
over the hill造句

over the hill造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:08


over the hill造句

  • 1、My grandpa can't move the heavy box because he isover the hill; he has to ask for help.(我爺爺搬不動(dòng)這個(gè)沉重的箱子,因?yàn)樗呀?jīng)上歲數(shù)了。他不得不請(qǐng)求幫助。)
  • 2、It was very wet and windy the day I droveover the hill to Del Norte.(我開車越過(guò)小山去德爾諾特的那天下大雨又刮大風(fēng)。)
  • 3、A car appearedover the hill.(一輛汽車出現(xiàn)在山頭上。)
  • 4、Nobody wants to think of themselves asover the hill.(因?yàn)闆]有人希望自己在走下坡路。)
  • 5、A few of our guys were thinking about goingover the hill, but we talked them out of it.(我們的人中有幾個(gè)想開小差,但是我們勸說(shuō)他們打消這個(gè)念頭。)
  • 6、Hawking's computer beeped. "I'mover the hill," he said, to a chorus of laughter.(霍金的計(jì)算機(jī)發(fā)出嘟嘟聲。他說(shuō):“我已過(guò)了頂峰?!彼脑捯么蠹曳怕暣笮?。)
  • 7、And watch the stars swarmover the hill.(去觀看那小山上蜂擁的繁星。)
  • 8、They did their best to harl the cannonover the hill.(他們拼力把大炮拖過(guò)了山頂。)
  • 9、They climbedover the hill.(他們爬過(guò)了小山。)
  • 10、They were content to reach ground again without broken necks, and take the townward trackover the hill.(他們又跳回到了地面,并且沒有摔斷脖子,翻過(guò)了山,沿著通往鎮(zhèn)上的路走著,他們對(duì)此感到很滿意。)
  • 11、The hooting of an owl cameover the hill--ominous sound!(山那邊傳來(lái)貓頭鷹的叫聲——不吉利的聲音!)
  • 12、He doesn't take kindly to suggestions that he isover the hill.(他不愛聽別人說(shuō)他在走下坡路。)
  • 13、Justover the hill the road forks.(剛過(guò)這座山,路就分岔了。)
  • 14、He isover the hill as a professional athlete.(作為一名職業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員,他的巔峰時(shí)期已過(guò)。)
  • 15、He climbedover the hill.(他爬過(guò)了小山。) Hao86.com
  • 16、Suddenly without warning a large deer cameover the hill and was standing looking straight at me.(突然在沒有任何預(yù)兆的情況下,一只巨大的鹿跑過(guò)山頭,站在那里直直的望著我。)
  • 17、A hawk hoveredover the hill.(一只鷹在小山的上空翱翔。)
  • 18、He looked around to make sure that noboay was following him,and then he disappearedover the hill.(他向四處張望著以確保沒人跟蹤他,后來(lái)就在山那邊不見了。)
  • 19、A galaxy thought to beover the hill is apparently still hard at work creating baby stars, a new study finds.(最近的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)有一個(gè)曾經(jīng)被認(rèn)為是明顯不能但事實(shí)上卻創(chuàng)造出新生行星的星系。)
  • 20、Sure; well if someone says you’reover the hill , it’s not a very nice thing to say about you.(當(dāng)然;如果有人說(shuō)你到了衰退期,這絕不是好事。)
  • 21、Rumour has it that her husband has goneover the hill.(謠傳她丈夫偷偷離開了。)
  • 22、At eleven o 'clock a group of children cameover the hill.(11點(diǎn)鐘的時(shí)候,一群孩子翻山過(guò)來(lái)了。)
  • 23、I'mover the hill - it can happen to you - every day you get older - that's a law.(我老了。你也會(huì)這樣的,人每天都在老去,這是不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的規(guī)律。)
  • 24、Am Iover the hill?(我是在小山之上嗎?)
  • 25、The London train was comingover the hill.(倫敦火車已經(jīng)過(guò)了小山。)
  • 26、We can say the person isover the hill.(我們可以說(shuō)這個(gè)人在衰退中已不在巔峰。)
  • 27、A truck appearedover the hill.(一輛卡車在山丘上出現(xiàn)。)

over the hill基本釋義

over the hill

英 [??uv? e? hil] 美 [?ov? ei h?l] 
在走下坡路; 在衰退中