
on the road to造句

on the road to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:49


on the road to造句

  • 1、It's only a tiny role for Jolie, the first babystepson the road to megastardom.(朱莉只出演了一個(gè)小角色,這是她邁向巨星之路的一小步。)
  • 2、We're excited to see that the beautiful and thoughtfully designed WaterShed ison the road to win!(我們興奮地看到設(shè)計(jì)上富有深度思考的“水舍”最終奪冠!)
  • 3、The results spark hopes that the banking sector may beon the road to recovery.(這點(diǎn)燃了銀行業(yè)正在復(fù)蘇的希望。)
  • 4、This is the most important stepon the road to a happy life.(這是通往快樂之路的最重要的一步。)
  • 5、It has been 60 years since the Schuman declaration started Europeon the road to greater unity.(從舒曼宣布?xì)W洲開始走向更大的統(tǒng)一到現(xiàn)在,整整60年過去了。)
  • 6、He picked up two hitchhikerson the road to Bristol.(他在前往布里斯托爾的路上捎帶了兩個(gè)免費(fèi)搭車的人。)
  • 7、There will be difficultieson the road to your dreams.(在你的夢(mèng)想之路上會(huì)有困難。)
  • 8、All that I ask is that alternatives be offered instead of putting all of uson the road to calculus.(我所要求的只是一些替代方案,而不是讓我們所有人都走上學(xué)習(xí)微積分的道路。)
  • 9、According to James, a child's first stepon the road to self-understanding can be seen as the recognition that he or she exists.(根據(jù)詹姆斯的說法,一個(gè)孩子在自我理解道路上的第一步可以被看作是認(rèn)可他或她的存在。)
  • 10、Before the earthquake: Jiegu town, an ancient trading mart between Kham and Amdoon the road to Lhasa.(震前:結(jié)古城是通往拉薩之路上,一個(gè)介于康巴和安多之間的古老市鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 11、"On the road again." It'son the road to Jerusalem.(又上路了“,去耶路撒冷的路上?!?
  • 12、Confidence in yourself is the first stepon the road to success.(自信是踏上成功之路的第一步。)
  • 13、Master all four, and you’ll beon the road to wealth.(掌握所有的四項(xiàng),你將會(huì)很富有。)
  • 14、With our continuous efforts, I believe that we can overcome all the difficultieson the road to protect the environment.(通過不懈努力,我相信我們是可以克服環(huán)保道路上所有的困難的。)
  • 15、And you're backon the road to success.(這樣你就能回到成功之路上來了。)
  • 16、I have some great digital photography tips to help youon the road to becoming a real photographer.(我有一些不錯(cuò)的建議,幫你走上成為真正攝影師的道路。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 17、Instead, interpret each failure as a lessonon the road to victory.(相反的,把每一個(gè)失敗當(dāng)成是通往成功的課程。)
  • 18、A Tory victory may mean fewer removal vanson the road to Switzerland.(如果保守黨勝選,可能意味著開向瑞士的搬家車會(huì)少些。)
  • 19、There will be bumpson the road to recovery.(在復(fù)蘇的道路上總會(huì)有些磕磕絆絆的。)
  • 20、So why not decide it today to start going the extra mileon the road to your success?(為什么不下定決心,從今天起,就開始走上那段通向成功的額外旅程呢?)
  • 21、Such changes are among the first stepson the road to diabetes.(這種變化是得肥胖癥的第一步。)
  • 22、You're wellon the road to becoming a real photographer. All you need now is practice.(你已經(jīng)走上了一條成為真正攝影師的道路,你只需要不斷地練習(xí)。)

on the road to基本釋義

on the road to

在 ... 過程中; 在去 ... 的旅途中