
on no account造句

on no account造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:32:00


on no account造句

  • 1、on no account must you tell him.(你絕不能告訴他。)
  • 2、on no account should the house be left unlocked.(離開(kāi)住宅時(shí)千萬(wàn)要鎖門。)
  • 3、on no account can we do violence to public facilities.(我們絕對(duì)不可以破壞公共設(shè)施。)
  • 4、on no account should we take the risk of being expelled by the school to cheat in the exam.(我們絕不應(yīng)該冒著被學(xué)校開(kāi)除的危險(xiǎn)在考試中作弊。)
  • 5、on no account can we tolerate violence against children.(我們決不能容忍對(duì)兒童的暴力行為。)
  • 6、on no account can you travel any further with us.(你絕對(duì)不能再跟著我們往前走(旅行)了。)
  • 7、on no account should the mixture come near boiling.(這種混合物絕對(duì)不應(yīng)當(dāng)接近沸點(diǎn)。) hao86.com
  • 8、on no account can we shut our eyes to the increasingly serious environmental problems.(我們絕不能對(duì)越發(fā)嚴(yán)重的環(huán)境問(wèn)題置之不理。)
  • 9、on no account would I dare walk in that neighborhood at night.(夜晚我決不敢在那附近走。)
  • 10、on no account can we cheat in the exam.(我們絕不能在考試中作弊。)
  • 11、on no account should we ignore the value of knowledge.(我們決不應(yīng)該忽視知識(shí)的價(jià)值。)
  • 12、All men are created equal, soon no account should we treat others like dirt.(人人生而平等,所以我們不應(yīng)視他人如草芥。)
  • 13、The professor warned the students thaton no account should they use mobile phones in his class.(教授警告學(xué)生們絕對(duì)不要在課堂上玩手機(jī)。)
  • 14、When asked for your views about your current job,on no account must you be negative about it.(當(dāng)被問(wèn)及你對(duì)自己目前工作的看法時(shí),你無(wú)論如何都不能持否定態(tài)度。)
  • 15、on no account can we ignore the importance of education.(我們絕對(duì)不能忽略教育的重要性。)
  • 16、on no account must you tell him about our plans.(你決不能把我們的計(jì)劃告訴他。)
  • 17、on no account should we make a joke of others' shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.(我們絕不應(yīng)該拿別人的缺點(diǎn)開(kāi)玩笑,因?yàn)槊總€(gè)人都有缺點(diǎn)。)
  • 18、The man assured her again that he wouldon no account touch a thing to eat or drink.(那個(gè)男人再次向她保證,他絕對(duì)不會(huì)碰任何吃的或喝的東西。)
  • 19、on no account should we go tO bed with the gas on.(我們無(wú)論如何不該讓煤氣開(kāi)著自己去睡覺(jué)。)
  • 20、on no account can we take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.(我們絕不應(yīng)該想當(dāng)然地認(rèn)為潔凈水是無(wú)窮無(wú)盡的而不予以珍惜。)
  • 21、on no account must you tell him the truth.(你決不可以把事實(shí)真相告訴他。)
  • 22、on no account must you accept any money if he offers you.(如果他給你錢你絕不要接受。)
  • 23、on no account can we cave in to terrorism.(我們絕不能向恐怖主義低頭。)
  • 24、on no account can we shut our ears to other people's suggestions and warnings.(我們絕不能對(duì)他人的建議和警告置若罔聞。)
  • 25、on no account should you leave tonight.(你今晚絕不能離開(kāi)。)
  • 26、on no account should the mixture boil.(切勿讓這種混合物沸騰。)
  • 27、We must always go into the whys and wherefores of anything.on no account should we follow anyone like sheep.(我們對(duì)任何事情都要問(wèn)一個(gè)為什么,絕對(duì)不應(yīng)盲從任何人。)

on no account基本釋義

on no account

[?n n?u ??kaunt] 
