oak tree造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:32


oak tree造句

  • 1、We pitched a tent by a spring and they under anoak tree.(我們在泉水旁搭帳篷,而他們在橡樹下搭帳篷。)
  • 2、But anoak tree is small compared with a giant redwood tree.(但是一棵橡樹跟巨大的紅木樹相比是小的。)
  • 3、On reaching theoak tree, you will find a poor, half-dead Marionette stretched out on the grass.(去到那棵橡樹,你就會看到一個(gè)可憐的、垂死的木偶躺在草地上。)
  • 4、Do people gather oranges from apple trees, or grapes from anoak tree.(人們可否從蘋果樹上收取柑橘,或者從橡樹上收取葡萄?)
  • 5、Hangin 'on a whiteoak tree.(掛在一個(gè)白色橡木樹。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 6、Once anoak tree becomes established, it is likely to survive minor cycles of drought and even fire.(一棵橡樹一旦長成,就有可能在干旱甚至火災(zāi)的小周期中存活下來。)
  • 7、The late afternoon sun shone through the leaves of the giantoak tree, casting its flickering light on the cabin.(夕陽穿過大橡樹的葉子,光影閃爍地照在小木屋上。)
  • 8、Every morning they would meet beside the bigoak tree.(每天早晨他們在一棵大橡樹旁相會。)
  • 9、One after the other of them kept watch, sitting atop the highestoak tree and looking toward the tower.(他們一個(gè)個(gè)輪流放哨,坐在最高的橡樹上,望著王宮里的高塔。)
  • 10、Outside my window there stands anoak tree.(我的窗外有一棵橡樹。)
  • 11、The mountain veiled in mist is not a hill; anoak tree in the rain is not a weeping willow.(霧氣遮掩住的山峰卻不是矮墩的山丘;雨打的橡樹卻不是哭泣的垂柳。)
  • 12、We sat in the leafy shade of anoak tree.(我們坐在一棵枝繁葉茂的橡樹樹蔭下。)
  • 13、Leave $10, 000 in a plain brown bag behind the bigoak tree in the park at 7 AM.(明天早上7點(diǎn)前把10000美金裝在一個(gè)普通的棕色皮包里,放在公園的這棵大橡樹低下。)
  • 14、Do you see that Marionette hanging from the limb of that giantoak tree?(你看見掛在那棵大橡樹枝頭的木偶了嗎?)
  • 15、Filled with remorse, he carried Beddgelert to theoak tree in the garden and buried him.(他無限痛悔地把貝德格勒特抱到花園里,掩埋在橡樹底下。)
  • 16、The leaves of anoak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms.(橡樹的葉子嘗起來很臭,因?yàn)樗鼈兒胸S富的單寧酸,這種化學(xué)物質(zhì)會讓很多生物感到不適或難以消化。)
  • 17、The entire design copied the pattern of anoak tree as closely as possible.(整個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)盡可能地復(fù)制橡樹的枝葉布局。)
  • 18、The tallestoak tree can grow to a maximum of forty meters.(最高的橡木樹能長到的最高值是四十米的。)
  • 19、An oldoak tree once stood here.(以前這兒長著一棵老橡樹。)
  • 20、First an acorn; then anoak tree forest.(先是橡子,然后是一片橡樹林。)
  • 21、Anoak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.(一棵橡樹在一個(gè)小圓池塘上投下了它的影子。)
  • 22、44% could not identify the popularoak tree.(44%的人認(rèn)不出常見的橡樹。)
  • 23、I designed and built my own test model, copying the Fibonacci pattern of anoak tree.(模仿橡樹的斐波那契布局模式,我設(shè)計(jì)并制作了自己的測試模型。)
  • 24、Boy: Of course I do, Sir. Because it is anoak tree.(男孩:當(dāng)然知道,先生,因?yàn)檫@是一棵橡樹。)
  • 25、When he reached the giantoak tree he stopped, for he thought he heard a rustle in the brush.(當(dāng)他走到那棵大橡樹旁時(shí),他停了下來,因?yàn)樗孟衤牭焦嗄緟仓猩成匙黜憽?
  • 26、The Assassins chase Pinocchio, catch him, and hang him to the branch of a giantoak tree.(刺客們追上皮諾喬,抓住他,把他掛在一棵大橡樹的樹枝上。)
  • 27、First of all consider anoak tree in a forest ofoak trees.(首先想象一下一片橡樹林中的某一棵橡樹。)

oak tree基本釋義

oak tree

