
set records造句

set records造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:44


set records造句

  • 1、The ALM schema provides a set of records with relationships that help your teams manage the work involved in delivering software projects, which is its principle role.(ALM方案提供了一套相互關系的記錄,這些關系能夠幫助您管理交付軟件項目中所包含的工作,這就是它的規(guī)范角色。)
  • 2、No, Solar Impulse won't set any speed records.(不要指望太陽能飛機能打破飛行速度記錄。)
  • 3、That movieset records for box office sales.(這部電影創(chuàng)下歷史票房新高。)
  • 4、Heatwaves that nowset records will become commonplace.(目前創(chuàng)紀錄的熱浪將司空見慣。)
  • 5、A source element is a record that has an identifier, a distinguished value, and a set of output records.(源元素是具有標識符(一個惟一值)的一條記錄和一組輸出記錄。)
  • 6、COMPUTE can be used to perform some computation on that set of records.(COMPUTE可用于在該記錄集上執(zhí)行一些計算。)
  • 7、Hollywood blockbuster Transformers 4 hasset records for its massive box office returns. But it is also drawing massive controversy.(好萊塢大片《變形金剛4》票房創(chuàng)紀錄,但是卻引來了不少爭議。)
  • 8、Maybe you can, but don't try and set any records.(也許你可以做到,但是不要試著創(chuàng)記錄。)
  • 9、Australian commodities analyst Peter Rudd says BHP hasset records for the production of key minerals.(澳大利亞商品分析人士魯?shù)抡f,必和必拓主要礦產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)出創(chuàng)下記錄。)
  • 10、This year spending hasset records.(本年度的花費創(chuàng)了歷史新高。)
  • 11、Barring unforeseeable droughts or floods, both the wheat and cereals harvests in 2009 willset records.(排除不可預見的干旱或洪水,小麥和谷物的收成都將在2009年創(chuàng)下記錄。)
  • 12、Jordan as we know hasset records that have yet to be broken and he has accomplished things that were thought to be impossible to accomplish.(約旦因為我們知道已經(jīng)記錄尚未被打破,他已完成了東西,被認為是不可能完成的任務。)
  • 13、The briefing also noted that the last six months had set new temperature records.(通報會還注意到過去六個月已經(jīng)創(chuàng)造了新的氣溫紀錄。)
  • 14、The enumerator will create a result set of records from the record store, using the comparator as the sorting algorithm.(這個枚舉器將使用比較器作為排序算法,從記錄存儲創(chuàng)建一個記錄結果集。)
  • 15、In all cases, you can have the same set of data records.(無論何種情況,您可以具有相同的數(shù)據(jù)記錄集。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 16、The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf's richest prize.(這個德國人在贏取高爾夫球賽最高獎的過程中刷新了3項、平了2項錦標賽記錄。)
  • 17、Many records were set or tied.(許多記錄紛紛作古和持平。)
  • 18、Evidently he was not the easiest man to work with and heset records for employee turnover.(很顯然,他不是個好合作的人,他在更換雇員方面創(chuàng)下了記錄。)
  • 19、Beginning in 1998, she set nine world records and can hold her breath for six minutes.(從1998年開始,她創(chuàng)造了9項世界紀錄,并能憋氣6分鐘。)

set records基本釋義