set a record造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:24:46


set a record造句

  • 1、Thus, the western conference teamsset a record, with 52 team assists. They alsoset a record with 69 field goal made in an all - star contest.(因此,西部聯(lián)隊(duì)以52個(gè)全隊(duì)主攻創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄。他們也以在全明星賽中有69個(gè)穿網(wǎng)進(jìn)球創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄。)
  • 2、A thousand people in Taipei attended a free dinner at a 1km-long table Sunday night, hoping toset a record of the world's longest dinner table.(作為"2009臺(tái)北國(guó)際時(shí)尚秀"的壓軸戲,臺(tái)北市商業(yè)處5日晚在臺(tái)北邀請(qǐng)1000人免費(fèi)共進(jìn)晚餐,餐桌總長(zhǎng)約1公里,希望挑戰(zhàn)"世界最長(zhǎng)晚餐"紀(jì)錄。)
  • 3、With that, Rutherfordset a record, as Arsenal's oldest ever first-team player, which still stands to this day.(就這樣,盧瑟福創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄,阿森納的有史以來(lái)最老的一線隊(duì)的球員,紀(jì)錄輕松的保持到了今天。)
  • 4、A California television station Enfresno, reported Tuesday that Jim Savage,set a record as the youngest swimmer to make the journey to the former prison.(加州一家電視臺(tái)Enfresno周二報(bào)道稱(chēng),JimSavage創(chuàng)下了一項(xiàng)紀(jì)錄,成為前往舊監(jiān)獄的最年輕游泳者。)
  • 5、And five-year Treasury-indexed adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) at 3.56 percent alsoset a record low, dating back to 2005.(五年期國(guó)債指數(shù)浮動(dòng)利率抵押(ARMs)達(dá)3.56%,也位于記錄低點(diǎn),回到了2005年的記錄。)
  • 6、The charity auction held on eBayset a record for the most expensive charity item ever sold on the website.(這個(gè)慈善拍賣(mài)在eBay網(wǎng)站上舉行,創(chuàng)下該網(wǎng)站拍賣(mài)過(guò)的最昂貴慈善項(xiàng)目的記錄。)
  • 7、You don't look like you're going toset a record.(你看起來(lái)不像有要我打破紀(jì)錄的樣子。)
  • 8、The number of cities experiencing falls alsoset a record for the year last month.(上月,實(shí)行降價(jià)的城市數(shù)量也創(chuàng)下今年新高。)
  • 9、of 10,780 tribal villagers in India's northeastset a record Friday for the largest dance ensemble in the world with a carefully choreographed routine to welcome in the summer.(印度東北部某部落上周五創(chuàng)造了一項(xiàng)新的集體竹竿舞世界紀(jì)錄,10780名村民隨著精心設(shè)計(jì)的舞蹈動(dòng)作起舞,歡慶夏季的到來(lái)。)
  • 10、European scientists say they haveset a record for high-energy collisions of protons in the world's largest atom smasher, mimicking conditions close to the "Big Bang" that created the universe.(歐洲的科學(xué)家說(shuō),他們?cè)谑澜缱畲蟮脑訉?duì)撞機(jī)上創(chuàng)下了高能量質(zhì)子對(duì)撞的最新紀(jì)錄,模擬創(chuàng)造宇宙的“大爆炸”狀態(tài)。)
  • 11、Larry fulfilled his dream, andset a record for a gas-filled balloon flight.(拉里實(shí)現(xiàn)了夢(mèng)想,而且創(chuàng)造了一項(xiàng)以充氣氣球飛行的記錄。)
  • 12、Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.(選舉官員預(yù)測(cè),他們將在華盛頓州創(chuàng)下非大選年參加投票人數(shù)的新紀(jì)錄。)
  • 13、Lionel Messi having set the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.(梅西創(chuàng)造了歷年進(jìn)球最多的紀(jì)錄,被認(rèn)為是歐洲最有天賦的足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員。)
  • 14、In 1975, sheset a record for swimming around the island of Manhattan in just under eight hours.(1975年,她因用了不到8小時(shí)繞游曼哈頓島而創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄。)
  • 15、Were you trying toset a record?(你想創(chuàng)記錄嗎?)
  • 16、The slide in global shares came as oil approached $100 a barrel – though it fell back sharply – and the dollarset a record low of $1.4856 against the euro and $1.1025 against the Swiss franc.(全球股市的下跌,正值原油價(jià)格逼近每桶100美元(盡管已大幅回落),以及美元兌歐元和瑞士法郎匯率分別跌至1.4856美元和1.1025美元的創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄低點(diǎn)之際。)
  • 17、Main business income margin rose to 7.16%, the annual maximum, and itset a record.(主營(yíng)業(yè)務(wù)收入利潤(rùn)率升至全年最高7.16%,并刷新了歷史最高紀(jì)錄。)
  • 18、At the 1896 Olympics in Athens, a bamboo pole was used to set the vaulting record of 10 feet 6 inches.(在1896年雅典奧運(yùn)會(huì)上,一根竹竿被用來(lái)創(chuàng)造10英尺6英寸的跳高紀(jì)錄。)
  • 19、In 2015, a group of players from China and Spain set a world record: a nine person high human tower.(2015年,一群來(lái)自中國(guó)和西班牙的選手創(chuàng)造了一項(xiàng)世界紀(jì)錄:一座九人高的人塔。)
  • 20、Philadelphiaset a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two season span.(費(fèi)城隊(duì)1973年創(chuàng)一個(gè)賽季連輸20場(chǎng)指導(dǎo)錄,而克利夫蘭隊(duì)則在1982年跨兩個(gè)賽季連輸24場(chǎng)。)
  • 21、As far as I know, participate in the Olympic Games volunteers in the number of applicants have alreadyset a record!(據(jù)我所知,參加奧運(yùn)會(huì)志愿者的報(bào)名人數(shù)已經(jīng)創(chuàng)了紀(jì)錄!)
  • 22、She set a new world record for the high jump.(她創(chuàng)造了新的跳高世界紀(jì)錄。)

set a record基本釋義