
scrape together造句

scrape together造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:24


scrape together造句

  • 1、The lecture will be given if you canscrape together enough people to listen to it.(你們?nèi)缒苷偌阶銐虻穆?tīng)眾那就舉辦這個(gè)講座。)
  • 2、Because fees have doubled in real terms since the last recession, to 10,000 pounds a year on average for day schools, any money parentsscrape together will be burned through much faster.(由于上次經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退以來(lái),實(shí)質(zhì)費(fèi)用已經(jīng)翻了一倍,全日制學(xué)校達(dá)到了平均每年一萬(wàn)英鎊,所以不管家長(zhǎng)們湊出來(lái)多少錢(qián)都將很快被“燒”得精光。)
  • 3、He cannot be certain of winning a majority in his assembly, though he can probably deploy his popular appeal to scrape one together.(他不能確定,一定能在議會(huì)里獲得多數(shù)。)
  • 4、Schools had to be cleared of rubble and of displaced people; families had toscrape together money for uniforms and fees.(學(xué)校必須清除廢墟并且讓無(wú)家可歸的人們離開(kāi),很多家庭則必須為制服和費(fèi)用節(jié)衣縮食。)
  • 5、Remember, not many people manage toscrape together the gumption and cash to experience travel and appreciate foreign cultures.(記住,能成功做到有那個(gè)精力和金錢(qián)來(lái)體驗(yàn)旅游和欣賞外國(guó)文化的人并不多。)
  • 6、Suitable for beginners to learn, of course, as the end of operations, was able toscrape together a living.(說(shuō)明:適合初學(xué)者學(xué)習(xí)使用,當(dāng)然作為期末作業(yè),還是能夠湊活的。)
  • 7、We managed toscrape together eight volunteers.(我們好不容易湊齊八名志愿者。)
  • 8、Sally has toscrape together some money for the house dues to be eligible for social functions.(莎莉必須湊集一些錢(qián),以繳付姊妹會(huì)會(huì)費(fèi),俾可參加該會(huì)的社交活動(dòng)。)
  • 9、It usually happens that, before they canscrape together enough money, it is seized by the country officers or taken away by robbers and thieves or by fire and flood.(還沒(méi)等到聚很多財(cái)?shù)臅r(shí)候就要么被縣官要么被水火或盜賊侵犯掠奪了。)
  • 10、He had to have money, all he couldscrape together.(錢(qián),他也需要錢(qián),他也要用一切法子搞到錢(qián)。)
  • 11、I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.(我設(shè)法拼湊成一個(gè)球隊(duì)參加明天的比賽。)
  • 12、If he canscrape together the cash to get it running, he hopes to start a business selling fruit.(假若他可以積攢現(xiàn)金讓卡車(chē)上路,他希望開(kāi)始從事水果生意。)
  • 13、But it is also possible that the weather is turning and the debt that powers private equity's siege engines is starting-just starting, mind you-to become harder toscrape together.(但境遇亦可轉(zhuǎn)變,促進(jìn)私募股權(quán)的圍城引擎運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的債務(wù)也開(kāi)始——注意,只是剛開(kāi)始——變得難以積攢。)
  • 14、We have a few months and the money we couldscrape together throwing parties, and seeking support from our community, in the middle of a recession.(我們還有幾個(gè)月的時(shí)間和金錢(qián),我們可以拼湊投擲各方,并尋求社會(huì)各界的支持,(包括藝術(shù)世界,和基層的經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退中)。)
  • 15、Can we really notscrape together 0.001% of the population who are worthy of support?(難道我們真的湊不齊值得我們支持的占人口總數(shù)的0.001%的人?)
  • 16、With the help of the House of Peace community center in Milwaukee, Ashford hopes toscrape together enough food and money to survive another month and move into a new home.(同幫助和平之家社區(qū)活動(dòng)中心,密爾沃基阿什福德希望拼湊足夠的食物和金錢(qián),生存,再過(guò)一個(gè)月,搬進(jìn)了新家。)
  • 17、With their revenues cut, rural authorities have found it ever more difficult toscrape together money for health care and education.(沒(méi)有了稅收,農(nóng)村機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)醫(yī)療和教育的撥款變得捉襟帶肘,甚為困難。)
  • 18、If a city has enough engineers in its tax base, the bike mechanics canscrape together a living alongside them.(如果一個(gè)城市在其稅基上有足夠的工程師,自行車(chē)機(jī)械能把他們網(wǎng)羅到一起生活。)
  • 19、This is why artistsscrape together a meager living for an average of seven years before being noticed.(這就是為什么藝術(shù)家們?cè)诒蛔⒁庵耙澴闫骄吣陼r(shí)間的貧寒生活。)
  • 20、I knew how hard Dad worked toscrape together enough money for my accordion and lessons.(我知道,為了我的手風(fēng)琴和琴課,父親是多么辛苦工作才勉強(qiáng)湊夠錢(qián)的。)
  • 21、Especially when writing essays, there is a good point of discussion in mind, but they do not have a typical argument, and have to temporarily change at the key moment, or write byscrape together.(尤其是寫(xiě)議論文,明明有了很好的論點(diǎn),可苦于沒(méi)有典型的論據(jù),關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻不得不臨時(shí)改換內(nèi)容,或者七拼八湊地編寫(xiě)。)
  • 22、They only just managed to scrape the money together.(他們只剛好設(shè)法勉強(qiáng)湊夠了那筆錢(qián)。) Hao86.com
  • 23、Accordingly I, suggested to him, yield point of hisscrape together.(因此我,給他建議了一下,讓他東拼西湊點(diǎn)。)
  • 24、If we choose to buy pleasure, ease, and self-indulgence, somehow we mustscrape together the purchase price. We may not eat our cake and have it too.(如果我們選擇得到快樂(lè),悠閑和放縱,那我們也要付出相應(yīng)的代價(jià)。魚(yú)與熊掌不可兼得。)
  • 25、Instead, some marketers (45%) pull together funding for social media projects as needed while others (23%)scrape together funds from wherever possible to pay for their various social media efforts.(45%營(yíng)銷(xiāo)者根據(jù)需要為社會(huì)性媒體項(xiàng)目做出預(yù)算,而23%營(yíng)銷(xiāo)者從其它地方拼湊資金用于社會(huì)性媒體營(yíng)銷(xiāo)。)
  • 26、It's possible the Congress Party willscrape together a majority.(國(guó)大黨可能會(huì)勉強(qiáng)獲得多數(shù)票。)
  • 27、If you want money at any time, I can alwaysscrape together a tanner, you know.(不論你什么時(shí)候缺錢(qián)花,我總能為你湊那么十來(lái)鎊,這你知道。)

scrape together基本釋義
