
shopping centre造句

shopping centre造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:24:28


shopping centre造句

  • 1、Smoke billowed out of ashopping centre.(購物中心濃煙滾滾。)
  • 2、Theshopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.(該購物中心同意不再作假廣告。)
  • 3、Theshopping centre took the full force of the blast.(購物中心承受了全部爆炸力。)
  • 4、Ambulances and police cars flooded into the area, which is part of ashopping centre.(救護(hù)車和警車潮水般涌入案發(fā)區(qū)域,也是隸屬于一家購物中心的區(qū)域。)
  • 5、He is the architect who planned the newshopping centre.(他就是設(shè)計(jì)新購物中心的設(shè)計(jì)師。)
  • 6、It also has the world's biggest ballroom and a perfectly humungousshopping centre.(賭場內(nèi)還有著全球最大的舞廳和一個(gè)碩大無比的購物中心。)
  • 7、Every few minutes a tram trundles through theshopping centre.(每隔幾分鐘就會(huì)有電軌車從購物中心穿過。)
  • 8、The shuttle transports students between campus and theshopping centre.(這是一輛往返于學(xué)校與購物中心之間的學(xué)生專車。)
  • 9、The hospital is now to become ashopping centre.(現(xiàn)在,這家醫(yī)院要變成一家購物中心。)
  • 10、There is a newshopping centre in my neighbourhood.(在我的小區(qū)有個(gè)新建的購物中心。)
  • 11、The Groveshopping centre, which opened in 2002, performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one.(2002年開業(yè)的格羅夫購物中心看起來一點(diǎn)也不像購物商城,卻擁有購物商城所有的功能特點(diǎn)。)
  • 12、THE Southdaleshopping centre in Minnesota has an atrium, a food court, fountains and acres of parking.(坐落于明尼蘇達(dá)州的南谷購物中心,擁有大型的核心店、美食廣場、噴泉和寬廣的停車場。)
  • 13、Suri was paying a visit to Katie on her Jack and Jill film set at the Groveshopping centre.(小蘇瑞探班媽咪的電影《杰克和吉爾》,并出現(xiàn)在一購物中心被狗仔抓拍成功的。)
  • 14、Rumei: Thisshopping centre is great.(如梅:這家購物中心可真大呀!)
  • 15、German firm unveils the UK's first gold vending machine in the Westfieldshopping centre in west London.(德國公司在倫敦西部的維斯特·菲爾德購物中心推出英國第一臺(tái)黃金自動(dòng)售貨機(jī)。)
  • 16、The newshopping centre is designated Modern Plaza.(這個(gè)新購物中心被定名為現(xiàn)代購物中心。)
  • 17、Nor can he claim to have invented the outdoorshopping centre.(他也不主張他發(fā)明了戶外購物中心。)
  • 18、Many robbers raided on the jeweller's in theshopping centre.(許多強(qiáng)盜搶劫了購物中心里的珠寶店。)
  • 19、They met in the car park at the newshopping centre.(他們?cè)谛沦徫镏行牡耐\噲鲆娒妗?
  • 20、Theshopping centre is not roofed over.(購物中心是露天的。) hAo86.com
  • 21、The policeman directed me to theshopping centre.(警察給我指明去購物中心的路。)
  • 22、Right, a newly-wed couple enjoy a canal ride inside the resort'sshopping centre.(下圖,一對(duì)新婚夫婦正在度假村購物中心的運(yùn)河里蕩舟。)
  • 23、At the time of its opening it was reported to be the third largestshopping centre in the United Kingdom.(在其開業(yè)時(shí)是英國第三大的購物中心。)
  • 24、Today I was at theshopping centre and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards.(今天我在購物中心,我花了好長時(shí)間讀父親節(jié)賀卡。)
  • 25、NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, adjacent to the Eldon Squareshopping centre, is awash with people.(毗鄰埃爾頓廣場購物中心的諾森伯蘭街人山人海。)

shopping centre基本釋義

shopping centre

英 [???p?? ?sent?] 美 [??ɑp?? ?s?nt?] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):shopping centres
