
on the run造句

on the run造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:31:49


on the run造句

  • 1、He conveniently failed to show up for the vote, since he could have been arrested immediately afterwards, and is now backon the run.(由于后來他立即被逮捕,雖未能參加投票,但現(xiàn)在卻繼續(xù)回來參加競選。)
  • 2、The implemented service is then made available to be assembled to implement the business process, which is then executedon the run time.(然后,已實現(xiàn)的服務(wù)可以進行組裝,以實現(xiàn)業(yè)務(wù)流程,接下來業(yè)務(wù)流程將在運行時上執(zhí)行。)
  • 3、Do your runs early in the morning or late in the evening, and make sure that you're staying hydratedon the run.(在清晨或者夜晚跑步,確保跑的過程中保持水分。)
  • 4、This is basedon the run configuration, and you shouldn't need to change anything.(這是基于運行配置的,并且應(yīng)當(dāng)不需要更改任何內(nèi)容。)
  • 5、As new evidence about his wife's death emerges, Alex soon finds himselfon the run.(在妻子死亡的新證據(jù)出現(xiàn)后,亞里克斯很快發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被通緝了。)
  • 6、Some 100 members of the last parliament are now either in jail oron the run.(大約有100名上屆議會成員現(xiàn)在要么在監(jiān)獄中要么在跑路。)
  • 7、Sara, my colleague, has beenon the run all week preparing for her son's wedding.(我的同事薩拉,整個一周都在忙著為兒子的婚禮做準(zhǔn)備。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、The red shirts have lost their leaders, who are either in jail oron the run.(紅衫軍則失去了他們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,這些領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者不是身陷囹圄就是逃亡在外。)
  • 9、Because a frilled lizardon the run is one of nature's most offbeat, entertaining sights.(因為逃跑中的皺褶蜥蜴是自然界最反傳統(tǒng)和娛樂的景觀之一。)
  • 10、Meanwhile James Bond was evidently Christopher Metsos, nowon the run from the Cypriot police.(此時,詹姆斯邦德顯然是ChristopherMetsos,他現(xiàn)在在躲避塞浦路斯[1]警方的追緝。)
  • 11、Ever since, the Irish have beenon the run, and the Greeks and others on tenterhooks.(自那以后,愛爾蘭一直在逃避,希臘以及其他一些國家坐立不安。)
  • 12、Fifteen-year-old Danny ison the run from a juvenile detention centre.(15歲的丹尼從少年犯拘留所逃了出來。)
  • 13、All fixed priority threads will be placedon the run queue if you change the default from 0 to 1.(如果您將缺省值從0更改為1,那么所有固定優(yōu)先級的線程都將放入到這個運行隊列中。)
  • 14、With the breakpoint set, clickon the run button, which displays a man running, to start the program.(設(shè)置了斷點后,單擊Run按鈕(樣子為一個奔跑的人)來啟動程序。)
  • 15、Nancy and I next theorized that the chicken had escaped from a live-poultry market about four blocks away and wason the run.(南希和我接著懷疑它是從一個大約四棟樓遠的活禽市場跑出來的,而且還在繼續(xù)逃命。)
  • 16、As you can see, the whole point of this exercise was to get the frilled lizardon the run.(正如你看到的,這個練習(xí)的全部就是讓皺褶蜥蜴逃跑。)
  • 17、But it's important to keep your canine running buddy safe, healthy and comfortableon the run.(但是確保你忠實的朋友在跑步時的安全、健康和舒適卻是很重要的。)
  • 18、Nine suspected rebels have been arrested, and up to 16 others are stillon the run.(9名叛軍嫌疑犯已經(jīng)被捕,另有16名仍在逃。)
  • 19、However, there were signs of lifeon the run today - one of the "rivers" actually had some water in it, though it looked fairly stagnant.(不管怎樣,在今天的跑步途中我看到了生命的跡象——一條確有些水的“河流”,盡管看上去這是一條毫無生氣的河流。)
  • 20、Look, just draw a couple of lines here and here, clickon the run button and voila!(看啊,只需要在這里和和這里畫上線,點擊一下運行,瞧!)
  • 21、He says the extremist cleric ison the run and keeps changing his locations.(他說,這名在逃的極端分子教士不斷改變他的藏身地。)
  • 22、on the run on server panel, keep the Choose an existing server option and select the server you defined previously.(在Runonserver面板上,使Chooseanexistingserver選項保持選中狀態(tài)并選擇前面定義的服務(wù)器。)
  • 23、They areon the run and trying to block the exodus of civilians from the area.(這些人正在逃竄,并且企圖阻擋平民離開這一地區(qū)。)
  • 24、Two UDD leaders have been detained and charged, and arrest warrants issued for otherson the run.(兩名UDD領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人已被拘并被指控,而且還簽發(fā)了對其他在逃者的逮捕令。)
  • 25、Then in a third video he denounced the second one and said he wason the run.(之后的第三段視頻里,他否認(rèn)了在第二段視頻中說的話,并且透漏道他正在逃亡的路上。)
  • 26、We'll return to this in " Spyingon the run-time Workbench").(我們將在“偵探運行期工作臺”回到這一話題)。)

on the run基本釋義

on the run

英 [?n e? r?n] 美 [ɑn ei r?n] 
奔跑; 逃跑; 忙碌; 奔波