
on top of造句

on top of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:31:44


on top of造句

  • 1、He watched the game from his precarious perchon top of the wall.(他無視安全,高坐在墻頭上觀看比賽。)
  • 2、Two months before she gave birth to Jason she left work feelingon top of the world.(在生下賈森的兩個月前,她辭去了工作,感到極其幸福。)
  • 3、She wore her hair loosely knottedon top of her head.(她在頭頂上打了個松松的發(fā)髻。)
  • 4、The park lieson top of a coalfield.(這個公園位在一個煤田上。)
  • 5、Her hair was coiledon top of her head.(她把頭發(fā)盤在頭頂上。)
  • 6、The castle was builton top of a natural grassy mound.(這座城堡建在一個天然的綠草如茵的小丘上。)
  • 7、She piled the boxes oneon top of the other.(她把盒子一個個地摞起來。)
  • 8、Many people were crushed when the building collapsedon top of them.(那座樓房倒塌時砸傷了下面許多人。)
  • 9、The glass fitson top of the jug to form a lid.(這個玻璃杯放在大罐口上恰好當個蓋子。)
  • 10、Her wiry hair was pushed upon top of her head in an untidy bun.(她那硬直的頭發(fā)被向上梳起,在頭頂盤成一個亂蓬蓬的髻。)
  • 11、How will I ever geton top of all this work?(我究竟怎樣才處理得了這么多的工作?)
  • 12、We were all livingon top of each other in that tiny apartment.(我們都擠著住在那套小小的公寓里。)
  • 13、I'mon top of the world. I never expected to do so well.(我太滿意了,我從未想過會做得如此漂亮。)
  • 14、Ferdinand landed awkwardlyon top of Delgado's right boot and twisted his left leg.(費迪南笨拙地落地,踩在德爾加多的右靴上,扭傷了左腿。)
  • 15、I'm delighted to beon top of the leaderboard in a tournament that has so many star names playing.(我很高興能在有這么多明星參賽的錦標賽上名列榜首。)
  • 16、An overlay showing population can be placedon top of the map.(可以在地圖上加一層顯示人口的透明膜。)
  • 17、Things have been gettingon top of me lately.(事情最近太多,令我很沮喪。)
  • 18、The ceiling suddenly caved inon top of them.(天花板突然塌落在他們身上。)
  • 19、The school ison top of a mountain.(學校在山頂上。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 20、Do you think he's reallyon top of his job?(你認為他真的能做好他的工作嗎?)
  • 21、They were standingon top of a giant scaffold.(他們站在一個巨大的腳手架頂上。)
  • 22、He was sound asleepon top of the covers.(他在床單上睡得很香。)
  • 23、on top of everything else, my car's been stolen.(我所有的東西都被盜,連汽車也給偷走了。)
  • 24、He gets commissionon top of his salary.(他除了薪金之外還拿傭金。)
  • 25、The house stands aloneon top of a small hill.(那所房子孤零零地立在一座小山頂上。)
  • 26、Books were piledon top of one another.(書籍一本一本地摞在一起。)
  • 27、The television was precariously balancedon top of a pile of books.(電視機擺在一堆書上面好危險。)
  • 28、A group forced their way through police cordons and hoisted their flagon top of the disputed monument.(一群人強行沖破警方警戒線,把他們的旗幟升到了那座有爭議的紀念碑的頂部。)
  • 29、A twenty-foot steel pyramid is to be hoisted into positionon top of the tower.(一座20英尺高的鋼制金字塔將被吊到塔頂該放的位置上。)
  • 30、All this extra work is gettingon top of him.(這么多的額外工作快使他吃不消了。)

on top of基本釋義

on top of

英 [?n t?p ?v] 美 [ɑn tɑp ?v] 
在 ... 之上;停留在…之上;加之;控制住;對…了如指掌