèi),在四周人群的一片尖叫聲中,她將會以讓輪胎冒煙的速度,表演"面包圈"旋轉(zhuǎn),以及手剎過彎。)
  • 15、China willsend up to 500 teenagers for training at top European soccer clubs over the next 5 years, according to the Guangzhou Daily.(據(jù)《廣州日報》報道,在未來5年內(nèi),我國將派遣多達500名青少年球員去歐洲頂級足球俱樂部接受2-3年的培訓(xùn)。)
  • 16、The challenge was in preparing test scripts that couldsend up to 8,000 (100 per thread for 80 threads) randomly selected request messages.(相應(yīng)的挑戰(zhàn)是準備測試腳本可以發(fā)送多達8000個(對于80個線程,每個線程100個)隨機選擇的請求消息。)
  • 17、China now surpasses Europe as a base for spacecraft launches, while India and Japansend up a few every year.(中國作為發(fā)射基地,航天器的發(fā)射已經(jīng)超過了歐盟,印度和日本每年也有一些發(fā)射。)
  • 18、Room Service? Can yousend up a towel?(客房服務(wù)部嗎?能送一條毛巾來嗎?)
  • 19、They are determined tosend up another man-made satellite.(他們決定發(fā)射另一顆人造衛(wèi)星。)
  • 20、Could yousend up a Coke and a salad?(可以送一杯可樂和一份色拉嗎?)
  • 21、I'm not taking any action yet, but I am becoming more vigilant and looking for the kinds of comments thatsend up red flags.(我還沒有采取任何行動,但我正變得更加警惕,并密切關(guān)注警示性的評論。)
  • 22、They willsend up another satellite into space next year.(明年他們將發(fā)送另一顆人造衛(wèi)星到太空。)
  • 23、Yes . This is Mr. Wang in Room 1305. Pleasesend up a boy to help me with my luggage.(是的,我是王先生,住在1305室。請派一位服務(wù)生上來幫我拿行李。)
  • 24、The potatoes shouldsend up sprouts through the straw cover.(土豆將通過稿桿層冒出芽來。)
  • 25、And could yousend up a menu, please?(可以麻煩你也送一份菜單上來嗎?)

send up基本釋義

send up

英 [send ?p] 美 [s?nd ?p] 
使上升; 發(fā)射; 判 ... 入獄; 取笑某人