
on the other band造句

on the other band造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:52


on the other band造句

  • 1、Ring: Circular band of gold, silver, or other precious or decorative material usually worn on the finger, but sometimes on the toes, the ears, or the nose.(指環(huán):金、銀或其它珍貴或裝飾性材料制成的環(huán),通常戴在手指上,有時(shí)也戴在腳趾、耳朵或鼻子上。)
  • 2、That each approach, each level, each band is but one among several other band should in no way compromise the integrity or the value of the individual levels or of the research done on these levels.(但也不能因?yàn)槊總€(gè)途徑、每個(gè)層次、每個(gè)波段不過是眾多波段之一,就抹殺單個(gè)層次及其研究所具有的完整性或價(jià)值。)
  • 3、on the other band, if there was a high vacancy rate and gross receipts were depressed, then operating expenses might also be low.(在其他樂隊(duì),如果有高空缺率和總收入都很低,然后業(yè)務(wù)費(fèi)用也可能低。)
  • 4、On the contrary, each band or level, being a particular manifestation of the spectrum, is what it is only by virtue of the other bands.(相反,作為光譜具體體現(xiàn)的每個(gè)波段或?qū)哟危挥薪柚渌ǘ尾拍艽嬖凇?
  • 5、For 2.4ghz or Bluetooth models, ensure that no other devices are operating on the same channel or band, which could also introduce input lag or other unpredictable behaviour.(對(duì)于2.4GHz和藍(lán)牙數(shù)據(jù)模型,要確保沒有其他同頻道或者同品牌的設(shè)備正在運(yùn)行,那些東西會(huì)造成輸入延遲或者其他不可預(yù)見的狀況。)
  • 6、The nice thing about in-band metrics is they allow you to run programs on the hosts and feed information up the chain through the same collecting mechanism other metrics use.(帶內(nèi)度量數(shù)據(jù)的好處是允許您在主機(jī)中運(yùn)行程序,并通過其他度量數(shù)據(jù)使用的同一種收集機(jī)制將信息提供給鏈路。)
  • 7、The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music.((定語從句)組成樂隊(duì)的音樂人除了演奏音樂曲目,還經(jīng)常彼此打趣逗笑。)
  • 8、Hunan Yilong luggage straps Factory is a production of supporting the use in motorcycles, bicycles, luggage trailers and other luggage on the elastic band of professional manufacturers.(湖南億龍行李綁帶廠是一家生產(chǎn)配套使用在摩托車、自行車、行李拖車等上的彈力行李帶的專業(yè)廠家。)
  • 9、P-deficiency reduced the reflectance at NIR band, and its influence on visible band was depending on the crop developing stage and other nutrient status.(缺磷降低了近紅外波段反射率,對(duì)可見光波段反射率的影響則受生育階段和其他肥料互作的影響;)
  • 10、On the other hand, the band features a soloist who is an individual at the extreme, a genius like Charlie Parker who explores musical territories where no one has ever gone before.(另一方面,一個(gè)樂隊(duì)又以獨(dú)奏手為特色,他是極具個(gè)性的,是像查理斯·帕克那樣的天才,他開創(chuàng)了前人從未涉足的音樂領(lǐng)域。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、There were only he and his band on the stage. No other performers or dazzling dances could be seen. Everything went along with the rhythm of the music.(舞臺(tái)上也只有他和他的樂隊(duì),沒有其他的人,也沒有什么特別的舞蹈,就是隨著音樂的節(jié)奏走。)
  • 12、It mainly deals with the oral test of the NMET, but this procedure can also be used in other oral test, such as College English test Band Four, Band Six and so on.(這種新的測(cè)試方法也可以用于其它的口語測(cè)試,如:大學(xué)英語四、六級(jí)的口語測(cè)試等。)
  • 13、On the other hand, the N-VOD technology can order program without the network reconstructor, and this makes that the N-VOD technology is applied widely in the CATV network and other wide band network.(而準(zhǔn)視頻點(diǎn)播技術(shù)(N-VOD)無需改造網(wǎng)絡(luò)即可實(shí)現(xiàn)視頻點(diǎn)播,在有線電視等寬帶網(wǎng)中應(yīng)用廣泛。)
  • 14、The small band of rapscallions was getting along very well, until they decided to start killing each other over the limited supply of women on the island.(這一幫人開始的時(shí)候還相處的不錯(cuò),直到島上女性數(shù)量問題開始互相殘殺。)

on the other band基本釋義