
out of season造句

out of season造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:31:18


out of season造句

  • 1、Expensive, realistic masks — the kind that are the hit of the costume party — are increasingly being usedout of season, and not always for laughs.(如今,昂貴逼真的化裝舞會(huì)面具越來越多地在淡季被使用,也不單單是為了搞笑。)
  • 2、Sorry. They'reout of season now.(對(duì)不起,草莓現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)過了產(chǎn)季了。)
  • 3、Celebrate a holidayout of season, based upon your beliefs.(你可以基于你的信仰反季節(jié)慶祝節(jié)日。)
  • 4、I'm sorry, Sir, but that item isout of season. Would you care for something else in stead?(對(duì)不起,先生。這種東西已經(jīng)過了季節(jié)了。您要不要換點(diǎn)別的?)
  • 5、If the local farmer USES fossil fuel to heat his greenhouse to produce cropsout of season, his produce may not be the wisest purchase.(如果當(dāng)?shù)剞r(nóng)民使用化石燃料加熱溫室來生產(chǎn)反季作物,采購這樣的農(nóng)產(chǎn)品可能并不是最明智的。)
  • 6、Sorry, watermelon isout of season. How about Hamimelon?(對(duì)不起,西瓜已經(jīng)過時(shí)了。哈密瓜行嗎?)
  • 7、We were the occupants of a beachfront hut, all alone, it wasout of season.(那是在旅游淡季,我們獨(dú)自居住在一座海濱小屋里。)
  • 8、Hotel charges are lowerout of season.(旅館在淡季收費(fèi)較低。)
  • 9、Eat not in the streets, nor in your house,out of season.(不要在大街上吃東西,也不要不合時(shí)令地在房子里吃。)
  • 10、Watermelons are more than twice as expensive if you buy themout of season.(如果你在淡季里買西瓜,價(jià)格會(huì)貴出兩倍以上。)
  • 11、If you buy strawberriesout of season, they \ 're most likely imported from countries that use less-stringent regulations for pesticide use.(如果你不是在恰當(dāng)?shù)募竟?jié)中購買草莓,那么它們很有可能從那些不嚴(yán)格按照規(guī)定來使用農(nóng)藥的國(guó)家進(jìn)口來的。)
  • 12、I am lucky to get them since they will beout of season soon.(它們能出現(xiàn)坐在我眼前,我覺得十分的幸運(yùn),要知道這已經(jīng)快要過了吃蓮子的季節(jié)了。)
  • 13、Strawberries are nowout of season.(現(xiàn)在不是草莓當(dāng)令的時(shí)節(jié)。)
  • 14、These grapes are not ripe, they must beout of season because they don't taste very good.(這些葡萄還沒熟,一定是還沒到季節(jié)呢,因?yàn)椴缓贸浴?
  • 15、I'll never come to Monte Carloout of season again.(我再也不在淡季得時(shí)候來蒙特卡羅了。)
  • 16、They'reout of season. It's summer, remember? Tulips and daffodils come out in spring.(艾凡:它們不是這個(gè)季節(jié)的花卉?,F(xiàn)在是夏天,記得吧?郁金香和水仙花是春天的花卉。)
  • 17、For example, drip irrigation allowed Mr Thapa to grow cucumbersout of season, when they sold for three times their normal price.(比如說,有了滴灌技術(shù),塔帕就能種植反季節(jié)黃瓜。這種黃瓜的售價(jià)要比當(dāng)季的要高出三倍。)
  • 18、Don't buy fresh fruit and vegetables which areout of season, they may have been flown in.(不要買反季節(jié)的新鮮的水果和蔬菜,他們有可能已經(jīng)被污染。)
  • 19、Fresh strawberriesout of season are few and far between.(不和時(shí)的季節(jié)里新鮮草莓是很難找到的。)
  • 20、Master: Don't worry, crab has beenout of season. Try some greens!(主:你不用擔(dān)心,螃蟹下市了。嘗一點(diǎn)青菜好嗎?)
  • 21、Hunting is forbidden now; it isout of season.(現(xiàn)在禁止狩獵,已過狩獵時(shí)節(jié)。) haO86.com
  • 22、Strawberries areout of season now.(草莓現(xiàn)在已過旺季。)
  • 23、Holiday prices are much lowerout of season.(在度假淡季,度假費(fèi)用要低得多。)
  • 24、Hotels are cheaperout of season.(在淡季,旅館要便宜些。)
  • 25、Blood oranges areout of season now, but don’t let that deter you.(盡管紅橙現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)過季,可別因?yàn)檫@打消了你嘗試美味的念頭。)
  • 26、Do we buy fruitout of season or do we consider carbon emissions?(我們會(huì)買反季節(jié)水果,會(huì)考慮碳排放量的問題嗎?)
  • 27、They were caught fishingout of season.(人們撞見他們?cè)诮麚萍竟?jié)捕魚。)
  • 28、Well, watermelons areout of season.(哦,因?yàn)槲鞴线^季了嘛。)
  • 29、out of season travel has its advantages - it's less crowded, and many airfares and accommodation prices go right down.(在淡季出行有它的好處-它不那么擁擠,許多機(jī)票和住宿都有很大的折扣。)

out of season基本釋義

out of season

英 [aut ?v ?si:z?n] 美 [a?t ?v ?siz?n] 
已過時(shí); 不當(dāng)令; 不合時(shí)宜; 失去時(shí)機(jī)