
out of character造句

out of character造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:20


out of character造句

  • 1、I can't understand why she did that - it's quiteout of character.(我不明白她為什么這么做,因?yàn)檫@很不符合她的個(gè)性。)
  • 2、For those who have only become aware of Anonymous over the past half year, such an intervention might seemout of character.(對(duì)于這半年才了解到Anonymous的人來(lái)說(shuō),這種干預(yù)也許看上去不合常規(guī)。)
  • 3、Her behaviour wasout of character.(她的行為不是她的本性。)
  • 4、While this may beout of character, currently life is about action, not talk.(雖然看上去不符合你們的個(gè)性,但是生活是行動(dòng),不是空談。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、He looks up at her face and Phoebe, slippingout of character.(走出你的溫柔鄉(xiāng),做一些不像你個(gè)性的事。)
  • 6、Jane is a nice girl. Her fit of temper wasout of character.(珍妮是個(gè)好姑娘,她那頓脾氣很反常。)
  • 7、First, it is clearlyout of character for me (the whole trip was).(其一,那明顯不像我的性格(那整個(gè)旅行也是)。)
  • 8、But Fortune, fearing that she had actedout of character, and had inclined too long to the same side.(但是,命運(yùn)女神擔(dān)心的是她長(zhǎng)時(shí)間傾向于某一方面,并將自己的個(gè)性表露出來(lái)。)
  • 9、Then, totallyout of character, mother twirled one spin of a waltz on the slippery sidewalk.(然后,完全出乎意料的,媽媽在光滑的路上做了一個(gè)華爾茲旋轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 10、Prepare for a friend to possibly actout of character or be critical.(準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)朋友可能出于字符或者是至關(guān)重要的。)
  • 11、They get trashed and act totallyout of character, shouting and swearing.(他們酩酊大醉,行為異常,大喊大罵。)
  • 12、Her behaviour last night was completelyout of character.(她昨晚的舉止與她的性格截然不符。)
  • 13、Making sentimental, emotional appeals that areout of character with the rest of an analytical paper.(在分析性文章中,使用情感性的、情緒化的結(jié)尾。這兩者具有不同的性質(zhì),很不搭調(diào)。)
  • 14、The actor's southern accent wasout of character with his role of Hamlet.(這演員的南部口音不適合扮演哈姆雷特。)
  • 15、Trust your instincts if the messages or content seemsout of character and discuss it with your child.(相信自己的直覺(jué),如果信息或內(nèi)容,似乎走出的性質(zhì)和討論它與您的孩子。)
  • 16、You are excitable and restless today and may do something quite unexpected andout of character.(你很興奮,充滿(mǎn)活力,所以可能做出出人意料的事情。)
  • 17、I can't believe he would have quarreled; it seems soout of character.(我不相信他會(huì)吵架——這似乎太不符合他的性格了。)
  • 18、But, my dear, is not this ratherout of character?(不過(guò),親愛(ài)的,這由你寫(xiě)是否不大得體呀?)
  • 19、Her behavior has become exhibitionist and totallyout of character.(她的行為變成愛(ài)出風(fēng)頭,跟她正常的性格大不相同。)
  • 20、But the results still areout of character for the firm, and a timely reminder for investors that Goldman, too, is mortal.(但這樣的結(jié)果仍不是高盛應(yīng)該有的,它即時(shí)地提醒了投資者,高盛也不過(guò)就是一個(gè)凡夫俗子。)
  • 21、'I steppedout of character,' Mr. Smith says. 'I don't do that very often.(史密斯說(shuō),我脫離了自己所扮演的角色,不過(guò)我并不經(jīng)常這樣做。)
  • 22、This isout of character for her.(這不是他妻子的特性。)
  • 23、And it would be completelyout of character.(這將完全有悖于他們自身。)
  • 24、It'sout of character for Jake to dance wildly like that. He's usually so conservative.(鄉(xiāng)巴佬那樣狂野的跳舞不符合他的個(gè)性。他總是這么保守。)
  • 25、I'll admit that my reciprocated actions wereout of character and I apologize.(不過(guò)我承認(rèn),隨后我報(bào)之以不妥當(dāng)?shù)男袨?,為此我表示歉意?

out of character基本釋義

out of character

英 [aut ?v ?k?rikt?] 美 [a?t ?v ?k?r?kt?] 
