
see eye to eye造句

see eye to eye造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:25:10


see eye to eye造句

  • 1、Isee eye to eye with my wife.(我和我妻子意見一致。)
  • 2、We don't usuallysee eye to eye on many things.(我們?cè)谠S多事情上意見不和。)
  • 3、I don'tsee eye to eye with her on this matter.(在這件事情上我和她意見不一致。)
  • 4、Good. I'm glad wesee eye to eye.(太棒了。我很高興我們倆的意見一致。)
  • 5、My deskmate and I get along very well. Wesee eye to eye on most issues.(我的同桌和我相處得很好,在大部分事情上我倆意見都是一致的。)
  • 6、I'm glad wesee eye to eye.(很高興我們的看法一致。)
  • 7、We usuallysee eye to eye on the things that really matter.(我們對(duì)于重要事情總是看法一致。)
  • 8、The headmaster and I do not alwayssee eye to eye.(校長(zhǎng)和我看法并非總是一致的。)
  • 9、You don't have tosee eye to eye to walk hand in hand.(你不一定得意見一致才能手牽手地同行?;蛘撸阂庖姴灰恢乱材懿秸{(diào)一致。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、My father and Isee eye to eye on the problem.(我和我爸爸在這個(gè)問題上看法一致。)
  • 11、I like it. I love it. I think it's great 10. Wesee eye to eye on this.(我喜歡它。我愛它。我覺得它非常棒。10。我們?cè)谶@個(gè)問題上看法完全一致。)
  • 12、Maybe they don'tsee eye to eye.(也許它們彼此看不順眼。)
  • 13、I think wesee eye to eye on that subject.(我認(rèn)為我們?cè)谀莻€(gè)問題上看法一致。)
  • 14、I hope we cansee eye to eye about the other terms of the agency then.(我但愿到其時(shí)辰我們能在代辦署理和談的其他條目上能取得同等定見。)
  • 15、They don't seem tosee eye to eye on this.(他們似乎對(duì)此看法不一致。)
  • 16、I don'tsee eye to eye with him.(我跟他說不來(lái)。)
  • 17、The task li now set herself was to get the Wang and Fu families tosee eye to eye.(李媒婆給自己設(shè)定的任務(wù)是讓王家和付家也這么想。)
  • 18、John dislikes talking with his boss. They neversee eye to eye on anything.(約翰不喜歡和他的老板溝通。他們向來(lái)諸事意見不合。)
  • 19、We alwayssee eye to eye.(我們總是看法一致。)
  • 20、Jane: Well, I don'tsee eye to eye with you on this issue.(簡(jiǎn):呃,在這個(gè)問題上,我不同意你的看法。)
  • 21、Wesee eye to eye on the matter.(我們?cè)谶@件事上意見一致。)
  • 22、Because you can'tsee eye to eye.(因?yàn)槟悴荒苎蹖?duì)眼的溝通。)

see eye to eye基本釋義

see eye to eye

英 [si: ai tu: ai] 美 [si a? tu a?] 

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