
outer space造句

outer space造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:31:11


outer space造句

  • 1、They launched at least 2 spaceships intoouter space each year.(他們每年至少向外太空發(fā)射兩艘宇宙飛船。)
  • 2、Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air fromouter space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off.(來自外太空的各種宇宙射線通過空氣進入大氣層,但來自太陽的大量輻射卻被屏蔽了。)
  • 3、The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore theouter space.(宇宙其他行星上存在生命的可能性一直激勵著科學家探索外太空。)
  • 4、Songs include "Help Me Help You", "Spank It" (a hair-metal song), and "Reckless", in which one character imagines marrying an alien inouter space.(歌曲包括“HelpMeHelpYou”,“SpankIt”(一首微金屬歌曲)和“Reckless”(歌中一個角色想象自己與一個外星人在外太空結婚)。)
  • 5、outer space also seems loaded with the Lego blocks of life.(太空中似乎也滿載構成生命的元件。)
  • 6、Likewise, when inouter space, when you are orbiting the Earth, people are always floating around in these space stations.(同樣,在外太空中,當您繞地球運行時,人們總是在這些空間站中四處漂浮。)
  • 7、If a message is received fromouter space, it could be compared against this database.(如果收到來自外太空的消息,則可以將其與該數據庫進行比較。)
  • 8、Imagine that you and I go inouter space.(設想一下你和我將去到外太空。)
  • 9、That makes it a good accent for God and creatures fromouter space.(上帝和外太空生物很適合用這種口音講話。)
  • 10、Man has been fascinated byouter space for thousands of years.(人類對外部空間著迷已有上千年的歷史了。)
  • 11、In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 intoouter space.(前蘇聯于1957年發(fā)射了“伴侶1號”人造外星到了外太空。)
  • 12、A computer program that could help catch and ever translates from aliens inouter space has been started by a British scientist.(一名英國科學家開始了一種計算機程序,該程序可以幫助捕捉外太空的外星人并進行翻譯。)
  • 13、Exploreouter space?(探索外太空嗎?)
  • 14、Moon Express is not the only company seeking for the right to travel toouter space.(月球快遞并不是唯一一家尋求外太空旅行權利的公司。)
  • 15、Doesouter space even rob you of something to which you can anchor a spring?(外層空間甚至會剝奪你用來固定彈簧的東西嗎?)
  • 16、A scientist once said: "I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles fromouter space."(一位科學家曾經說過:“我已經得出結論,來自外太空的智能控制飛行器正在訪問地球?!?
  • 17、Do you believe it all in real life: the aliens, people fromouter space, UFOs, government conspiracies, all the things that the TV series deal with?(在現實生活中,你會完全相信電視劇里講的所有事情嗎?比如說外星人、來自外太空的人、不明飛行物以及政府陰謀。)
  • 18、Now you're inouter space.(假如你在外太空。)
  • 19、Director James Cameron located his film inouter space.(詹姆斯卡梅隆導演把他的電影設計在外太空。)
  • 20、Do you know that the "Happy Birthday to You" song is the first song sung inouter space?(你知道嗎?“祝你生日快樂”這首歌是在外太空唱的第一首歌。)
  • 21、Not exactlyouter space then, or the Cretaceous period.(而并不是外太空或是白堊紀。)
  • 22、The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reachingouter space.(科學家們仍致力于發(fā)明到達外層空間的新方法。)
  • 23、Alan Boss is the chairman of a group forouter space research.(艾倫·博斯是一個外層空間研究小組的主席。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 24、It looks as if she had just come back fromouter space.(她看起來彷佛剛從外太空回來似的。)
  • 25、Things are quiet as driving a Cadillac throughouter space.(有點類似于在外太空駕駛凱迪拉克。)
  • 26、Rocks that fall fromouter space.(來自外太空的石頭。)
  • 27、outer space is the common heritage of all mankind.(外空是全人類的共同財富。)
  • 28、Exploring theouter space is a real challenge to mankind.(探索外層太空對人類是真正的挑戰(zhàn)。)

outer space基本釋義

outer space

英 [?aut? speis] 美 [?a?t? spes] 
太空; 外層空間