sleeping bag造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:59


sleeping bag造句

  • 1、Coolsleeping bag by Eiko Ishizawa will make you look like a bear.(超酷的黑熊睡袋,在樹下睡覺(jué)絕對(duì)能嚇人一跳!)
  • 2、I'd like to go camping with you this weekend, but I don't have asleeping bag.(這個(gè)周末我想和你去露營(yíng),但是我沒(méi)有睡袋。)
  • 3、Hersleeping bag was empty; Alice had gone.(愛麗絲的睡袋空了;她已經(jīng)走了。)
  • 4、One Russian crew member is renowned for doing without asleeping bag and falling asleep wherever he ends the day.(一位俄羅斯的宇航員就因?yàn)槟懿挥盟?,在一天的工作結(jié)束后倒頭就睡而聲名遠(yuǎn)揚(yáng)。)
  • 5、That weekend we used it as a tablecloth, asleeping bag, and a doormat outside of my buddy Andy's camper.(那個(gè)周末,我們拿它來(lái)當(dāng)桌布、睡袋,放在我的老伙計(jì)安迪的帳篷外面當(dāng)?shù)貕|。)
  • 6、Alan turned over in hissleeping bag. "I'm fine." he.(阿蘭在睡袋里翻了一下身,背對(duì)著她說(shuō):“我很好,我們?cè)偎粫?huì)兒吧!”)
  • 7、I'd tried to get in to hersleeping bag once when I was 16 but she kicked me out!(想當(dāng)初,16歲那年,我試著溜進(jìn)她的睡袋,她一腳把我踢了出來(lái)!)
  • 8、From the King Tut Mummysleeping bag to the Shark Attacksleeping bag. An unusual collection of Strangesleeping bags.(從圖坦·卡門睡袋到鯊魚咬人睡袋,這是一種奇怪睡袋的大集合。)
  • 9、It's warmth and weight you care about, not how much thesleeping bag costs.(你首先要考慮的是保暖和負(fù)重,而不是一個(gè)睡袋多少錢。)
  • 10、Guests sleep in a thermalsleeping bag on a special bed built of snow and ice, on reindeer skins.(以冰雪做成的特別的床上鋪著馴鹿皮,客人們就在上面的加熱睡袋里睡覺(jué)。)
  • 11、Thesleeping bag floats in the module.(睡袋在艙中。)
  • 12、My personal possessions totaled up to asleeping bag and some cameras.(私人物品加起來(lái)就是一個(gè)睡袋和一些相機(jī)。)
  • 13、I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow yoursleeping bag.(我忘了告訴你,弗雷德昨晚打電話來(lái)借你的睡袋。)
  • 14、Modernsleeping bag lets you keep warm without being restricted.(現(xiàn)代睡衣式睡袋,讓你不受拘束就能輕松保暖。)
  • 15、IT's asleeping bag! IT's a stuffed toy! IT's a SHARK!(是睡袋,也是毛絨玩具,我是鯊魚!)
  • 16、In winter, wrap up warm at night and take asleeping bag and fleece, as it can get cold.(冬季,夜里注意保暖,帶睡袋和毛衣。)
  • 17、Cocooned in my shiny blacksleeping bag, I looked very much like a marooned plump seal.(我被蠶縛在鮮亮的黑色睡袋里,像一只肥胖的栗色海豹。)
  • 18、I lie in mysleeping bag and close my eyes but it's so bitterly cold that I'm always half-awake, shivering.(我躺在睡袋里,閉上雙眼,可是實(shí)在太寒冷了,我總是在半夢(mèng)半醒中凍得瑟瑟發(fā)抖。)
  • 19、We have asleeping bag each, and when you get into it you float in thesleeping bag.(我們每人有一個(gè)睡袋,你進(jìn)入后就漂浮在睡袋里。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 20、Waterproof jacket that transforms into a one personsleeping bag.(這是一件防水夾克,可以變身為單人睡袋哦。)
  • 21、I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of mysleeping bag.(有人抓住我的睡袋把我弄醒了。)
  • 22、Jim, here is yoursleeping bag.(吉姆,給你睡袋。)
  • 23、Bedding is not provided, so bring asleeping bag.(不提供臥具,所以得自備睡袋。)
  • 24、He had asleeping bag and cot that he was going to set up, but changed his mind.(他有一個(gè)睡袋和一個(gè)待支起的簡(jiǎn)易床,但他改變了想法。)
  • 25、So there I sat on top of mysleeping bag, watching pieces of sky become one with the already dark leaves.(我坐在我的睡袋上看著天空與已經(jīng)變黑的葉子緩緩成在一塊了。)
  • 26、Each of the crew has a closet-like cabin where they can hook asleeping bag to the wall and settle down for the night.(每個(gè)宇航員都有一個(gè)像壁櫥一樣的艙,他們可以在那里把睡袋掛在墻上,晚上安然入睡。)
  • 27、Thissleeping bag is very warm.(這條睡袋很暖和。)

sleeping bag基本釋義

sleeping bag

英 [?sli:p?? b?ɡ] 美 [?slip?? b?ɡ] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):sleeping bags

