
on Sunday afternoon造句

on Sunday afternoon造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:31:58


on Sunday afternoon造句

  • 1、Haili and I collected Zhang Ruihong from Heathrowon Sunday afternoon.(海麗和我在星期日午后在希斯羅機場接到了章瑞虹。)
  • 2、I often play it with some friends after school, and sometimes we play iton Sunday afternoon.(放學后我經常和一些朋友打籃球,有時我們會在星期日下午打。)
  • 3、on Sunday afternoon, I went to the airport to welcome our VIP.(星期天下午,我到機場去迎接我們的重要客人。)
  • 4、Rosie's family went on a driveon Sunday afternoon.(蘿絲一家人星期天下午開車去兜風。)
  • 5、What has the woman decided to doon Sunday afternoon?(該女子決定周六下午做什么?)
  • 6、The plan was to rendezvous with himon Sunday afternoon.(計劃是在星期天下午和他會面。)
  • 7、There are two on Saturday and oneon Sunday afternoon.(兩個在周六,一個在周日下午。)
  • 8、on Sunday afternoon I often do housework or go shopping.(星期天下午我經常做家務或者購物。)
  • 9、Jim, Li Lei, Lin Tao and I played a game on Sunday morning and we watched TVon Sunday afternoon.(我和吉姆、李雷、林濤上星期天早晨打了場比賽,下午我們看電視。)
  • 10、on Sunday afternoon, I learn to doing karate at the club.(星期天下午我在俱樂部學習空手道。)
  • 11、B: Two nights. I'll be leavingon Sunday afternoon.(乙:兩晚,我會在周日下午離開。)
  • 12、Sorry, I'll have a piano lessonon Sunday afternoon.(對不起,我星期天下午有鋼琴課。)
  • 13、I saw himon Sunday afternoon.(我在星期天下午看見他。)
  • 14、They are going to see a filmon Sunday afternoon.(星期日下午他們打算去看電影。)
  • 15、Susan: Yes, it is. There are two on Saturday and oneon Sunday afternoon.(蘇珊:是的,是周末的比賽。兩個在周六,一個在周日下午。)
  • 16、I visited my grandmother after I played games with my friendson Sunday afternoon.(周日下午和朋友玩游戲之后我去看了奶奶。) hAo86.com
  • 17、Would you like to play tennis with uson Sunday afternoon?(你星期天下午愿意和我們一起打網球嗎?)
  • 18、on Sunday afternoon, I have to study for my math and biology test.(星期日下午,我必須為我的數學和生物考試而學習。)
  • 19、Katie and Bruce are out shoppingon Sunday afternoon.(星期天下午凱蒂和布魯斯正外出購物。)
  • 20、Engineers conducted a full ground simulation of launchon Sunday afternoon (Sept. 25).(工程師們在周日下午(9月25號)進行了發(fā)射過程的完整地面模擬。)
  • 21、on Sunday afternoon, I finish my homework.(在星期天下午,我完成了作業(yè)。)
  • 22、Weather permitting, we'll have the football gameon Sunday afternoon.(如果天氣許可,我們將在星期日下午舉行足球賽。(表示條件))
  • 23、Two nights. I'll be leavingon Sunday afternoon.(兩晚,我會在周日下午離開。)
  • 24、I enjoy going to the parkon Sunday afternoon.(我喜歡星期天下午去公園玩。)
  • 25、I'm tied up (on Sunday afternoon).((星期天下午)我抽不出時間。)
  • 26、Then,on Sunday afternoon, I looked out of the kitchen window to see our dog Quatchi watching something on the ground.(然后,在星期天的下午,我從廚房窗戶往外看,看到我們的狗Quatchi在看地上的什么東西。)

on Sunday afternoon基本釋義