show in造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:25


show in造句

  • 1、Finally the service deployment descriptor isshow in Listing 6.(最后,服務(wù)部署描述符被顯示在清單6中。)
  • 2、That's what we want toshow in the coming months.(那就是接下來的幾個月我們要展現(xiàn)出來的東西。)
  • 3、He met Ai Weiwei when they both exhibited at ashow in Finland.(在芬蘭的一個秀場,他遇見同來參展的艾。)
  • 4、An implementation of the client isshow in Listing 5.(客戶機(jī)的一個實現(xiàn)顯示在清單5中。)
  • 5、Dawn is beginning toshow in the east.(東方露出了曙光。)
  • 6、That balance in value is starting toshow in NSN's financials.(這種價值正在諾西的財務(wù)報表上顯示出來。)
  • 7、Famous paintings will be put onshow in a new building especially built for the collection.(一些著名的畫作將在一座專為收藏品而建的新樓里展出。)
  • 8、For your application, you want it toshow in the top right corner.(對于您的應(yīng)用程序,您希望它顯示在屏幕的右上角。)
  • 9、A tougher Mr Obama may be onshow in 2011.(2011年奧巴馬可能會顯示出更加強(qiáng)硬的態(tài)度。)
  • 10、I saw him do his one-manshow in Austin, which I loved.(我在奧斯汀看過他的獨角戲,非常喜愛。)
  • 11、He debuted a new beard with the new season of the Dailyshow in July.(他在七月份的最新一季《每日節(jié)目》中以新胡子造型出現(xiàn)。)
  • 12、Come to the stampshow in the school hall.(來學(xué)校大廳看郵票展覽吧。)
  • 13、Toshow in the faces!(要顯示在臉上!)
  • 14、But he believed they wouldshow in time for the next election.(但是他相信在下屆選舉前結(jié)果會及時的呈現(xiàn)了。)
  • 15、Can we see the two forty-fiveshow in the aftenroon?(我們能看下午兩點四十五的那場電影嗎?)
  • 16、The completed new mediation panel isshow in Figure 13.(完整的新建中介面板如圖13所示。)
  • 17、When I was in Chicago in 1990 a friend got me a ticket for the hottestshow in town: the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.(1990年我在芝加哥的時候,一個朋友給我弄到了一張城里最搶手的展覽門票:藝術(shù)學(xué)院的莫奈畫展。)
  • 18、Now your new function willshow in the main window.(現(xiàn)在這個新函數(shù)將出現(xiàn)在主窗口中。)
  • 19、Having themshow in the add reference dialog.(在添加引用對話框中顯示。)
  • 20、A full-figure fashionshow in New York.(一場肥胖人的時裝秀在紐約上演。)
  • 21、The bear was shown off at the International Robotshow in Japan.(這款機(jī)器熊已經(jīng)在日本國際機(jī)器人展上亮相。)
  • 22、A cat closes its eyes during a catshow in Stavropol, Russia.(俄羅斯斯塔夫羅波爾,一只參加走秀的貓咪閉起了眼睛。) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 23、The first reality TVshow in the world called Expedition Robinson was shown in Sweden in 1997.(世界上第一個真人秀節(jié)目《魯賓遜歷險記》于1997年在瑞典播出。)
  • 24、The team put on a goodshow in the competition.(這支隊伍在比賽中有上佳表現(xiàn)。)
  • 25、That reminds me, in the final week of the photography course, is it right that there's a visit to ashow in the local area?(這提醒了我,在攝影課的最后一周,我們要去參觀當(dāng)?shù)氐囊粋€展覽,對嗎?)
  • 26、This luxury car were unveiled at the Geneva Motorshow in 2010.(這輛豪華車亮相于2010年日內(nèi)瓦車展。)

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英 [??u in] 美 [?o ?n] 
