
sleep through造句

sleep through造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:24:01


sleep through造句

  • 1、Some cold-blooded animals sleep all through the winter.(一些冷血?jiǎng)游镎麄€(gè)冬天都在睡覺(jué)。)
  • 2、They seemed to sleep more easily through disturbance.(女人似乎更容易入睡而不受干擾。)
  • 3、"Heidi, come, you must get your sleep," he called through the open door.(“海蒂,過(guò)來(lái),你必須睡覺(jué)了?!彼糁_(kāi)著的門(mén)喊道。)
  • 4、DD led BB through a dessert and stopped to sleep.(DD領(lǐng)著B(niǎo)B穿過(guò)一個(gè)沙漠,然后停下來(lái)準(zhǔn)備睡一覺(jué)。)
  • 5、Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?(當(dāng)你的生活刮起風(fēng)波的時(shí)候,你是否能睡著覺(jué)呢?)
  • 6、Hibernating in that way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.(用那種方式冬眠,動(dòng)物可以睡過(guò)整過(guò)冬天。)
  • 7、I am looking for something that will help (... me sleep better through the night)?(我要找一種能夠讓我晚上睡得更安穩(wěn)一點(diǎn)的藥物?)
  • 8、It's extraordinary that he managed tosleep through the party.(真想不到他竟然從聚會(huì)開(kāi)始一直睡到結(jié)束。)
  • 9、You have enabled me tosleep through the night once again.(是你們?cè)俅问刮夷茉谕砩纤冒卜€(wěn)。)
  • 10、I couldn'tsleep through the night.(我整晚都睡不著覺(jué)。)
  • 11、Gone through the night of sleep.(穿過(guò)沉睡中的黑夜。)
  • 12、How could yousleep through it?(你怎么能睡過(guò)頭了呢?)
  • 13、Hibernating % in this way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.(用這樣的方式越冬,動(dòng)物可以睡過(guò)整個(gè)冬天。)
  • 14、He has got a bad headache through lack of sleep.(因缺乏睡眠他患上了嚴(yán)重的頭痛。)
  • 15、Our bodies go through several periods of sleep each night.(每天晚上我們的身體幾個(gè)階段的睡眠。)
  • 16、Why do many animalssleep through winter?(為什么很多動(dòng)物冬季冬眠?)
  • 17、Hibernate? That's when animalssleep through winter, right? Uh-huh.(冬眠?就是動(dòng)物們睡過(guò)整個(gè)冬天,是嗎?沒(méi)錯(cuò)。)
  • 18、Hibernating in that way, the animal can sleep all through the winter. You.(利用這種方式冬眠,動(dòng)物就可以睡過(guò)整個(gè)冬天。你。)
  • 19、Too many people wander through life like sleep walkers.(很多人都?jí)粲我话愕囟冗^(guò)一生。)
  • 20、Here are some reasons why even a healthy baby does notsleep through the night.(這里有一些甚至是一個(gè)健康的寶寶整夜不睡的原因。)
  • 21、Such sleep is contagious — even through a thick wall it is contagious.(這樣的睡眠是會(huì)傳染的——哪怕隔著一堵厚墻它也傳染。)
  • 22、I think he'llsleep through the night now.(我想他現(xiàn)在會(huì)睡到天亮。)
  • 23、I kind of wished that I could justsleep through Christmas.(我真有點(diǎn)希望一覺(jué)就把圣誕節(jié)睡過(guò)去。)
  • 24、We put a sleeping drug in his drink so he willsleep through the night.(我們來(lái)這兒和亨利在一起,把安眠藥放在他的酒里,讓他晚上睡個(gè)好覺(jué),來(lái)年他過(guò)得順心。)
  • 25、"It must be a healthy place to sleep," she said, looking out through the window.(“那一定是一個(gè)健康的睡覺(jué)的地方?!彼巴庹f(shuō)。)
  • 26、Through the sleep of the man!(通過(guò)男人的沉睡!)

sleep through基本釋義

sleep through

英 [sli:p θru:] 美 [slip θru] 
