
off course造句

off course造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:19


off course造句

  • 1、You also have to remember that when you are heading towards a goal, you may feel like you'reoff course most of time.(你還要銘記一點(diǎn),向目標(biāo)開進(jìn)的時(shí)候,你可能常常會覺得自己弄錯(cuò)了方向。)
  • 2、The Tupo-lev-134 veeredoff course while coming in to land and controllers ordered the pilot to circle again, but it hit a power line.(該Tupo-lev-134客機(jī)在即將著陸時(shí)偏離航線,指揮人員命令飛行員再進(jìn)行盤旋,但是飛機(jī)卻撞上一根輸電線。)
  • 3、At first this happens slowly, because collisions with other molecules keep throwing the drifting ionsoff course.(由于與其他分子的碰撞會使運(yùn)動中的離子脫離原本的路線,這一上升的過程最初進(jìn)行的比較緩慢。)
  • 4、Then a quick succession of happy but time-consuming events knocked meoff course.(隨后,一系列讓人快樂卻很耗時(shí)的事情接踵而至,打破了我的計(jì)劃。)
  • 5、The singer tells Elle that she isn't afraid to admit that she wants to be a mom, even if it throws her careeroff course.(這位歌手向《世界時(shí)裝之苑》表示,她不得不承認(rèn)自己很想做媽媽,雖然這對自己的事業(yè)必然會有影響。)
  • 6、Of course, last-minute turmoil could still blow the landingoff course.(當(dāng)然,最后一刻的動蕩仍可能使中國的著陸偏離軌道。)
  • 7、He suggests three things to remember after being blownoff course in your life.(他提醒我們在生活偏離航線時(shí)切記三件事情。)
  • 8、Just because you have a string of bad days, don't let this throw youoff course.(不要僅僅因?yàn)槟愕囊荒槾苍愀獾娜兆?,就脫離了自己的軌道。)
  • 9、Guided by science, we do not driftoff course anymore but further pursue other sophisticated technologies with purpose.(在科學(xué)的指導(dǎo)下,我們不再迷失方向,而是更有目的地進(jìn)一步追求其他的精良技術(shù)。)
  • 10、Occasionally you have to steeroff course when you see gold shimmering in your periphery.(當(dāng)看到身邊有金子在閃閃發(fā)光,你不得不偶爾駛離軌道。)
  • 11、Now a team led by Nasa space scientist James Mason have claimed that gently moving junkoff course could be the answer.(而現(xiàn)在,由Nasa太空科學(xué)家詹姆斯·梅森(JamesMason)率領(lǐng)的隊(duì)伍指出,輕輕地移開那些太空垃圾就是解決方案。(譯者:這不廢話么?))
  • 12、In 2008, it was suddenly faced with a violent storm which blew it milesoff course, well south of where it ought to have been.(2008年,巨輪在遭遇強(qiáng)烈的風(fēng)暴襲擊后偏離了航線,處于預(yù)定位置之南。)
  • 13、The entire region’s economic boom could be thrownoff course.(整個(gè)地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮自然也可能隨之消散。)
  • 14、You know that old saw about a plane flying from California to Hawaii beingoff course 99% of the time-but constantly correcting?(你知道嗎,那些老人認(rèn)為從加利福尼亞飛往夏威夷的飛機(jī)墜落的幾率為99%——但是他們是對的嗎?)
  • 15、The rocket, carrying an Intelsat 708 communications satellite, veeredoff course within seconds after clearing the launch tower.(運(yùn)載國際通信衛(wèi)星組織708號通信衛(wèi)星的這枚火箭,在沖出發(fā)射塔架幾秒鐘內(nèi)后未按規(guī)定行進(jìn)而突然轉(zhuǎn)向。)
  • 16、But let us not wanderoff course.(但是我們也不要再瞎想了。)
  • 17、I've told my friends about my business and they all think its great - they are your friends.off course they think it's great.(我跟我的朋友說過我的商業(yè)計(jì)劃,他們都說很NB——他們是你的朋友,當(dāng)然會覺得很NB。)
  • 18、If you dread what lies ahead, you may be more likely to find excuses to veeroff course.(假如你害怕橫在眼前的困難,你就更容易找到借口停止努力。)
  • 19、When a light passenger plane flewoff course some time ago.(不久前,一架輕型客機(jī)偏離了航線。)
  • 20、The teams had barely been on target for a minute and the mission was already veeringoff course.(這支隊(duì)伍毫無遮蔽地充當(dāng)了一分鐘的靶子。這次行動已經(jīng)偏離了原有規(guī)劃。)
  • 21、The ship was sentoff course into shallow waters.(輪船被駛出軌,進(jìn)入了淺水區(qū)。)
  • 22、This approach acts like the satellite-navigation system of a car, automatically replotting the route when the plan goesoff course.(該方法的運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)類似汽車的衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),在計(jì)劃偏離軌道時(shí),可以自動調(diào)整路徑。)
  • 23、If you feel you’ve goneoff course lately don’t panic and don’t think you can never recover because you can.(如果你覺得自己最近不在狀態(tài),有點(diǎn)脫軌,不要恐慌也不要認(rèn)為你自己恢復(fù)不了了,因?yàn)槟憧梢缘摹?
  • 24、Often times when we veeroff course, we risk failing to reach our destination.(回頭看時(shí)間的時(shí)候,你已經(jīng)遲到了!我們經(jīng)常偏離目標(biāo)。)
  • 25、If at any point along the development lifecycle, we recognize that we'reoff course, we stop, evaluate our situation, and adjust.(如果在開發(fā)生命周期的任何位置,我們確認(rèn)我們已經(jīng)偏離了航線,那么我們就應(yīng)該停下來,評估情況,并進(jìn)行調(diào)整。) haO86.com

off course基本釋義

off course

英 [?f k??(r)s] 美 [?f k??(r)s] 
不在規(guī)定的軌道上; 離開航線