
slap around造句

slap around造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:24:03


slap around造句

  • 1、Now the rogue moves around to flank with the fighter. Ordinarily, that would let the dragon use its tail slap again as an immediate action, but the dragon has used its immediate action already.(現(xiàn)在賊動,他移動到夾擊位——通常這會給龍以直覺動作用尾巴攻擊的機會,不過他已經(jīng)用了一個直覺動作。)
  • 2、Start up a blog, slap some Adsense on it, then sit around checking visitor logs to see that no one knows they exist.(注冊一個博客,在上面發(fā)幾條廣告鏈接,然后傻傻望著證明沒人知道它們的存在的訪問量。) Hao86.com
  • 3、The boy and the 300-to 800-pound animals often played tag, with Jeff and the dolphins racing around the pool to slap a predetermined point, or giving each other hand-to-flipper high-fives.(男孩與這些體重300-800磅的動物經(jīng)常玩捉貓貓游戲——杰夫和海豚們繞著水池跑,拍擊預先設定好的點,或者給對方一個手鰭相擊。)
  • 4、Her ex-husband used to slap her around.(她的前夫過去動不動就打她。)
  • 5、Well, I’m in my 30s now and I wish I could slap that little 18-year-old Leo around a bit.(恩,我現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)30來歲了,我真想扇18歲的小李歐耳光。)
  • 6、Build my house. Fight wars. Or slap me around.(更不需要他建房子去打仗,或者打我一巴掌。)
  • 7、The results of calculating and experimenting show that the first and largest slap of impact between the piston and the liner occurs around the top dead center from the nonthrust to the thrust face.(經(jīng)計算和實驗表明:活塞在上止點附近,當活塞由非推力面快速地移向推力面時,對缸套具有較大的沖擊能量。)

slap around基本釋義

slap around

英 [sl?p ??raund] 美 [sl?p ??ra?nd] 
