
shopping mall造句

shopping mall造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:27


shopping mall造句

  • 1、Its owner says it also will use the land for ashopping mall.(它的業(yè)主說土地將同樣用于建造購物中心。)
  • 2、On the picture you can see a modernshopping mall and a Hilton hotel.(在照片上,你可以看到一個購物中心和一個希爾頓酒店。)
  • 3、Thai workers decorate a giant Christmas tree in ashopping mall in Bangkok.(泰國曼谷,工人們正在一家大商場中裝扮一棵大型圣誕樹。)
  • 4、Also, a famousshopping mall is connected with the Harbor City.(再者,挨著海港城還有一個著名的商場。)
  • 5、Turn theshopping mall into an amusement park.(把購物中心變成游樂園。)
  • 6、It's opposite Qiulinshopping mall.(它在秋林購物中心對面。)
  • 7、Target : Popular London destinations, including a nightclub and ashopping mall(目標:倫敦市人口稠密地區(qū),包括一個夜總會和一家購物中心)
  • 8、I was in ashopping mall, so I decided to go and get a cup of coffee.(我在一家購物中心,所以我決定去喝杯咖啡。)
  • 9、Open up a kiosk in ashopping mall for a week.(在商場里擺一周貨攤。)
  • 10、There's a good sports shop in theshopping mall.(在購物中心有一家很不錯的體育商店。)
  • 11、Across the Bio Bio River in the city of San Pedro, looters cleared out ashopping mall.(在圣佩德羅市內(nèi)的比奧·比奧河邊,一座購物中心被洗劫一空。)
  • 12、This pattern was found in the laboratory, classroom andshopping mall.(Vohs說,“我們在實驗室、教室和商場都發(fā)現(xiàn)了這一規(guī)律。”)
  • 13、My friend was hungry, so we drove to ashopping mall to get some food.(我朋友餓了,于是我們就驅(qū)車來到一家購物商場買些吃的。)
  • 14、Theshopping mall is now the opiate of the masses.(購物中心現(xiàn)在成了大眾的鎮(zhèn)痛劑。)
  • 15、It was, in effect, an outdoorshopping mall.(它,實際上,是一個戶外購物商場。)
  • 16、Probably everyone with a portable device has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for it, while they are having a coffee, on a train, in ashopping mall or at a hotel.(可能每個有移動設備的人在喝咖啡,在火車上,在一個購物中心或酒店時,都曾經(jīng)登錄過不用付費的公共無線網(wǎng)絡。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、Top photo: A guttedshopping mall overlooks the entrance to Gagra.(圖1:矗立在加格拉市入口,一座被燒毀的商場。)
  • 18、The Dubai Mall, part of the Burj Khalifa, is the biggestshopping mall in the world.(迪拜購物中心是迪拜塔的一部分,也是世界上最大的購物廣場。)
  • 19、Ashopping mall swirls around the corpse of a beetle.(購物中心圍著甲蟲的尸體打轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 20、A hugeshopping mall that opened last month has become popular with residents.(上個月開張的一個巨大的購物中心受到居民們的青睞。)
  • 21、Now, when you go to a certainshopping mall, you can enjoy its free Wi-Fi there.(現(xiàn)在,當你去某個購物中心,你可以享受它的免費Wi-Fi。)
  • 22、It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the localshopping mall.(那是幾年前的事了,我在假期期間在當?shù)刭徫镏行牡囊患乙粝竦曜隽艘环菁媛殹?
  • 23、Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build ashopping mall in Elm City.(ElmCity應該關注OakCitymall的例子,并拒絕在ElmCity建立購物中心的申請。)
  • 24、There is the Royal Palace and the Magna Plazashopping mall.(那里有皇宮和麥格納廣場購物中心。)
  • 25、The construction last year of ashopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake.(去年在奧克城中心建造一個購物中心是個錯誤的決定。)
  • 26、Sometimes, we see lots and lots of people in theshopping mall.(有時,我們在商場會見到許許多多的人。)
  • 27、Luxuryshopping mall containing 49 stores.(豪華購物中心,共有49家店。)

shopping mall基本釋義

shopping mall

英 [???p?? m?:l] 美 [??ɑp?? m?l] 
第三人稱復數(shù):shopping malls

