pay out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:30:28


pay out造句

  • 1、The insurance industry willpay out billions of dollars for damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.(保險業(yè)將為卡特里娜颶風(fēng)造成的損失賠付數(shù)十億美元。)
  • 2、He used his new investors' money topay out the old.(他用新投資者的錢支付給老投資者。)
  • 3、"Insurance companies want to reduce their risk of having topay out," he says.(“保險公司想減少付費(fèi)的風(fēng)險,”他說。)
  • 4、But when the market falls, the insurer may have topay out all his previous gains.(但一旦證券市場發(fā)生大跌,承保人可能會賠掉先前所有的收益。)
  • 5、But this partlyreflects the choice of firms topay out a big chunk of their earnings.(但是這也部分反應(yīng)出公司選擇支付大量公司收益。)
  • 6、It would be unreasonable for you topay out of your own pockets.(要你們自己掏錢就不像話了。)
  • 7、And all this has been amplified into public outrage by the foolish decision topay out bumper bonuses again.(在愚蠢地決定繼續(xù)發(fā)放紅利時,所有的這些都在激怒公眾。)
  • 8、If Citadel liquidated assets topay out to investors, losses would be even greater.(城堡基金如果清償資產(chǎn),支付投資者時,其虧損會更大。)
  • 9、Better yet, a lot of customerspay out of pocket.(更有利的是許多客戶都是自掏腰包支付費(fèi)用。)
  • 10、On June 15, the House of Representatives passed a bill topay out the bonus.(6月15日,眾議院通過了關(guān)于支付補(bǔ)償金的法案。)
  • 11、But some of the states thatpay out the best prizes also raise the most money.(但一些有開出大獎的州還是提高了自己的最高獲獎額。)
  • 12、The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, a scheme backed by the World Bank, willpay out $8.5m.(由世界銀行發(fā)起的加勒比災(zāi)害風(fēng)險保險基金將支付8.5百萬美元。)
  • 13、Within weeks the world's two biggest auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, had topay out nearly $200m in guarantees to clients who had placed works for sale with them.(世界上最大的兩家拍賣行——蘇富比和佳士得——不得不向那些將作品交給他們拍賣的客戶支付近2億美元的保證金。)
  • 14、In 2007 and 2008, Shell came a very close fourth, so the firm decided topay out anyway.(在2007與2008年,殼牌位居非常接近目標(biāo)的第四位,于是公司還是決定發(fā)放獎金。)
  • 15、Will my travel insurance policypay out if I cancel my trip?(我取消了行程,我的保險費(fèi)能要回來嗎?)
  • 16、Will my insurance policypay out if the airline refuses to fly me?(如果航空公司拒絕我搭乘客機(jī),保險公司會賠付我的損失嗎?)
  • 17、Spain managed to sell the bonds but was forced topay out the highest interest for 14 years.(西班牙賣出了債券,但被迫必須以14年來最高的利息還債。)
  • 18、They must eitherpay out of pocket or take their chances in crowded hospital emergency rooms.(他們必須清空囊袋,要么就在人滿為患的急診室碰碰運(yùn)氣。)
  • 19、She managed to wheedle an extra day'spay out of him.(她花言巧語地騙他多付了一天錢。)
  • 20、You don't need topay out in order to have fun.(本周你不必為了娛樂而支付錢款。)
  • 21、Those who seek private care will have topay out of pocket.(那些尋求個人性的治療的人將不得不自掏腰包。)
  • 22、Like a swap, issuers of CPDOs get premium income upfront but have topay out if a company in the index defaults.(和掉期一樣,CPDO的發(fā)行人最初收入權(quán)利金,但是如果指數(shù)中的一家企業(yè)出現(xiàn)違約,它必須付出賠償。)
  • 23、It also expects topay out the most for the big hurricanes that battered southern states in 2005.(它有可能也會為2005年襲擊南部的颶風(fēng)付出眾保險公司中最高的賠償。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 24、You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company willpay out a lump sum.(你定期交納保險費(fèi),作為回報,保險公司會一次性付給你一筆錢。)

pay out基本釋義

pay out

英 [pei aut] 美 [pe a?t] 
付錢; 出錢