organic food造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:28


organic food造句

  • 1、organic food is healthy and tasty, full of natural goodness.(有機(jī)食品是健康和美味的,富含自然最好的營(yíng)養(yǎng)。)
  • 2、I've converted toorganic food.(我改吃有機(jī)食物了。)
  • 3、Another advantage oforganic food is its positive impact on our environment as a whole.(有機(jī)食品的另一項(xiàng)好處是他對(duì)整體的自然環(huán)境有著積極的影響。)
  • 4、I sold my houseboat in Bristol and gave up my job at anorganic food company.(我賣掉了布里斯托爾的船屋,并放棄了有機(jī)食品公司的工作。)
  • 5、Maybe you shop at anorganic food store rather than a conventional supermarket.(可能你會(huì)去有機(jī)食物商店,而不去傳統(tǒng)超市。)
  • 6、organic food is not restricted to vegetarians.(有機(jī)食品并不只限于素食者。)
  • 7、Did you come to theorganic food festival we had to celebrate Earth Day?(你來參加我們?yōu)閼c祝地球日而舉辦的有機(jī)食品節(jié)了嗎?)
  • 8、Whole Foods sells healthy andorganic food for a premium price.(WholeFoods銷售的健康和有機(jī)食品價(jià)位較高。)
  • 9、Readers of this overheated but often on-the-mark polemic will conclude that the safest tactic isorganic food and a fly swatter.(這場(chǎng)過熱但經(jīng)常中肯的論戰(zhàn)的讀者們會(huì)下結(jié)論,最安全的策略是有機(jī)食品和一個(gè)蒼蠅拍。)
  • 10、They use reusable shopping bags and buy organic clothes andorganic food.(他們平常使用可回收購(gòu)物袋,購(gòu)買有機(jī)織物的服裝和有機(jī)食品。)
  • 11、It is reported that more and more people prefer to buyorganic food even though it is more expensive.(據(jù)報(bào)道,越來越多人喜歡購(gòu)買有機(jī)食品,盡管它們更貴些。)
  • 12、But many people who pay as much as 50 percent more fororganic food think it ought to be.(然而,許多為了購(gòu)買有機(jī)食品而支付比普通食品多達(dá)50%的錢的人,卻覺得有機(jī)食品應(yīng)當(dāng)更加安全。)
  • 13、organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.(有機(jī)食品是純粹的不含人工化學(xué)制劑或殺蟲劑的食物。)
  • 14、Why are people so eager to buy intoorganic food?(為什么人們那么愿意去買有機(jī)食品?)
  • 15、Students groworganic food and use as little fossil fuels and chemicals as possible.(學(xué)生們會(huì)種植有機(jī)食物,并盡可能少地使用礦物燃料和化學(xué)品。)
  • 16、This is not the case withorganic food.(有機(jī)食品不會(huì)發(fā)生這種情況。)
  • 17、What does a $14 billionorganic food industry know about being personal?(一百四十億的有機(jī)食品工業(yè)會(huì)知道多少個(gè)人化?)
  • 18、To save money onorganic food, try growing your own.(為了節(jié)省購(gòu)買有機(jī)食品的開支,你可以試著自己種菜。)
  • 19、She called her parents and stocked up onorganic food.(她給父母打了電話,并準(zhǔn)備了有機(jī)食品。)
  • 20、I was reading today in The Times thatorganic food prices are rising.(我看了今天的泰晤士報(bào),說是有機(jī)食物的價(jià)格在不斷上漲。)
  • 21、organic food is grown in organic farms.(有機(jī)食品種植于有機(jī)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。)
  • 22、Maybeorganic food is much healthier than conventional food, and maybe it isn't.(也許有機(jī)食品比常規(guī)食品更健康,也許沒有。)
  • 23、Theorganic food industry has done a fantastic job of marketing itself.(有機(jī)食品工業(yè)為推廣自己做了非同尋常的工作。)
  • 24、Can we reduce our risk of cancer by eatingorganic food?(通過食用有機(jī)食品我們能降低得癌癥的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)嗎?)
  • 25、Whatorganic food Taught Me About marketing!(有機(jī)食品教會(huì)了我哪些市場(chǎng)策略。)
  • 26、Another recent study concluded that eatingorganic food could make us fat.(最近另外一個(gè)研究總結(jié)出吃有機(jī)食品會(huì)使我們變胖。)
  • 27、Butorganic food is not always truly vegan.(但有機(jī)食品不總是真正的素食。)
  • 28、Oxygen is essential for the metabolic process known as cell respiration that allows cells to efficiently harvest energy fromorganic food.(氧氣在細(xì)胞呼吸的新陳代謝過程中是必不可少的,它能使細(xì)胞有效地從有機(jī)食物中獲取能量。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 29、Do you think theorganic food industry has done a good job of marketing its products?(你認(rèn)為有機(jī)食品工業(yè)在推銷自己的產(chǎn)品方面作了很好的工作嗎?)

organic food基本釋義