
shopping list造句

shopping list造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:24:28


shopping list造句

  • 1、Before going shopping, I made ashopping list.(去購物之前,我列了一張購物清單。)
  • 2、Planning out ashopping list?(計(jì)劃一份購物清單?)
  • 3、You will save a lot of money on groceries if you have ashopping list with you.(如果你有購物清單的話,你會省下一大筆錢。)
  • 4、Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from ashopping list.(大多數(shù)去超市的顧客都要按程序購物。)
  • 5、It is quite ashopping list.(這可真是一份琳瑯滿目的購物單。)
  • 6、First, I'll give you ashopping list.(我先給你列一個(gè)購物清單吧。)
  • 7、Take theshopping list with you, please.(請把購物清單帶上。)
  • 8、What's on theshopping list?(購物單上有什么?)
  • 9、I'll make ashopping list.(我要做一份購物單。)
  • 10、Theshopping list was made.(購物清單已經(jīng)列好了。)
  • 11、After breakfast, she wrote ashopping list, took the shopping bag and went out shopping.(吃完早飯,他列了一個(gè)購物單,拿起購物筐就出去采購了。)
  • 12、Make ashopping list and stick to it.(作出一個(gè)購物清單,并堅(jiān)持下去。)
  • 13、I'm making ashopping list. List all the items you need from the store.(把你要買的物品列在購物單上。)
  • 14、Mum often makes ashopping list before she goes shopping.(媽媽買東西之前經(jīng)常列一張購物清單。)
  • 15、It's smart to make ashopping list before going to the store.(去商店之前寫一份購物清單是聰明的。)
  • 16、He makes a propershopping list.(他來列一份適當(dāng)?shù)馁徫锴鍐巍?
  • 17、You can add any new book into yourshopping list.(你可以把任何一本新書添加到你的購物清單中。)
  • 18、Before going shopping, they usually make out ashopping list.(購物前,他們一般先擬好購物清單。)
  • 19、Item Meat, salad, and potatoes were three of the items on hershopping list.(肉,沙拉還有馬鈴薯是她購物單上的三個(gè)項(xiàng)目。)
  • 20、You can make ashopping list.(你可以列出購物清單。)
  • 21、Let's me write ashopping list first.(我先寫一張購物單。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、Tommiy.did you see myshopping list?(有沒有看到我的采購清單?)
  • 23、She went to the shop with theshopping list.(她拿著購物單去買東西。)
  • 24、Finally, I will make ashopping list.(最后,我會列一張購物單。)
  • 25、Now what about thatshopping list? I've got to get going.(現(xiàn)在那張購物清單怎么樣了?我得走了。)
  • 26、Tell family members to make ashopping list and buy only what is on the list when shopping for food.(告訴家人列一個(gè)購物清單,買食物時(shí)只買清單上的東西。)
  • 27、B:I’m making ashopping list right now.(我在列購物單。)
  • 28、We've got a really longshopping list.(我們有一份很長的購物單。)
  • 29、If you share our anxieties about the suffering caused by the caging of battery hens, we would like you to put Barn or Free Range eggs on yourshopping list too.(如果你和我們一樣對籠中飼養(yǎng)的母雞所遭受的痛苦感到焦慮,我們希望你也把谷倉或放養(yǎng)的雞蛋列入你的購物清單中。)

shopping list基本釋義

shopping list

英 [???p?? list] 美 [??ɑp?? l?st] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):shopping lists
