peace table造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:30:28


peace table造句

  • 1、These days peace can be brokered by signing deals on the negotiating table.(這些天,可以促成和平的簽署在談判桌上的交易。)
  • 2、Peace may be achieved around the negotiating table, but it is sustained around community tables.(和平或許可在談判桌上實(shí)現(xiàn),但是,和平只有放到社區(qū)的桌面上才能夠維持。)
  • 3、Peace talks broke down more than a year ago, and the Palestinians have refused to return to the negotiating table until Israel freezes all settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.(一年多之前,雙方之間的和平談判破裂。巴勒斯坦拒絕回到談判桌前,除非以色列凍結(jié)西岸和東耶路撒冷所有定居點(diǎn)的建設(shè)。)
  • 4、We enjoy our delicious food with our family members or friends while feeling the peace and people-loving world by using chopsticks at the table anytime.(我們?cè)诓妥郎鲜褂每曜?,與家人或朋友一起享受美味的食物,同時(shí)感受和平和人們所愛的世界。)
  • 5、Our peacekeepers are on the frontlines of conflict; our mediators bring warriors to thepeace table; our relief workers brave treacherous environments to deliver life-saving assistance.(我們的維和人員戰(zhàn)斗在沖突的第一線;我們的調(diào)解人將戰(zhàn)士引向和平談判桌前;我們的救援人員不畏艱險(xiǎn),救死扶傷。)
  • 6、But they also said that the offer will not remain on the table indefinitely, and indicated they could review their strategies on peace with Israel, depending on Israel's response.(但是,他們還說(shuō),他們不會(huì)無(wú)限期的支持這項(xiàng)倡議,他們會(huì)根據(jù)以色列的回應(yīng),和以色列一起審議他們的和平策略。)
  • 7、Israel wants to proceed to move forward in the peace process, and all the difficult issues, all the core issues of the conflict are on the table, including the sensitive issue of settlements.(以色列希望和平進(jìn)程能夠取得進(jìn)展,所有艱難的問題,沖突的所有核心問題都已經(jīng)開始討論,包括定居點(diǎn)的敏感問題。)
  • 8、Guterres also said that China can play an important role in the world need peace talks, China can be a sincere mediators, the conflict parties to negotiations success zone to the negotiating table.(古特雷斯還表示,中國(guó)可以在全世界急需的和平談判中發(fā)揮重要作用,中國(guó)可以作為真誠(chéng)的斡旋者,把沖突各方成功地帶到談判桌進(jìn)行談判。)
  • 9、The player with the Peace and Love on the table wins.(在桌面上放有和平和愛的玩家獲勝。)
  • 10、From the family unit seated around the dinner table to world leaders at the conference table, the name of the game is the pursuit of peace.(無(wú)論是一家人圍坐在飯桌前,還是國(guó)家級(jí)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人圍坐著會(huì)議桌前。他們的目的是一樣的——-追求和平。)
  • 11、Once, the Bundeswehr was a topic of conversation at the family table and the local bar, says Berthold Meyer of the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt.(法蘭克福和平研究所的BertholdMeyer談到:過(guò)去,人們?cè)诩页燥?、在?dāng)?shù)鼐瓢珊染?,談話的主題都是德國(guó)國(guó)防軍。)
  • 12、Peace can be achieved only around the negotiating table.(和平只可能在談判桌邊達(dá)成。)
  • 13、But the rooster would give them no peace until they finally got onto the table and began to eat the breadcrumbs with all their might.(最后他們跳上桌子拼命地啄食上面的面包屑,公雞這才消停下來(lái)。)
  • 14、Mr. Netanyahu said peace can only be achieved through direct talks, and he urged the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table.(內(nèi)塔尼亞胡說(shuō),只有直接談判才能實(shí)現(xiàn)和平,他敦促巴勒斯坦人返回談判桌。)
  • 15、And when warring sides sit at one table to negotiate peace, women are often excluded, even though it is their future and their children's future that is being decided.(而當(dāng)交戰(zhàn)雙方坐下來(lái)協(xié)商和平時(shí),婦女又往往被拒之門外,即使那將決定著她們及她們子孫后代的未來(lái)。)

peace table基本釋義