sea food造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:20


sea food造句

  • 1、So there are hundreds of different kinds ofsea food to eat.(所以有成百上千種不同的種類的海洋要吃的食物。)
  • 2、We ordered grillsea food for two person, but seemed too much for us.(我們點(diǎn)了兩人份的烤海鮮,但是量太多吃不完。)
  • 3、The restaurant is abundant insea food.(這家餐館有大量的海鮮。)
  • 4、We find a ruralsea food distributor around.(我們?cè)诟浇业揭粋€(gè)鄉(xiāng)村海產(chǎn)經(jīng)銷商。)
  • 5、Thesea food is very delicious.(這些海鮮很可口。)
  • 6、I'm allergic tosea food.(我吃海鮮過敏。)
  • 7、We provide a great variety of freshsea food.(我們供應(yīng)的海鮮種類繁多。)
  • 8、I am allergic tosea food.(我對(duì)所有海產(chǎn)食物都過敏。)
  • 9、Somesea food in the Chinese supermarket are on sale.(中國超市有一些海鮮在減價(jià)。)
  • 10、Weird TV shows and commercials, earthquakes,sea food.(奇怪的電視節(jié)目和廣告、地震和海鮮。)
  • 11、I don't care much aboutsea food.(我不太喜歡吃海產(chǎn)品。)
  • 12、What kind ofsea food do you have?(你們有什么海鮮?)
  • 13、The food aboard the Nautilus is allsea food.(在鸚鵡螺號(hào)上的食物全部是海貨。)
  • 14、I eat many manysea food.(我吃了很多海鮮。)
  • 15、It will suit especially smoked or salted pork, fish,sea food.(適宜搭配火腿、魚或者海鮮。)
  • 16、Our big dinner, so much delicioussea food!(我們豐盛的晚餐,很多美味可口的海鮮!)
  • 17、Do you likesea food?(你喜歡吃海產(chǎn)嗎?)
  • 18、De you likesea food such as clams?(你喜歡吃像蛤一類的海味嗎?)
  • 19、Thesea food were all smelly!(那里的海鮮臭極了!)
  • 20、I bought tomatoes andsea food. I found the kitchen things.(買了些西紅柿和海鮮,在超市里,我找到了我需要的廚房用品。) (hao86.com好工具)

sea food基本釋義

sea food

英 [si: fu:d] 美 [si fud] 