
sleep rough造句

sleep rough造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:01


sleep rough造句

  • 1、Inadequate sleep, long term mental pressure, menstrual cycle and surplus sebum secretion may cause rough pores and skin defects.(睡眠不足、長期的心理壓力、生理周期、皮脂分泌過多都會導致毛孔粗大和肌膚問題。)
  • 2、At this time of year, a lot of childrensleep rough outside shops or in the market.(每年這個時候,很多孩子就直接睡在商鋪外面或者市場里頭。) Hao86.com
  • 3、As I drifted into sleep, I remembered what it had been like to push my babies in their strollers, how cranky they often were, how the ride over rough pavement always soothed and settled them.(在進入夢鄉(xiāng)時,我回憶起自己推著嬰兒車的情景,孩子們很好奇,坐在嬰兒車里行走在高低不平的人行道上,總是能讓他們安靜下來。)
  • 4、Jobless and penniless, Tom had tosleep rough in the fields for several months.(湯姆沒有工作,身無分文,不得不在野外露宿了幾個月。)
  • 5、It is April 5. The morning after a rough night before. Jose Mourinho admits he can't sleep after matches. He sits at home, watching the video, pondering errors, plotting improvements.(4月5日,在經歷了一個艱難的夜晚之后,穆里尼奧承認比賽之后他一直無法入睡,他坐在家里,觀看著比賽錄像,思考著比賽中的失誤,思索著改進的方法。)
  • 6、Love is the cloth woven net, seemingly rough, children sleep are safe inside. Love like the sun continuously, can give children life warm.(父愛就像用布條編成的網,看似粗糙,孩子睡在里面卻很安全。父愛像縷縷陽光,能給孩子一生溫暖。)
  • 7、For reasons of expense I'm aiming to bypass hotels and even campsites whenever it seems feasible, and insteadsleep rough.(出于經費考慮,我打算繞開酒店,甚至繞開看上去可行的露營地,睡覺就隨便對付過去。)
  • 8、He had to dodge German pursuers, sleep in caves, rely on the hospitality (and courage) of Italian villagers, go hungry for days,sleep rough and trust his home-made compass to get him back to safety.(他躲避德兵追擊、睡在山洞、靠意大利村民給予食物(和勇氣)、挨餓數日、露宿荒野,最后,得益于自制羅盤,他回到了安全地帶。)

sleep rough基本釋義

sleep rough

英 [sli:p r?f] 美 [slip r?f] 
