
see an art show造句

see an art show造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:25:12


see an art show造句

  • 1、The museum still has the empty frames hanging in place (see picture), as an homage to the stolen art, and to show their hope that they may one day see them returned to their rightful place.(該博物館至今懸掛著空蕩蕩的畫框(見圖);這既是對被竊名畫的致敬,也表達(dá)著對于藝術(shù)瑰寶有朝一日完璧歸趙的期待。)
  • 2、She wants tosee an art show there.(她想去看美術(shù)展覽。喬伊準(zhǔn)備去公園。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 3、I'm going to gallery, I want tosee an art show.(我打算去美術(shù)館,我想?yún)⒂^藝術(shù)展。)

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