
search for造句

search for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:25:17


search for造句

  • 1、Dogs, which are our best friends, are often used tosearch for survivors in an earthquake.(狗是人類最好的朋友,它們也經(jīng)常被用來在地震中尋找幸存者。)
  • 2、Would thesearch for him be difficult, or long?(尋找他會不會很困難的,或者耗時長呢?)
  • 3、Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervoussearch for errors.(優(yōu)秀的文章通常誕生在你熱切尋找一個靈感的時候,而不是在你緊張地尋找錯誤的時候。)
  • 4、And, in what would have been particularly pleasing to Perkin, their current use is in thesearch for a vaccine against malaria.(而且,讓Perkin特別高興的是,它們目前的用途是尋找對抗瘧疾的疫苗。)
  • 5、She persisted in hersearch for the truth.(她執(zhí)著地追求真理。)
  • 6、Research suggests they may study more broadly for the unexpected rather thansearch for answers.(研究表明,他們可能會為了其他意想不到的事情而廣泛學習,而不是單純地尋找答案。)
  • 7、The energy industry needs to get more from existing fields while continuing tosearch for new reserves.(能源行業(yè)需要從現(xiàn)有油田獲得更多,同時繼續(xù)尋找新的儲量。)
  • 8、A helicopter with heat-seeking equipment has been called in to helpsearch for a missing man.(裝有熱追蹤設(shè)備的一架直升機已被派遣去幫忙尋找一名失蹤男性。)
  • 9、How about if wesearch for volcanoes and New Zealand?(如果我們搜索火山和新西蘭呢?)
  • 10、We're making great strides in thesearch for a cure.(在探索治療辦法方面,我們正不斷取得重大進展。)
  • 11、The two peoplesearch for a very different kind of cheese.(這兩個人在尋找一種口味獨特的奶酪。)
  • 12、The latest research will help astronomers distinguish between the two sources of methane in theirsearch for extraterrestrial life.(這項最新發(fā)現(xiàn)將幫助天文學家在尋找外星生命過程中辨別兩種來源不同的甲烷。)
  • 13、As an EU-funded effort, thesearch for salt-tolerant varieties of rice is taking place in all three countries.(在歐盟的資助下,這三個國家都在尋找耐鹽的水稻品種。)
  • 14、Hal Gregersen explains, it is less about career-building relationships than a consistentsearch for new ideas.(哈爾·格雷格森解釋說,與其說是建立職業(yè)關(guān)系,不如說是不斷尋找新想法。)
  • 15、Users will be able to use their handhelds to look up timetables on the net,search for a local hotel, and check their bank accounts.(用戶將能夠使用掌上裝置查閱網(wǎng)上時刻表,搜索當?shù)芈灭^并核對他們的銀行賬戶。)
  • 16、Forty four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when theysearch for health information online.(44%的人在網(wǎng)上搜索健康信息時實際上是在尋找醫(yī)生或其他提供者。)
  • 17、Under TQM principles thesearch for quality is continuous.(在全員質(zhì)量管理的原則下,質(zhì)量調(diào)查正在繼續(xù)。)
  • 18、Thesearch for a cure goes on.(人們還在繼續(xù)探尋治療方法。)
  • 19、Now, much of the research in this area is motivated by thesearch for animal analogues, or parallels to human cognitive processes.(現(xiàn)在,這一領(lǐng)域的許多研究都是為了尋找與人類類似的動物,或與人類認知過程的相似之處。)
  • 20、As oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, thesearch for it is extended into more hostile environments.(石油變得越來越難找,對它的搜尋也隨之延伸到了更惡劣的環(huán)境。)
  • 21、The decision tosearch for birth parents is a difficult one to make.(決定尋找親生父母是一個困難的決定。)
  • 22、Users can use them to surf online andsearch for maps and weather reports.(用戶可以使用它們上網(wǎng)沖浪,搜索地圖和天氣報告。)
  • 23、When 80% of all Australian whale strandings occur around Tasmania, Gales and her team must continue in thesearch for answers.(當澳大利亞80%的鯨魚擱淺發(fā)生在塔斯馬尼亞島附近時,蓋爾斯和她的團隊必須繼續(xù)尋找答案。)
  • 24、You can use a directory service tosearch for people on the Internet.(你可以使用目錄服務(wù)在因特網(wǎng)上搜索人。)
  • 25、The curator entered the darkest part of the basement tosearch for the dagger.(館長走進地下室最黑暗的地方去尋找短劍。)
  • 26、"We just want to tell everybody that we're very thankful that you took the time out tosearch for Casey," said his mother.(“我們只是想告訴每個人,我們非常感謝你們抽出時間來尋找凱西。”他的母親說。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 27、Members of the public joined thesearch for the missing boy.(許多民眾加入了搜尋失蹤男孩的行動。)
  • 28、Take your time tosearch for something that you want.(花點時間去尋找你想要的東西吧。)
  • 29、By watching what peoplesearch for, click on and say online, companies can aim "behavioural" ads at those most likely to buy.(通過觀察人們在網(wǎng)上搜索、點擊和發(fā)言的內(nèi)容,公司可以將“行為性”廣告瞄準那些最有可能購買的人。)

search for基本釋義

search for

英 [s?:t? f?:] 美 [s?t? f?r] 
搜尋; 尋找