
opening ceremony造句

opening ceremony造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:36


opening ceremony造句

  • 1、Theopening ceremony is a really spectacular event.(開幕式的確是非常壯觀的。)
  • 2、Theopening ceremony will be televised on Cable TV.(有線電視將實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播開幕式的盛況。)
  • 3、Theopening ceremony was a fine spectacle.(開幕式典禮是個(gè)壯觀的場(chǎng)面。) Hao86.com
  • 4、President Medvedev also delivered a speech at theopening ceremony.(梅德韋杰夫在開幕式上發(fā)表講話。)
  • 5、He is assigned to direct theopening ceremony of this important tourist festival.(他被指派統(tǒng)管這場(chǎng)重要的旅游節(jié)的開幕式。)
  • 6、The Greek press is in raptures after theopening ceremony for the Athens Olympics.(雅典奧運(yùn)會(huì)開幕式結(jié)束后,希臘媒體為之欣喜若狂。)
  • 7、We got there in good time for theopening ceremony.(我們提早到了那兒參加開幕式。)
  • 8、Now, special events: you wanted a local-style dance for theopening ceremony, didn't you?(還有特別活動(dòng):你想在開幕式上跳一段當(dāng)?shù)仫L(fēng)格的舞蹈,是嗎?)
  • 9、Theopening ceremony will not be affected if there is a light rain.(當(dāng)天如果有小雨,開幕式將不受影響。)
  • 10、To my delight, I was being chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend theopening ceremony.(令我高興的是,我從數(shù)百名申請(qǐng)者中脫穎而出,去參加開幕式。)
  • 11、Theopening ceremony of the New York branch of CCB was held on Friday.(中國建設(shè)銀行紐約分行開幕儀式在星期五舉行。)
  • 12、We wanted to know when we would start theopening ceremony.(我們想知道我們什么時(shí)候舉行開幕式。)
  • 13、In 2012, the city plantedopening ceremony.(2012年,該城市舉辦了開幕式。)
  • 14、Now the likelihood is of anopening ceremony in early September.(會(huì)談將在九月初開幕,九月26日結(jié)束。)
  • 15、They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend theopening ceremony.(他們飛往那里以便能及時(shí)參加開幕典禮。)
  • 16、Theopening ceremony of the 2008 games will begin at 8.08pm on August 8th.(2008年奧運(yùn)會(huì)開幕式將在8月8號(hào)下午8點(diǎn)8分開始。)
  • 17、The Olympics’opening ceremony is on Friday of next week, Aug. 8.(而下周五(8月8日)奧運(yùn)會(huì)的開幕式卻近在咫尺。)
  • 18、Theopening ceremony of the 17th World Up was most exciting.(第17屆世界杯的開幕式非常精彩。)
  • 19、I'd like to see theopening ceremony on the 8th of August.(我想看8月8日的開幕式。)
  • 20、Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for theopening ceremony in the new stadium.(數(shù)萬人一直在新體育場(chǎng)里為開幕式進(jìn)行排練。)
  • 21、Anopening ceremony was held, attendees including Principal Dension.(開學(xué)典禮舉行了,出席的有校長(zhǎng)丹森。)
  • 22、There were even a number of empty seats at theopening ceremony on Friday.(甚至在周五的開幕式上,也有一定數(shù)量的空位。)
  • 23、I've just got 2 tickets to see theopening ceremony.(我剛拿到兩張開幕式入場(chǎng)券。)
  • 24、The game followed a colourfulopening ceremony before a crowd of seventy-four thousand.(緊隨一場(chǎng)精彩的開幕式,該比賽在7.4萬名觀眾面前拉開了帷幕。)
  • 25、When was theopening ceremony?(開學(xué)典禮是哪天?)
  • 26、Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at theopening ceremony.(我們的校長(zhǎng)在開學(xué)典禮上嘮嘮叨叨地講了至少兩個(gè)小時(shí)。)
  • 27、Edwards attended the library'sopening ceremony and two famous writers called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there, too.(愛德華出席了圖書館的開幕儀式,兩位著名作家查爾斯·狄更斯和威廉·薩克雷也出席了開幕式。)

opening ceremony基本釋義
