
out there造句

out there造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:31:14


out there造句

  • 1、That's not to say there isn't any good new Jazz music being madeout there anymore.(這并不是指不再有新的爵士樂出現(xiàn)。)
  • 2、Maybe he's trying to cool offout there in the rain.(可能他是想在外面的雨中涼快一下。)
  • 3、Somewhereout there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.(那外面有個男人又冷又餓,還有人抓他,走投無路了。)
  • 4、He is, like most theorists,out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.(同大多數(shù)理論家一樣,他也是個怪人,對實驗得出的證據(jù)置之不理。)
  • 5、A wooer he stands at the doorout there.(一個求婚者站在外面的門口。)
  • 6、Other financial scandals areout there waiting to be unearthed.(其他金融丑聞?wù)写诒唤野l(fā)。)
  • 7、But there are lots of other good carsout there, too.(但是也有很多其他的好車。)
  • 8、There is a chocolate lollipopout there with his face on it.(有一種印著他頭像的巧克力棒棒糖。)
  • 9、The cow-herd answered, "It is still standingout there eating."(牧牛人回答說:“它還站在外面吃呢。”)
  • 10、There may be other worldsout there.(那里可能有其他星球。)
  • 11、Like any other personout there, I have both good habits and bad habits.(就像其它人一樣,我也有好習(xí)慣和壞習(xí)慣。)
  • 12、There is no point goingout there with a defeatist attitude.(帶著失敗的態(tài)度到那里去根本就沒有意義。)
  • 13、There is an object relational mapperout there that is a hidden gem.(那里有一個對象關(guān)系映射程序,它是一塊隱藏的寶石。) hao86.com
  • 14、There is a wonderful worldout there.(外面的世界很精彩!)
  • 15、Now you areout there racing.(現(xiàn)在,您已經(jīng)出場比賽了。)
  • 16、Conditions in prisonsout there are unimaginably bad.(那里各監(jiān)獄的條件難以想像地惡劣。)
  • 17、There's a lot of questionsout there for Doctor Strange.(奇異博士面臨的問題很多。)
  • 18、"My house isout there in the dark forest," he said.(“我的房子就在那片漆黑的森林里。”他說。)
  • 19、Of the new releases that areout there now, which do you think are really good?(現(xiàn)在外面新的發(fā)行物中,你覺得哪些真正好呢?)
  • 20、He'll beout there, dancing with the best of them.(他將出現(xiàn)在舞池中,跳得不亞于任何人。)
  • 21、The police tell me they've finished their investigationsout there.(警方告訴我他們已經(jīng)完成了在那邊的調(diào)查。)
  • 22、I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cowout there, just standing around.(我不是在開玩笑,弗蘭克。那邊有一頭奶牛,就在那里站著呢。)
  • 23、Instead of moping around the house all day, you should beout there looking for a job.(不要整天悶悶不樂地在家里晃悠,你應(yīng)該出去找份工作。)
  • 24、It is very much dog eat dogout there.(那簡直就是自相傾軋。)
  • 25、I don't know if there any big almond eatersout there.(我不知道那里有沒有非常喜歡吃杏仁的人。)
  • 26、It's a jungleout there—you've got to be strong to succeed.(那是個弱肉強食的地方—要成功就得是強者。)
  • 27、I saw a lot of silver foxesout there today.(我今天在那看到好多銀狐。)
  • 28、I wentout there on the front porch.(我走了出來,到了前門廊。)
  • 29、There are other heavenly bodiesout there besides the moon and stars.(除了月亮和星星外,那里還有其他天體。)

out there基本釋義

out there

英 [aut e??] 美 [a?t e?r] 
