
shoe store造句

shoe store造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:31


shoe store造句

  • 1、Santini'sshoe store will pay for the taxi, ' Mr Santini said.(鞋店會為你支付出租車費的,”圣提尼先生說。)
  • 2、There is ashoe store, a toy store and a video store.(那里有一家鞋店,一家玩具店以及一家音像店。)
  • 3、You come home from theshoe store eager to try on your new shoes.(你回來吧,從皮鞋店渴望嘗試你的新鞋。)
  • 4、Theshoe store was in the center of the city.(那家鞋店位于市中心。)
  • 5、The chair can be found in almost any clothing orshoe store.(幾乎所有賣衣服和鞋子的商店都有這樣的椅子。)
  • 6、Excuse me. I need a new pair of shoes. Can you recommend a goodshoe store?(不好意思,我需要買一雙新鞋子。您能推薦一家好的鞋店嗎?)
  • 7、Tomorrow I will go to yourshoe store window to visit you.(明天我會到你鞋店的窗口來拜訪你。)
  • 8、Jack and Susan work in ashoe store.(杰克和蘇珊在一家鞋店工作。)
  • 9、shoe store employee Mustafa Shaaban held up a sign calling for more rights.(一家鞋店的雇員沙班舉著一塊標語牌,他呼吁要賦予他們更多的權利。)
  • 10、I'm a loyal customer of thisshoe store.(我是這家鞋店的忠實顧客。)
  • 11、Sure. Walk along Second Avenue and you can see it on the right. It's between theshoe store and the shopping mall.(當然。沿著第二大街走,然后你能看到它在右邊。它在鞋店和大型購物中心之間。)
  • 12、Today, I was working at ashoe store and was helping a dude try on shoes.(今天,我正在鞋店上班時,一位老兄正試穿一雙鞋。)
  • 13、But then I saw him again today. Outside theshoe store. Near the cafe.(但是今天我又看到他,在鞋店外面,咖啡廳附近。)
  • 14、The woman teacher bought a pair of leather shoes in theshoe store.(那位女老師在這家鞋店買了一雙皮鞋。)
  • 15、I was waiting on some customers at theshoe store where I work when I was interrupted by a very determined woman.(我正在上班的鞋店為一些顧客提供服務,這時候,被一位非常決意的女士。)
  • 16、Topic: How manyshoe store in the square? Telephone shop? Eyeglasses shop? How many bowling tunnels are there?(題目:廣場里共有多少間鞋店?電話店?眼鏡店?有多少條保齡球隧道?)
  • 17、Measuring his foot, Li Si went to theshoe store.(李四量了量腳的尺寸,便向鞋店走去。) hao86.com
  • 18、There is ashoe store, a toy store, and video store.(市中心有鞋店,玩具店,和音像店。)
  • 19、This is the biggestshoe store in the city.(這是本市最大的鞋店。)
  • 20、Daddy, there's ashoe store! Let's get some shoes for me!(爸爸,這里有一個鞋店!給我買些鞋子吧!)
  • 21、Can you recommend a goodshoe store?(您能推薦一家好的鞋店嗎?)
  • 22、Daddy, there's ashoe store!(爸爸,這里有一個鞋店!)
  • 23、Let's go into thisshoe store, and I need some shoes to match my new dress.(我們進這家鞋店看看吧,我得買雙鞋來配我的新衣服。)
  • 24、Ken:There is ashoe store where the bus stop is, they might have kungfu shoes.(在公交車車站那里有一家鞋店,他們有功夫鞋。)
  • 25、The company appears to have spared no expense in designing and building the newshoe store.(公司為了設計和建造新鞋店似乎不惜成本。)
  • 26、It is because his father owns ashoe store.(因為他的父親是賣鞋的。)
  • 27、If theshoe store boss vow, he would want people all over the world into a centipede.(如果讓鞋店的老板許愿,他會希望全世界的人都變成蜈蚣。)

shoe store基本釋義

shoe store
