
see about造句

see about造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:12


see about造句

  • 1、"Why don't wesee about buying another one, " I suggested, hoping the situation could somehow be righted.(“干嗎不再買一只呢,”我說,希望這樣局面可以好轉(zhuǎn)一點(diǎn)。)
  • 2、Come, go with me, I willsee about a place for you.(來,跟我來,我給你找個(gè)地方。)
  • 3、A normal rhino can onlysee about 15 meters.(犀牛正常的視力范圍為15米。)
  • 4、Mani and his owner, Mr Muniyappan,see about ten customers on an average day.(鸚鵡瑪尼與其主人穆尼亞潘先生平均每天接待10位主顧。)
  • 5、Tony announced it was time tosee about lunch.(托尼宣布該吃午飯了。)
  • 6、The average preschooler sees about three ads a day, according to the findings. Teenagerssee about five per day.(根據(jù)該研究的發(fā)現(xiàn),學(xué)前兒童平均一日看到大約3則廣告,十多歲兒童看到大約5則。)
  • 7、While an XML representation for it has yet to be standardized, the author has worked with this format extensively in his Web-desktop environment (see about the author).(盡管它的XML形式還沒有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化,但是作者已經(jīng)在自己的Web桌面環(huán)境中大量使用了這種格式(見關(guān)于作者)。)
  • 8、Previously, we'dsee about one town every three days; now we run through about 10 a day.(以前我們每三天才能看到一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn),現(xiàn)在我們一天要跑過十個(gè)。)
  • 9、Of course I would have tosee about a job and an apartment, and I did.(當(dāng)然我不得不去踅摸個(gè)工作和一間公寓,我辦了。)
  • 10、But he expressed concern about estimates that China wouldsee about 800 million malignant software and emails this year.(不過,他也表達(dá)了對(duì)中國今年估計(jì)將出現(xiàn)約8億惡意軟件和電子郵件的擔(dān)憂。)
  • 11、'he's getting on towards the end of his time wi' me, 'added the dairyman, with a phlegm which unconsciously was brutal;' and so I suppose he is beginning tosee about his plans elsewhere. '.(“他在這兒跟我學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)間就要結(jié)束了,”奶牛場(chǎng)老板接著說,他的話音里帶著冷淡,卻不知道這種冷淡就是殘酷;“所以我想他已經(jīng)開始考慮到其它地方去的計(jì)劃了?!?
  • 12、Reduced bonuses will cost New York state almost $1 billion in personal income tax revenue and New York City willsee about $275 million less than in 2007, DiNapoli said.(DiNapoli表示,下降的獎(jiǎng)金將會(huì)損失紐約州近10億美元的個(gè)稅收入,紐約市則比2007年減少2.75億美元。)
  • 13、If an actor starts the interaction, the actor falls under the category of initiator, one of four common actor personalities (see about actor personalities for details).(如果參與者啟動(dòng)了交互,那么參與者將歸入啟動(dòng)程序類別,這是四種常見參與者角色之一(有關(guān)詳細(xì)信息,請(qǐng)參閱關(guān)于參與者角色)。)
  • 14、It's not hard to see where she got her feelings about herself.(不難看出她從何處獲得了對(duì)自己的那種感覺。)
  • 15、If yousee about half of your arch, you have the most common foot type and are considered a normal pronator.(如果你能看到約半個(gè)足弓,那么你是最普遍的足型,旋前肌也正常。)
  • 16、And that this will carry all the important information that we'll need to know tosee about changes in the system.(攜帶的所有信息,我們關(guān)心的系統(tǒng)變化的,都在這個(gè)系統(tǒng)里。)
  • 17、You cansee about 5 billion dollars in the conventional: just office, small and medium businesses, etc.(大家可以看到傳統(tǒng)市場(chǎng)有50憶美元:,包括辦公用品,中小型企業(yè)等等。)
  • 18、Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb!(你看了關(guān)于南極的那部電影沒有?攝影棒極了。)
  • 19、I'll jolly soonsee about that!(我很高興不久就會(huì)知道了!)
  • 20、But, let's take a look andsee about water.(讓我們看看水分子。)
  • 21、I'll have tosee about getting that roof repaired.(我得找人把房頂修一修。)
  • 22、This controls what the applications your friends are using cansee about you.(這樣控制可以決定你的朋友選擇什么樣的應(yīng)用程序可以看見你。)
  • 23、We want to buy a house, but we willsee about that later.(我們盡管想買棟房子,但還是要考慮一下。)
  • 24、One of the things wesee about life is that it moves from the inner to increasing sociability.(我們看到生命的一件事,即它由內(nèi)向外漸漸增長的社會(huì)性。) Hao86.com
  • 25、Did you see her piece about the Internet in the paper today?(你看了今天報(bào)紙上她寫的關(guān)于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的文章沒有?)
  • 26、You'll have to take the trouble of going there tosee about it.(這事您還得辛苦一趟。)

see about基本釋義

see about

英 [si: ??baut] 美 [si ??ba?t] 
負(fù)責(zé)處理; 調(diào)查; 考慮