
packing case造句

packing case造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:30:57


packing case造句

  • 1、If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance company refuses to honor a claim for faulty packing, we would be quite willing to accept cartons.(萬一保險(xiǎn)公司以包裝不當(dāng)為由而拒絕接受索賠時(shí),如果你保證賠償?shù)脑?,我們就樂于接受紙箱?
  • 2、Onepacking case was crushed.(有一個(gè)箱子全壓壞了。)
  • 3、Moreouer, we produce cloth for cleaning glasses, glasses pouch andpacking case of any products.(另外我公司還生產(chǎn)各類產(chǎn)品包裝盒、高、中、低檔眼鏡布、眼鏡袋。)
  • 4、The invention relates to apacking case, especially to apacking case prepared from corrugated cardboard.(本發(fā)明涉及一種包裝箱,尤其涉及一種瓦楞紙板制備而成的包裝箱。)
  • 5、When taking membrane subassembly out frompacking case, or when installing it, please be careful not to drop it or turnover it, in case of injuring worker's head or feet.(將膜組件從箱中取出或進(jìn)行安裝時(shí),請(qǐng)注意不要讓膜組件掉落或翻倒,以導(dǎo)致操作人員的腳·頭部的受傷。)
  • 6、In this article a new type of glasspacking case was introduced, which can reduce unit cost for woodpacking case and enhance financial returns.(通過改變玻璃包裝木箱設(shè)計(jì),降低單位包裝木箱消耗,提高經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。)
  • 7、But still I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company might refuse indemnification on the grounds of improper packing.(但我仍然擔(dān)心萬一發(fā)生損壞或偷盜,保險(xiǎn)公司可能會(huì)以包裝不當(dāng)為理由拒絕賠償。)
  • 8、Our leading products are involved in wood floor board for warehouse, export stack plate, pallet, moistureproof rack,packing case and so on.(我公司以生產(chǎn)各種規(guī)格墊倉板、出口棧板、托盤、鏟板、防潮貨架、包裝箱等為主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)品。)
  • 9、Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of thepacking case.(弗蘭克輕輕地把陶器拿出箱子,突然發(fā)現(xiàn)在箱底有一幅微型畫。)
  • 10、The morning passed rapidly and Frank was about to leave when he noticed a largepacking case lying on the floor.(上午很快過去了,弗蘭克正準(zhǔn)備離去,突然看見地板上放著一只體積很大的貨箱。)
  • 11、Suitable for: playing CARDS invitation trademark name-card book cover packing paper-case and various paper surfaces 'coining and graining.(適用:撲克牌、請(qǐng)柬、商標(biāo)、臺(tái)歷、名片、圖書封面、包裝紙盒及各種紙張表面壓花、壓紋之用。)
  • 12、At least one label is attached to eachpacking case.(每個(gè)包裝箱上都拴有至少一個(gè)標(biāo)簽。)
  • 13、The designer may lower the pressure on the packing by placing a throat bushing in the pump case (Figure).(設(shè)計(jì)者可在泵殼內(nèi)放置喉道補(bǔ)心以降低在填料上的壓力(圖)。)
  • 14、The utility model relates to a large glass sheetpacking case, which belongs to the field of glass sheetpacking cases.(本實(shí)用新型涉及一種大片玻璃包裝箱,屬于玻璃包裝箱領(lǐng)域。)
  • 15、We refer carton packing to wooden case packing.(我們更貨向用紙盒包裝,而不是用木箱包裝。)
  • 16、Thepacking case was damaged during the delivery.(包裝箱在貨運(yùn)中受損。)
  • 17、Ex : His new TV carry in a bigpacking case .(他新買的電視機(jī)是裝在一只大的箱子內(nèi)運(yùn)來的。)
  • 18、While light clothes might be appropriate in any case, sometimes packing rain gear can save your trip!(雖然輕也許是合適的衣服在任何情況下,有時(shí)包裝雨具可節(jié)省您的旅行!)
  • 19、Thepacking case is in good condition.(包裝箱狀況良好。)
  • 20、The utility model provides a washing powderpacking case of the product packing field.(本實(shí)用新型提出的是產(chǎn)品包裝領(lǐng)域的洗衣粉包裝盒。)
  • 21、Our products are used in top-gradepacking case of deluxe brand marks, magazines and books, food, tobacco, mobile phone, PDA and thus add luster to products of our customers.(產(chǎn)品使用在精美商標(biāo)、書刊以及食品、香煙、手機(jī)、PDA等高檔包裝盒上更為客戶的產(chǎn)品添加一份光彩。) hAo86.com
  • 22、Nowadays, more and more clients are preferring carton packing to wooden case packing.(現(xiàn)在有更多客戶更愿用紙板箱包裝而不要木箱包裝。)

packing case基本釋義

packing case

英 [?p?k?? keis] 美 [?p?k?? kes] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):packing cases
