
sewing machine造句

sewing machine造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:40


sewing machine造句

  • 1、Pauline Cuoio Pepe was a nineteen-year-oldsewing machine operator and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.(波林·佩佩(PaulineCuoioPepe),十九歲,是三角內(nèi)衣廠的縫紉機工。)
  • 2、"I rented a [sewing machine] and lined 10 coffins," recalls Megan Duckett.(梅甘回憶說,“我租了一臺縫紉機,縫出了10個棺材?!?
  • 3、He keeps asking for his mother'ssewing machine.(他不斷尋找他母親的縫紉機。)
  • 4、Thesewing machine is fighting me.(縫紉機是我的戰(zhàn)斗。)
  • 5、I just cannot bear to let them go yet. (They're MYsewing machine.)(我只是不能忍受讓他們離開。)
  • 6、Instead of fixing an oldsewing machine or camera, we immediately toss it and upgrade.(我們馬上丟棄舊的縫紉機或照相機,或者將他們或者升級換代,而不是修理他們。)
  • 7、As if to prove her point, Wirasinghe brings out the rusted shell of an electricsewing machine.(蝕了的電動縫紉機外殼,就好像要證明她話中的含義似的。)
  • 8、I used to hate sewing before we got asewing machine.(在我們買來縫紉機之前我最恨做針線活。)
  • 9、She ran up a skirt on hersewing machine.(她用縫紉機快速地縫制了一條裙子。)
  • 10、She found asewing machine and mended her overcoat.(她找到一臺縫紉機,把她的外套補了一下。)
  • 11、Asewing machine occupies an important place in a corner - a sign that life is getting back to normal.(一臺縫紉機占據(jù)了墻角一處明顯的位置—說明生活正在恢復(fù)正常。)
  • 12、You should oil thesewing machine to stop the squeaking.(你應(yīng)該給縫紉機上點油,以免發(fā)出軋軋聲。)
  • 13、But the Osborne One was about the size of asewing machine and weighed twenty-four pounds.(但這臺奧斯本便攜式計算機大約有一臺縫紉機大小,重約24磅。)
  • 14、Thesewing machine is operated by a foot pedal.(縫紉機是靠一個腳踏板來操作的。)
  • 15、In the hierarchy of jobs in poor countries, sweltering at asewing machine isn't the bottom.(在貧窮國家的工作等級中,在縫紉機下埋頭流汗不是最底層的。)
  • 16、Campbell made his first teddy bear with his mother'ssewing machine in his bedroom.(坎貝爾在臥室里用他媽媽的縫紉機做了他的第一個玩具熊。)
  • 17、So when she broke the machine, she started making calls tosewing machine repair shops.(所以在她把它弄壞時,她開始打縫紉機修理店的電話。)
  • 18、What model is yoursewing machine?(你的縫紉機是什么型號的?)
  • 19、sewing machine Motor.(縫衣機馬達“,”)
  • 20、Wood Products Processing:sewing machine table, electrical counter table, sports equipment.(木制品加工:鐘表、電器柜臺面,體育用品器材。)
  • 21、Thissewing machine doesn't operate properly.(這臺縫紉機無法正常工作。)
  • 22、To her, thatsewing machine is a part of her and part of the home as a fixture.(對她來說,那臺縫紉機是它的一部分,也是我們家的部分裝飾物。)
  • 23、How do you thread a needle on thissewing machine?(你怎么把針穿在這臺縫紉機上?)
  • 24、One that tucks, especially an attachment on asewing machine for making tucks.(縫褶機縫褶工具,尤指縫紉機上用于縫褶的附件。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 25、My mom recently broke the part on her old Pfaffsewing machine.(我母親近來弄壞了她那臺舊普法夫(Pfaff)縫紉機。)
  • 26、She sewed the dresses on thesewing machine.(她在縫紉機上縫制了這些衣服。)

sewing machine基本釋義

sewing machine

英 [?s???? m???i:n] 美 [?so?? m???in] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):sewing machines

名詞縫紉機; 鎖線裝訂機