
nuclear energy造句

nuclear energy造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:32:37


nuclear energy造句

  • 1、And it has decided that part of its future lies in developing expertise innuclear energy.(它已經(jīng)決定它將來的一部分在于核能源的開發(fā)利用。)
  • 2、The government did an about-turn overnuclear energy.(政府對核能的態(tài)度來了個180度的大轉(zhuǎn)變。)
  • 3、nuclear energy is developed to benefit people rather than to harm them.(發(fā)展核能是為了造福人類,而不是危害人類。)
  • 4、Japan is one of the world's top consumers ofnuclear energy.(日本是世界頂尖核能消耗國之一。)
  • 5、Butnuclear energy is all around me, at least every day.(但核能其實(shí)就在我周圍,至少每天都這樣呢。)
  • 6、It's callednuclear energy. And it's amazing.(它叫核能,而且令人驚奇。)
  • 7、There has been a move away fromnuclear energy.(人們對于原子能的看法已經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)變。)
  • 8、nuclear energy is the cleanest, most efficient energy we have - by light years.(核能是迄今為止我們擁有的最潔凈、最高效的能源——以光年計(jì)算(不太明白)。)
  • 9、We should place equal emphasis on development and security, and developnuclear energy on the base of security.(堅(jiān)持發(fā)展與安全并重,在安全的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)展核能。)
  • 10、They included a plan to revivenuclear energy in Italy.(其中包括重振意大利核能的計(jì)劃。)
  • 11、B: Well, in my opinion,nuclear energy is our best hope for the future.(唔,在我看來,核能是我們將來最大的希望所在。)
  • 12、nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel.(核能可能會超過石油成為主要燃料。)
  • 13、nuclear energy is produced by atomic fission.(原子裂變產(chǎn)生了核能。)
  • 14、Around 30 percent of Japan's energy needs are normally met bynuclear energy.(日本能源需求有大約30%通常來自核能。)
  • 15、A: What's your opinion aboutnuclear energy?(你對核能有什么看法?)
  • 16、The public hasn't even begun to graspnuclear energy.(至今公眾甚至還沒有理解核能。) haO86.com
  • 17、Because we are running out of fossil fuel, andnuclear energy has its problems.(因?yàn)槲覀兙鸵霉獾V物燃料了,而核能又有它的問題。)
  • 18、Opinion polls show most Germans dislikenuclear energy.(民調(diào)顯示,多數(shù)德國人不喜歡核能。)
  • 19、However,nuclear energy could help provide the solution for this thorny issue.(不過,核能有可能幫助提供解決這個棘手問題的方案。)
  • 20、That's particularly so with such visceral issues asnuclear energy.(涉及到本能問題如核能時更是如此。)
  • 21、nuclear energy is clean, and it must also be safe and secure.(核能是清潔的,也必須是安全的。)
  • 22、Japan has been trying to bring its nuclear crisis under control, but the spread of radiation has raised concerns about the safety of thenuclear energy.(日本一直在努力控制核危機(jī),但是核輻射的蔓延已經(jīng)引起了人們對核安全的擔(dān)憂。)
  • 23、But thenuclear energy can reduce such pressures in Iran.(但核能可以減少伊朗在這方面的壓力。)
  • 24、If wrongly used,nuclear energy can be a destructive force.(如果使用不當(dāng),核能會成為毀滅性力量。)
  • 25、nuclear energy has always been a controversial issue.(核能一直是一個充滿爭議的問題。)
  • 26、nuclear energy has been used to power warships since the mid-fifties.(上個世紀(jì)五十年代中期,戰(zhàn)艦上已經(jīng)開始使用核能。)

nuclear energy基本釋義

nuclear energy

英 [?nju:kli? ?en?d?i] 美 [?nukli? ??n?d?i] 
