of itself造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:22


of itself造句

  • 1、My heart cared about everyone, it just couldn't take careof itself.(我的心惦記每個(gè)人,但它就是沒(méi)能照顧好自己。)
  • 2、By the time this situation occurs, rest is certainly a welcome relief, but not necessarily something to be valued in andof itself.(當(dāng)這種情況發(fā)生時(shí),休息當(dāng)然是一種受歡迎的解脫,但它本身并不一定值得重視。)
  • 3、And, each introduction provides value in andof itself.(并且每次引入提供了其內(nèi)部及本身的價(jià)值。)
  • 4、Thing One: Being single for so long was, in andof itself, awesome.(第一,長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的獨(dú)身本身是件很棒的事。)
  • 5、"It gets that wayof itself," explained Peter.(“自然而然就成了這個(gè)樣子了?!北说媒忉屨f(shuō)。)
  • 6、Life may have value in andof itself, but it's not mere life.(生活本身也許有價(jià)值,但卻不是隨便哪種生活。)
  • 7、It just goes outof itself when she falls asleep, same as the stars.(只有當(dāng)她睡著的時(shí)候,它就會(huì)自動(dòng)消失,就像星星一樣。)
  • 8、No methodology [in andof itself] can fix these issues.(沒(méi)有任何方法學(xué)可以解決這些問(wèn)題。)
  • 9、Each introduction provides value in andof itself.(每個(gè)介紹本身都會(huì)提供內(nèi)部及本身的價(jià)值。)
  • 10、"It gets like thatof itself," explained Peter.(“它自己成的這樣,”彼得解釋。)
  • 11、In andof itself it's bad.(它自身是壞的。)
  • 12、Stanford has been an amazing life experience in andof itself.(在斯坦福學(xué)習(xí)本身就是一種奇妙的生活經(jīng)歷。)
  • 13、They also argue that the market will likely take careof itself.(他們并且爭(zhēng)辯說(shuō),市場(chǎng)很可能會(huì)自行消化。)
  • 14、Each step in a long-running process is a transaction in andof itself.(一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期運(yùn)行流程的每一步都是該流程自身的或流程中的一個(gè)事務(wù)。)
  • 15、If you pay attention to the smallest things while knowing what's important, then everything else takes careof itself.(如果你注意到最小的事情,同時(shí)知道什么是重要的,那么其他的事情就會(huì)自己解決。)
  • 16、What's worth having in andof itself?(什么是因其自身而值得擁有?)
  • 17、Fever in andof itself is not harmful.(發(fā)熱本身是無(wú)害的。)
  • 18、'That, in andof itself, is an impressive rebound,' Mr. Colas says.(卡羅斯說(shuō),這本身就是一個(gè)令人印象深刻印象的反彈。)
  • 19、Or is there something of particular value about curiosity in andof itself?(還是好奇心本身有什么特別的價(jià)值?)
  • 20、Even if that is the only outcome, it isof itself positive.(雖說(shuō)結(jié)果如此,但本身還是不錯(cuò)的。)
  • 21、Knowledge in andof itself is not harmful.(知識(shí)本身并沒(méi)有害處。)
  • 22、The priests shall not eat of anything that is deadof itself, or torn, whether it be fowl or beast.(無(wú)論是鳥(niǎo)是獸,凡是它自己死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不應(yīng)吃。)
  • 23、It has no value in andof itself.(它本身沒(méi)有價(jià)值。)
  • 24、There's no need for the team to feel proudof itself.(那支隊(duì)伍無(wú)須自鳴得意。)
  • 25、It cannot stand outsideof itself. It cannot constitute itself.(它不能站在自身之外,它不能構(gòu)建自己。)
  • 26、Downsizing and consolidation in andof itself is not the problem.(克羅塞爾還說(shuō):“問(wèn)題并不在于精簡(jiǎn)規(guī)模或者整合本身?!?
  • 27、In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctiveof itself.(事實(shí)上,在皮尤研究擁有的四代人數(shù)據(jù)中,千禧一代并沒(méi)有將職業(yè)道德作為其獨(dú)特之處。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)

of itself基本釋義

of itself

英 [?v it?self] 美 [?v ?t?s?lf] 