
of special note造句

of special note造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:20


of special note造句

  • 1、Note that this association also enables developers to see which columns require special handling in the application because of the private nature of the data contained in them.(注意,這一關(guān)聯(lián)還允許開發(fā)人員查看應(yīng)用程序中的哪些列因?yàn)榘碾[私數(shù)據(jù)問(wèn)題需要進(jìn)行特殊處理。)
  • 2、Checks list of arrivals for the day, takes note of VIPs and other special instructions and requests and implements them.(監(jiān)察每天的到達(dá)客人名單,記錄下貴賓客人和其他特別指示或要求并根據(jù)要求完成。)
  • 3、Armament - standard, from the unique special features it is worthwhile to note perhaps the manner of movement.(裝備標(biāo)準(zhǔn),從獨(dú)特的特點(diǎn),這是值得我們注意的,可能的方式運(yùn)動(dòng)。)
  • 4、And it was also done with genuine enthusiasm and sincerity. London should take special note of that.(而且人們投入到表演中的真誠(chéng)和熱忱,更是尤其值得倫敦記取學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 5、Note: in case of the special requirements, the sample size and notch-groove depth shall be executed according to the requirements of corresponding technical conditions or mutual agreements.(注:試樣尺寸和刻槽深度如有特殊要求時(shí),應(yīng)按相應(yīng)的技術(shù)條件或雙方協(xié)議的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。)
  • 6、Once you find a scent mom likes add a little note to the gift card of what special time you spent together the scent you chose represents.(一旦找到媽媽喜歡的香味,在賀卡上加一張小便條,說(shuō)明你選擇的香味代表了你們?cè)冗^(guò)的特別時(shí)光。)
  • 7、Note that no special treatment of the SAP client ID is required since it is implicitly given by the underlying session parameter.(注意,不需要對(duì)SAP客戶機(jī)id進(jìn)行特殊處理,因?yàn)樗峭ㄟ^(guò)底層會(huì)話參數(shù)隱式地提供的。)
  • 8、Once, when someone asked him how he managed to get a certain special sound out of the piano, Monk pointed to the keyboard and said: "It can't be any new note."(有一次﹐當(dāng)有人問(wèn)他是如何從鋼琴中取得那種特殊音韻。孟克指著鍵盤說(shuō):“不可能有任何新的音符?!?
  • 9、Inspect the assembly diagram and take special note of the WSDL Reference Name associated with the target service (UserServicePartner).(檢查組裝關(guān)系圖,并特別注意與目標(biāo)服務(wù)(userservicepartner)關(guān)聯(lián)的WSDL引用名稱。)
  • 10、of special note is Bluetooth functionality which allows you to pair your cell phone to this unit.(特別值得注意的是藍(lán)牙功能,它允許你對(duì)你的手機(jī)到本機(jī)。)
  • 11、Note that a special annotation is generated for every variable name that is different from its respective mapping column name. The annotation will be of the form.(注意,對(duì)于變量名與其所映射的列的名稱不相同的每個(gè)變量,會(huì)生成一個(gè)專門的標(biāo)注。)
  • 12、One note of caution: When a company’s engagement through services places people in countries they do not know, special care must be taken.(請(qǐng)注意:如果公司需要有人在陌生的國(guó)家中提供服務(wù),必須要特別小心。)
  • 13、NOTE: Supplier with special requirements of types can be customer.(注:特殊規(guī)格及可在供需合同中規(guī)定。)
  • 14、All the characters on this website, in the absenceof special note are from the original.(本網(wǎng)頁(yè)所有文字,如未特別說(shuō)明,均出自原創(chuàng)。)
  • 15、Lamps: Shelf lights, roof lights, a variety of built-in, external cabinets special lights. Note: The accessories are not per meter pricing range.(層板燈、頂板燈、各種內(nèi)置、外置式廚柜專用燈。注:該配件不在每米計(jì)價(jià)范圍內(nèi)。)
  • 16、Special note : creatures with more than one head, such as a hydra, usually possess the psionic powers of just one creature, not many.(特別注意:有一個(gè)以上頭部的生物,比如多頭蛇蜥,一般只按一個(gè)生物來(lái)獲取心靈異能,而不是多個(gè)生物。)
  • 17、I did not say hello to anyone, casually found a seat to sit down, but I have taken note of the window that special boy.(我沒(méi)有與任何人打招呼,隨便找了個(gè)座位坐下了,但我還是注意到了窗邊那個(gè)特別的男孩。)
  • 18、Therefore, it is important to note that individual situations may warrant including additional characters in the list of special characters.(因此,要注意可能保證把額外字符包括到特殊字符列表中的個(gè)別情況,這一點(diǎn)很重要。)
  • 19、Needof special note is the only sensor to meet certain conditions it will work.(需要特別說(shuō)明的是,傳感器只有在滿足了一定的條件下才會(huì)工作。) hAo86.com
  • 20、Note: The main spare parts and sealing-ring materials of ball valve series can be designed for Options as per real working conditions and users special reauirements.(主要零部件及密封圈的材質(zhì)亦可根據(jù)實(shí)際工況條件或用戶特殊要求設(shè)計(jì)選用。)
  • 21、Note: Areas of schools include middle teacher training, kindergarten teacher training, special education and other schools.(注:占地面積包括中等師范學(xué)校、幼兒園教師進(jìn)修學(xué)校、特殊教育學(xué)校及其他。)
  • 22、Anyone with inventoritis should make special note of the following 10 questions that will help you determine if your idea is worth pursuing.(所有有inventoritis的人都應(yīng)該特別注意以下十個(gè)問(wèn)題,它能幫助你確定你的設(shè)想是否值得追求。)
  • 23、Even a simple note on my guitar has an array of harmonic frequencies. But the frequencies have a special harmonic relationship, which is why you hear it as a single sound with a single pitch.(即使是一把吉他上一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的音節(jié)都有一系列的諧振頻率,而這一系列的諧振頻率都有著特殊的諧振關(guān)系,這也正是為什么我們聽到的只是某一音調(diào)上的一個(gè)單音。)
  • 24、In case of special circumstances, to allow a note order, then it must immediately post-register a formality.(如遇特殊情況,可允許使用便條通知辦理,但事后必須及時(shí)補(bǔ)辦正式手續(xù)。)
  • 25、Once your SSO directory deployment is underway, your mission may include configuring Sametime and Quickplace, taking note of our special tips for success in a multi-identity environment.(一旦開始進(jìn)行SSO目錄部署,您的任務(wù)可能包括配置Sametime和Quickplace,請(qǐng)記住我們?cè)诙嗌矸莪h(huán)境中成功部署的特殊技巧。)
  • 26、Note that rooms of unusual size or shape, greater than normal wastage during hanging, or other special circumstances may affect the amount needed.(記下房間的不規(guī)則大小和形狀,比正常損耗在懸掛之間,或者其他特殊情況下所消耗的數(shù)目都要大。)
  • 27、The modern poetry is a note of nation's feeling in a special historic times and it has a special emotion clue.(近代詩(shī)歌是一個(gè)特殊歷史時(shí)代民族感情的記錄,它有著獨(dú)特的情感線索。)
  • 28、Special note: because the photo display reasons, can not guarantee the page display product color and the true colors of the products is completely consistent, I will try to explain.(特別注意:由于照片顯示原因,無(wú)法保證頁(yè)面所顯示產(chǎn)品的顏色與產(chǎn)品實(shí)際顏色完全一致,我公司將盡力說(shuō)明。)

of special note基本釋義
