
on hard times造句

on hard times造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:32:02


on hard times造句

  • 1、When I first knew him, Tom was quite a smart young fellow, but I think he must have fallenon hard times since then, for he looks very seedy nowadays.(我剛認識湯姆時,他是一個非常瀟灑漂亮的小伙子,但現(xiàn)在卻衣衫襤褸不堪,我料想他日子一定過得很艱難。)
  • 2、RECESSIONS mean that Ferraris stay in showrooms and designer dresses on shop racks, but lipstick bucks the trend: in hard times, women buy more of it, as it is an affordable indulgence.(經(jīng)濟衰退意味著法拉利只能停在陳列室里,設(shè)計師設(shè)計的服裝只能掛在商店的衣架上,但是口紅卻反其道而行之:在困難時期,女性購買的口紅更多,因為它是一個消費得起的嗜好。)
  • 3、A friend who is a top-notch technical analyst temporarily took a job as a broker after fallingon hard times when his hedge fund closed.(我有個朋友,他是頂尖的技術(shù)分析師。他大虧了幾次,只好解散了自己的對沖基金,找了一個臨時工作,做經(jīng)紀人。)
  • 4、But universities have fallenon hard times and so, too, have their reputations.(但是大學遭遇了一個艱難時期,他們的名聲也是如此。)
  • 5、People should take care for each other when they fallon hard times.(當人們經(jīng)歷挫折的時候應(yīng)當相互照顧。)
  • 6、Luxury hotels and resorts have fallenon hard times during the recession, as corporate travel planners shy away from lavish spending and consumers plan thrifty, if any, vacations.(豪華酒店及度假村在經(jīng)濟衰退期間衰落得厲害,因為商務(wù)旅行策劃者回避浪費,而消費者計劃節(jié)儉,如果有休假的話。)
  • 7、Ti went on a shopping spree during the recession, snapping up chip factories from manufacturers that had fallenon hard times.(德州儀器在衰退期間繼續(xù)一次購物狂歡,搶購芯片從制造商處已經(jīng)很困難了。)
  • 8、It HAPPENS a lot these days in southern California. A homeowner fallson hard times and has to move from his house, renting it out to make ends meet.(近來這樣的事情在加州南部時有發(fā)生,那就是某個房主在經(jīng)濟捉襟見肘時迫不得已搬出現(xiàn)有的住房并將其出租以維持收支平衡。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、But after expanding exuberantly in the last decade, Harley has fallenon hard times.(哈雷在上個十年中進行了生機勃勃的擴張,不過如今它卻陷入了苦日子。)
  • 10、Airbus, meanwhile, has fallenon hard times with delays to its flagship A380 and to the launch of its rival to the new best-selling Boeing long-haul jet.(同時,空中客車公司也經(jīng)歷了艱難時刻,它推遲了旗艦客機A380的生產(chǎn),而它的對手波音公司也推出了最佳銷量的波音長牽引噴氣式飛機。)
  • 11、GM's once-thriving Daewoo Motor Sales Corp. operation in South Korea and its businesses in Russia and Latin America have fallenon hard times because of a global downturn in the auto industry.(鑒于全球汽車業(yè)的低迷,通用汽車旗下曾經(jīng)生機勃勃的韓國大宇汽車銷售公司(DaewooMotorSalesCorp.)以及俄羅斯和拉美業(yè)務(wù)均陷入了困境。)
  • 12、Your village has fallenon hard times (due to reckless spending by the village Council) and it's up to you to bring back some gold.(你的村莊已經(jīng)陷入了嚴重的(由于不計后果的支出由村理事會),它是給你帶回一些黃金。)
  • 13、How are you getting on in these hard times?(你在這些困難的日子里過得怎么樣?)
  • 14、Technology stocks simultaneously began fallingon hard times and there tail sector found that consumers were no longer spending freely.(在艱難時期,所有技術(shù)股票同時開始下跌,零售股交易部門發(fā)現(xiàn)消費者也不再隨便花錢。)
  • 15、Losses on the stock market caused him to fallon hard times.(股票市場上的損失使他倒霉。)
  • 16、The former (whose name comes from the brands Lucky and Goldstar) is a South Korean electronics firm fallenon hard times.(而韓國樂金電子公司(名字來源于旗下品牌樂喜和金星)正面臨難關(guān)。)
  • 17、These mass lay-offs, it might be hypothesised, are more like natural catastrophes, such as famines, than isolated accidents that cause a few people to fallon hard times.(從假設(shè)上來說,這些大型解雇事件,與影響少數(shù)人的事故比起來,更像是饑荒之類的自然災(zāi)害。)
  • 18、One of Ireland's premier resort facilities, the K Club has fallenon hard times, but manager Michael Davern sees hope coming from the far east.(愛爾蘭頂尖度假會所之一的K俱樂部陷入經(jīng)營困境,但總經(jīng)理邁克爾·達夫恩看到了來自遠東的希望。)
  • 19、There are many examples of quality efforts that have fallenon hard times, perhaps more than there are success stories.(太多質(zhì)量提高的努力最終舉步維艱,也許遠超成功例子。)
  • 20、If anyone is to be dismissed when the company fallson hard times, it won't be Jack; he's dug himself in too well.(如果公司碰到困難時刻要裁員的話,那是裁不到杰克頭上來的。他在公司里的地位是穩(wěn)固的。)
  • 21、My friend Ruhollah, who once worked for me as a fixer, was in better shape: after fallingon hard times, he’d landed a gig ferrying college girls to Kabul University and back.(我另一個朋友魯霍拉,曾為當過我的修理工,他的情況要好很多:度過艱難時期以后,他得到一份為喀布爾大學女生擺渡的工作。)
  • 22、When his family fellon hard times, he was offered free room and board.(當他的家陷入困境時,他被提供免費食宿。)

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